First, Bringover the public portions of [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>ColorCorrector.df. Start the color corrector by saying
ColorCorrector to the commander. Correct your ais files by saying
DoCC <inStem> <outStem>. The command file DoCC is currently set up to produce 4-color output for the Versatec. It can also do UCR and 3-color work.
inStem, outStem: Rope.ROPE, -- input and output file stems
matrix: Matrix.MatrixN, -- matrix from ReadMatrix
inTRCRed: TRCTable ← NIL, -- maps red sep to device density space
inTRCGrn: TRCTable ← NIL, -- maps grn sep to device density space
inTRCBlu: TRCTable ← NIL, -- maps blu sep to device density space
outTRCCyan: TRCTable ← NIL, -- device linearisation for cyan
outTRCMag: TRCTable ← NIL, -- device linearisation for mag
outTRCYel: TRCTable ← NIL, -- device linearisation for yel
outTRCBlack: TRCTable ← NIL, -- device linearisation for black - black printer profile
ucrTRC: TRCTable ← NIL, -- UCR profile
bpTRC: TRCTable ← NIL, -- black printer trc
mode: CCMode ← Color4, -- UCR / Color4 / Color3
normalize:BOOLEAN ← TRUE, -- matrix needs normalizing
invertMatrix: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] -- matrix needs inverting before application
-- applies profiles to input file to produce output file