From: Richard J. Beach, Editor-in-chief To: Cathryn Yunque, ACM HQ Date: January 15, 1987 Subject: SIGGRAPH Video Review Labels === I confess, I have gotten swept away with the design aspects of the SVR labels. I have spent the past several hours playing with our design illustrator and mocked-up sample labels for the SIGGRAPH Video Review. We already had the ACM and SIGGRAPH logos kicking about, and rest was easy to recreate. I have enclosed some samples for both 3/4-inch U-Matic and 1/2-inch VHS tape formats and with and without preprinted issue information. Printed as white-on-black they look quite sharp when mounted on the cases. I'm going to produce a set for our SVR library. For reference, you will also find enclosed a complete set of Xerox PARC labels for both 3/4-inch and 1/2-inch formats. Based on a quick survey of the videotapes we have at PARC, I observed that cassette labels and box label inserts were the most popular. Occasionally I encountered a VHS tape that was in a cardboard sleeve with printing, but that was primarily for temporary tapes (demo tapes from film studios, and home quality VHS tapes). Therefore, I concentrated on label inserts that fit the spaces on the boxes and on the tapes themselves. The 3/4-inch format has absolutely no problems. I compromised on the VHS format labels and avoided including a table of contents either on the tape label or on the box label insert. There simply is not enough space available. Just to see what could be done, I created a wrap-around label to cover the entire VHS box. This could be applied over the plastic insert holder if it was empty without unsightly bumps. If there were alternative cases available that had smooth sides, this label would work even better. The blank label sets have space for copying the issue numbers and tables of contents. My thought here was to prepare preprinted adhesive labels on photocopier stock that could be run through the copier to get the old issue information. Please telephone and let me know what you think. ������Êa��•StyleDefBeginStyle (Cedar) AttachStyle (firstHeadersAfterPage) {1} .cvx .def (root) "format for root nodes" { FontPrefix docStandard 2.0 in leftMargin 1.0 in rightMargin 5.5 in lineLength .5 in topMargin .5 in headerMargin .5 in footerMargin .5 in bottomMargin 24 pt topIndent 24 pt topLeading 0 pt leftIndent 0 pt rightIndent } StyleRule (memoHead) "for the To, From, Subject nodes at front of memos" { docStandard AlternateFontFamily 36 pt tabStops } StyleRule (ragged) "ragged style block paragraphs" { block flushLeft lineFormatting flushLeft lastLineFormatting AlternateFontFamily } StyleRule EndStyle˜�Ihead˜�Imemohead–0.8 in topLeadingšÏsœ"˜'L˜�LšÏtœž˜L˜�Lšžœ˜L˜�Lš œ˜%Iunleaded•ArtworkClassRule•ArtworkRule˜Iragged˜�N˜«N˜„N˜vN˜ÃN˜ÍN˜žN˜ìN˜0—�…—������k��