<> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Atom USING [PropList], Rope USING [ROPE], TextLooks USING [Looks, noLooks], TextNode USING [Location, Node], ViewerClasses USING [Viewer]; TEditDocument: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; TEditDocumentData: TYPE = REF TEditDocumentDataRec; TEditDocumentDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [ text: TextNode.Node, -- the underlying text data lineTable: LineTable, -- displayed line information clipLevel: ClipCount _ maxClip, -- controls level clipping for this viewer unused: [0..4) _ 0, scrollGlitch: BOOL _ FALSE, -- if true then try to glitch when scroll scrollSelectionId: SelectionId _ primary, -- scroll to make this visible fixStart: BOOL _ FALSE, -- fix it so it starts after CR or at start of node readOnly: BOOL _ FALSE, -- user edits inhibited movedOut: BOOL _ FALSE, -- have moved nodes out of document since last screen refresh movedIn: BOOL _ FALSE, -- have moved nodes into document since last screen refresh dirty: BOOL _ FALSE, -- haven't refreshed since last edit invisible: BOOL _ FALSE, -- refresh won't happen because iconic or obscured or ... tsInfo: TSInfo _ NIL, -- special procs when in typescript mode lockProcess: PROCESS _ NIL, -- process holding lock on this data structure who: ROPE, -- who locked the tdd lock: [0..64) _ 0, -- locking for put/get/paints etc. interrupt: [0..64) _ 0, -- number of processes waiting for lock and asking for interrupt < 0>> scroll: Scroll _ no, -- controls scrolling after refresh commentFilter: CommentFilter _ includeComments, -- controls showing of comment nodes propList: Atom.PropList _ NIL ]; SelectionId: TYPE = {primary, secondary, feedback}; ClipCount: TYPE = [0..32); maxClip: ClipCount = 31; -- use 5 bits for this CommentFilter: TYPE = { includeComments, excludeComments, onlyComments }; Scroll: TYPE = { no, endofdoc, endofsel }; LineTable: TYPE = REF LineTableRec; LineTableRec: TYPE = RECORD [ lastLine: INTEGER _ 0, lastY: INTEGER _ 0, lines: SEQUENCE maxLines: INTEGER OF LineRec ]; LineRec: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ pos: TextNode.Location, -- first character in line valid: BOOL _ TRUE, -- metrics valid for this line end: LineBreak _ eon, -- reason for line break nChars: [0..8192) _ 0, -- number of characters in line yOffset: INTEGER _ 0, -- baseline from top of viewer xOffset: INTEGER _ 0, -- line offset from left edge of viewer width: INTEGER _ 0, -- width of displayed bits ascent: INTEGER _ 0, -- dy above baseline descent: INTEGER _ 0 -- dy below baseline ]; LineBreak: TYPE = { eon, cr, wrap } _ eon; ttyChars: CARDINAL = 128; <> TSInfo: TYPE = REF TSInfoRec; TSInfoRec: TYPE = RECORD [ iIncr: CONDITION, -- raised whenever add to input looks: TextLooks.Looks _ TextLooks.noLooks, -- for PutChar inputRope: ROPE, -- for overflow from input array inputLoc: INT _ 0, -- index of next char to read from rope input: PACKED ARRAY [0..ttyChars) OF CHAR, iQp, oQp: [0..ttyChars) _ 0, -- read and write indexes for input buffer intParam: INT, -- parameter from TIP waitingInGetChar: BOOL _ FALSE, abort: BOOL _ FALSE ]; Selection: TYPE = REF SelectionRec; SelectionRec: TYPE = RECORD [ viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, data: TEditDocumentData, start: SelectionPoint, end: SelectionPoint, caretX, caretY: INTEGER, granularity: SelectionGrain, punctuation: PunctuationPosition, -- whether spaces are part of the selection insertion: BeforeAfter, looks: TextLooks.Looks _ TextLooks.noLooks, -- caret looks pendingDelete: BOOL _ FALSE -- Laurel-style pending deletion of selection ]; SelectionPoint: TYPE = RECORD [ pos: TextNode.Location, line: INTEGER _ 0, x: INTEGER _ 0, y: INTEGER _ 0, w: INTEGER _ 0, h: INTEGER _ 0, clipped: BOOL _ FALSE, metricsValid: BOOL _ FALSE ]; SelectionGrain: TYPE = {point, char, word, node, branch} _ char; PunctuationPosition: TYPE = {none, leading, trailing} _ none; BeforeAfter: TYPE = {before, after} _ before; fatalTiogaError: ERROR; SpinAndLock: PROC [tdd: TEditDocumentData, who: ROPE, interrupt, defer: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [ok: BOOL]; <> <> < 0, returns false without locking.>> Unlock: PROC [tdd: TEditDocumentData]; <> RecordViewerForRoot: PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, root: TextNode.Node]; ForgetViewer: PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer]; < viewer mapping>> GetViewerForRoot: PROC [root: TextNode.Node] RETURNS [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer]; END.