This interface provides the underlying data structures necessary to more than one definitions module within the Imager.
Last Edited by:
Crow, June 10, 1983 5:05 pm
Basic Numbers and Shapes
Vec: TYPE = RECORD [x, y: REAL];
IntVec: TYPE = RECORD [x, y: INTEGER];
Edge: TYPE = RECORD [a, b: Vec];
IntEdge: TYPE = RECORD [a, b: IntVec];
Rectangle: TYPE = RECORD [x, y, w, h: REAL];
IntRectangle: TYPE = RECORD [x, y, w, h: INTEGER];
ImagingSpace: TYPE = { client, viewer, device };
Context: TYPE = REF ContextRep; -- Holds the imager state
ContextRep: TYPE = RECORD [
procs: Procs,
interactive: BOOLEAN,
device: ImagingDevice,
deviceProcs: DeviceProcs,    -- Procedures supplied by device
currentSource: SourceRecord,
currentFont: Font,
currentIntPosition: IntVec,    -- CP kept in device space
currentPosition: Vec,     -- For those with floating point devices
   -- ********* Transformations ************
clientTransform: TransformRecord ← DefaultTransformRecord,
viewerTransform: TransformRecord ← DefaultTransformRecord,
deviceTransform: TransformRecord ← DefaultTransformRecord,
transform: TransformRecord,          -- composite transformation
   -- ***************** Clipping ***********
clientClipper: ClipperRecord ← DefaultClipperRecord,
viewerClipper: ClipperRecord ← DefaultClipperRecord,
deviceClipper: ClipperRecord ← DefaultClipperRecord,
clipper: ClipperRecord,              -- composite clipper
noClipArmed, noClip: BOOLEAN,
data: REF   -- Interpretation of this depends on the procs
TransformType: TYPE = { none, identity, rot90, rot180, rot270, mirrorX, mirrorY, mirror45Deg, mirror135Deg, hard };
TransformRecord: TYPE = RECORD [
x, y: INTEGER,
type: TransformType,
transformation: Transformation  -- used if type is "hard"
DefaultTransformRecord: TransformRecord = [0, 0, identity, NIL];
Transformation: TYPE = REF TransformRep;
TransformRep: TYPE = RECORD [
a, b, c, d, e, f: REAL
Representation of the transformation matrix
a b 0
c d 0
e f 1 (or tx ty 1)
Visibility: TYPE = {visible, partlyVisible, invisible};
ClipperType: TYPE = {none, rectangle, path};
ClipperRecord: TYPE = RECORD [
xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax: INTEGER,
type: ClipperType,
clipper: Clipper       -- used if type is "path"
DefaultClipperRecord: ClipperRecord = [0, 1024, 0, 1024, rectangle, NIL];
Clipper: TYPE = REF ClipperRep;
ClipperRep: TYPE = RECORD [
xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax: REAL,
paths: LIST OF RECORD [exclude: BOOLEAN, path: Path]
ImagingDevice: TYPE = ATOM; -- i.e. $LF, $CRT8, $CRT24, $PD, $IP, etc.
InteractiveImagingDevice: TYPE = ATOM; -- i.e. $LF, $CRT8, $CRT24
ByteSequence: TYPE = REF ByteSequenceRep;
SetUpProc:   TYPE = PROC [] RETURNS [TransformRecord, ClipperRecord, DeviceProcs]; -- get memory, pin it, set the transform, clipper, and device procs
ShutDownProc: TYPE = PROC [];        -- free memory
OpenPixelBufferProc: TYPE = PROC [buffer: PixelArray ← NIL] RETURNS [PixelArray]; -- redirect writes for double-buffer
ClosePixelBufferProc: TYPE = PROC [];       -- drop pixel buffer ref       
RGBtoPixelProc: TYPE = PROC [color: RGBValue] RETURNS [PxlValue]; -- Color to device transform
PixeltoRGBProc: TYPE = PROC [pxlValue: PxlValue] RETURNS [RGBValue];
HilitePxlsProc: TYPE = PROC [area: IntRectangle]; -- Device dependent highlighting scheme
MovePxlsProc: TYPE = PROC [source: IntRectangle, destination: IntVec]; -- move on display
GetPxlsProc:  TYPE = PROC [source: IntRectangle] RETURNS [PixelArray];
LoadPxlsProc: TYPE = PROC [source: PixelArray ← NIL, destination: IntVec];
LoadScanSegProc: TYPE = PROC [x, y, length: CARDINAL, segment: ByteSequence];
LoadTrapezoidProc: TYPE = PROC [top, bottom, leftTop, leftBot, rightTop, rightBot: CARDINAL, pxlValue: PxlValue];        -- Scan convert trapezoid, constant color
SetPixelProc:  TYPE = PROC [x, y: CARDINAL, pxlValue: PxlValue];
GetPixelProc:  TYPE = PROC [x, y: CARDINAL] RETURNS [PxlValue];
DrawLineProc: TYPE = PROC [a, b: IntVec, pxlValue: PxlValue]; -- fast line, constant color
DeviceProcs: TYPE = REF DeviceProcsRec;
DeviceProcsRec: TYPE = RECORD[
setUp: SetUpProc,
shutDown: ShutDownProc,
openPixelBuffer: OpenPixelBufferProc,
closePixelBuffer: ClosePixelBufferProc,
RGBtoPixel: RGBtoPixelProc,
pixeltoRGB: PixeltoRGBProc,
hilitePxls: HilitePxlsProc,
movePxls: MovePxlsProc,
getPxls: GetPxlsProc,
loadPxls: LoadPxlsProc,
loadScanSeg: LoadScanSegProc,
loadTrapezoid: LoadTrapezoidProc,
setPixel: SetPixelProc,
getPixel: GetPixelProc,
drawLine: DrawLineProc
];  -- this doesn't seem to help PD and InterPress master devices much, what to do??
Font: TYPE = REF;
SourceType: TYPE = { black, white, constant, pixelarray, sampled, functional };
RGBValue: TYPE = RECORD [ red, green, blue: REAL];
AISFile: TYPE[1];            -- to be filled in
SourceRecord: TYPE = RECORD [
type: SourceType,
color: RGBValue,
pxlValue: PxlValue,     -- TYPE = LONG CARDINAL
samples: REF ANYNIL   -- gets NARROWed by called procedure
Sampled Sources - Interpress model
SampleSequence: TYPE = REF SampleSequenceRep;
SampleSequenceRep: TYPE = RECORD [
length: NAT,
SampledSource: TYPE = REF SampledSourceRep;
SampledSourceRep: TYPE = RECORD [
transformation: Transformation,
From the SampledImage's coordinate system to the standard coordinate system.
colorModel: ColorModel,
maximumSampleValue: LONG CARDINAL,
sampledSourceProc: PROC [sampledSource: SampledSource,
sampleSequence: SampleSequence,
The samples should be appended onto the end of this sequence.
numberOfSamples: NAT,
x0, y0, deltaX, deltaY: INTEGER -- Description of the sample line, in the SampledImage's coordinate system. The delta values tell how to get to the next point.
] ← NIL,
data: REF ANY
ColorModel: TYPE = ATOM;
Pixel arrays are scanned in a standard way. Therefore BitBlt can be used to move them around. They are intended to be the fast form of Sample Arrays.
PixelArray: TYPE = REF PixelArrayRep;
PixelArrayRep: TYPE = RECORD [
pixelsPerWord: CARDINAL,
numberOfRows: CARDINAL,
pixelsPerRow: CARDINAL,
array: LONG POINTER,   -- pointer to block of memory representing pixels
colorTable: REF     -- nil, or pointer to pixel-to-color translation table
A client of the Imager may keep a path representation in a form appropriate for its own use; it only needs to unravel it into a series of MoveTo, LineTo and CurveTo operations when it is asked.
Path: TYPE = REF PathRep;
PathRep: TYPE = RECORD [
generateProc: PROC [
path: Path,
transformation: Transformation,
move: PROC [Vec],
line: PROC [Vec],
curve: PROC [Vec, Vec, Vec]
data: REF ANY
StrokeEnds: TYPE = {butt, square, round};
Things we're not gonna tell you (opaque types)
Procs: TYPE = REF ProcsRec;
ProcsRec: TYPE;