// IfsTelnetInit2.bcpl -- instance initialization and cleanup
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982
// Last modified September 18, 1983  1:29 PM by Taft

get "Pup.decl"
get "IfsRs.decl"
get "IfsTelnet.decl"
get "IfsFiles.decl"

// outgoing procedures
InitTelnetJob; CleanupTelnetJob

// incoming procedures
TelnetErrors; TelnetOtherPup; Plural
CreateUserInfo; DestroyUserInfo; DestroyJob
ActiveJobs; PrintIFSVersion
InitRingBuffer; FreePointer; PutTemplate; Block
Puts; Allocate; Free; SetBlock; Zero; SysErr

// incoming statics
sysZone; dsp; telnetEvents; noLoginKT; maxJobs; offsetBSPStr

let InitTelnetJob(ctx) be
// Initializes an instance of a Telnet job
ctx>>TCtx.bspStream = ctx>>TCtx.bspSoc + offsetBSPStr
ctx>>TCtx.bspStream>>ST.error = TelnetErrors
ctx>>TCtx.bspSoc>>BSPSoc.bspOtherPupProc = TelnetOtherPup
ctx>>TCtx.bspSoc>>BSPSoc.par1 = ctx
ctx>>TCtx.userInfo = CreateUserInfo()
let buf = Allocate(sysZone, lenTypeinBuf)
InitRingBuffer(lv ctx>>TCtx.iRBD, buf, lenTypeinBuf)
ctx>>TCtx.topKT = noLoginKT
ctx>>TCtx.initialized = true  // Let TelnetProcess work on it

let activeJobs = ActiveJobs()
Puts(dsp, $*n)
PrintIFSVersion(dsp, "Executive")
PutTemplate(dsp, "; $D user$S out of $D.",
 activeJobs, Plural(activeJobs), maxJobs)

and CleanupTelnetJob(ctx) be
// Cleans up and kills a Telnet job
ctx>>TCtx.initialized = false  // disable telnet processing
let oldEvents = telnetEvents  // wait for telnet process to finish
Block() repeatwhile oldEvents eq telnetEvents
FreePointer(lv ctx>>TCtx.iRBD.buffer)
CloseBSPSocket(ctx>>TCtx.bspSoc, (ctx>>TCtx.timeout? 0, telnetPutsTimeout))
DestroyJob()  // self-destruct