-- file EntityEditor.mesa -- created by Donahue, October 18, 1982 1:48 pm -- last edited by: Donahue December 29, 1982 11:57 am DIRECTORY DB: TYPE USING[ Entity, Segment ], ViewerClasses: TYPE USING[ Viewer ], VTables: TYPE USING[ VTable ]; EntityEditor: DEFINITIONS IMPORTS DB = BEGIN OPEN DB, ViewerClasses, VTables; SaveFailed: ERROR; DisplayEntities: PROC[ of: Entity, parent: Viewer, in: DB.Segment, noEdits: BOOLEAN _ FALSE ] RETURNS[ viewer: VTable ]; -- make a nested viewer (a VTable) that has all of the tuples for the "*" relation, using the -- entity provided as the "of" field -- if noEdits is true then the table produced cannot be changed -- the viewer produced is NOT painted -- the entities are displayed in iconic form (yellow-bugging them "opens" them, blue-bugging -- deletes them from the display) NewEntry: PROC[ is: Entity, table: VTable ]; -- add a new entry to the table -- The table will be expanded as necessary to contain the new icon (duplicates are not stored) -- Again, the table is not painted and no updates are actually made to the database SaveEntities: PROC[ viewer: Viewer, in: DB.Segment, newOf: Entity _ NIL ]; -- given a table set up by DisplayEntities, add all of its contents to the database -- if a newOf is provided, then it will be used to create new relationships with all of the -- entities that are displayed in the table; otherwise all of the existing relationships for the -- entity provided when the table was created will be updated -- if a log is provided, then all changes will be logged END. Ęĸ˜Jš>Īc€œĪk œžœžœ&žœžœžœžœž œžœ žœžœ.žœ ĪnœžœAžœžœžœķœŸœžœ! œ_œTœŸ œžœ2žœTœĪe­œžœ˜Ú —…—\