--M. Stone September 26, 1980 5:42 PM --subdivision, patricks test for change in tangent DIRECTORY RealFns: FROM "RealFns", SplineDefs: FROM "SplineDefs", PressLineDefs: FROM "PressLineDefs", InlineDefs: FROM "InlineDefs", PointDefs: FROM "PointDefs"; PressLines: PROGRAM IMPORTS RealFns,SplineDefs EXPORTS PressLineDefs= BEGIN OPEN PointDefs,PressLineDefs; --calling proc must START Float and Init Splines diff,eps,magtstart,W,deltaT: REAL; prec: INTEGER _ 20; t,p,start,tstart,next: ObjPt; firstpt: ObjPt; end,End0: End; PutCurve: PutProc; lastx,lasty,Tol: REAL; ONE: REAL _ 1; E2: REAL _ 100; half: REAL _ ONE/2; Vals: TYPE= RECORD[Fx,Cx,Tx: REAL, Fy,Cy,Ty: REAL]; RABS: PROCEDURE[r: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] = INLINE BEGIN IF r<0 THEN RETURN[-r] ELSE RETURN[r]; END; ContourCubic: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[coeffs: POINTER TO SplineDefs.Coeffs, w: REAL, end0,end1: End, putCurve: PutProc]= BEGIN p0,p1,t0,t1: ObjPt; i: CARDINAL; val0,val1: Vals; dtanx,dtany: REAL; zeropt: ObjPt _ [0,0]; FOR i IN [X..Y] DO p0[i] _ coeffs.t0[i]; p1[i] _ coeffs.t0[i]+coeffs.t1[i]+coeffs.t2[i]+coeffs.t3[i]; t0[i] _ coeffs.t1[i]; t1[i] _ coeffs.t1[i]+2*coeffs.t2[i]+3*coeffs.t3[i]; ENDLOOP; --do lines directly IF coeffs.t3=coeffs.t2 AND coeffs.t2=zeropt THEN BEGIN ContourLine[p0,p1,w,end0,end1,putCurve]; RETURN; END; firstpt _ p0; start _ p0; tstart _ t0; deltaT _ 0; magtstart _ tstart[X]*tstart[X]+tstart[Y]*tstart[Y]; --can't run the algorithm with magtstart=0. Is probably a badly parameterized --Bezier curve. Punt IF magtstart=0 THEN BEGIN ContourLine[p0,p1,w,end0,end1,putCurve]; RETURN; END; End0_ end0; W _ w; eps _ prec/E2; --from Draw PutCurve _ putCurve; --set initial values. assume t0=0, t1=1 --F[0], F[1], T[0],T[1], C _ (6at+2b)/2 --d is 1/2, but things will be div by 4 first time thru, so don't divide here val0.Fx _ p0[X]; val0.Tx _ t0[X]; val0.Cx _ coeffs.t2[X]; val0.Fy _ p0[Y]; val0.Ty _ t0[Y]; val0.Cy _ coeffs.t2[Y]; lastx _ val1.Fx _ p1[X]; val1.Tx _ t1[X]; val1.Cx _ (3*coeffs.t3[X]+coeffs.t2[X]); lasty _ val1.Fy _ p1[Y]; val1.Ty _ t1[Y]; val1.Cy _ (3*coeffs.t3[Y]+coeffs.t2[Y]); dtanx _ (3*coeffs.t3[X]); dtany _ (3*coeffs.t3[Y]); Tol _ 2*w; DrawCurve[val0, val1,dtanx,dtany,1] END; --recursive subdivision DrawCurve: PROCEDURE[val1,val2: Vals, dtanX,dtanY: REAL, thisT: REAL ]= BEGIN DO SELECT TRUE FROM --is small or flat. check tangent (RABS[val1.Cx] < half AND RABS[val1.Cy] < half AND RABS[val2.Cx] < half AND RABS[val2.Cy] < half) OR (RABS[val1.Fx-val2.Fx] <=Tol AND RABS[val1.Fy-val2.Fy] <=Tol)=> BEGIN deltaT _ deltaT+thisT; t[X] _ val2.Tx; t[Y] _ val2.Ty; diff _ ABS[(t[Y]*tstart[X]-t[X]*tstart[Y])/magtstart]; IF diff< eps AND (RABS[lastx-val2.Fx]>=1 OR RABS[lasty-val2.Fy]>=1) THEN RETURN; p[X] _ val2.Fx; p[Y] _ val2.Fy; end _ (IF p=firstpt THEN End0 ELSE round); --scale the tangents next _ t; t[X] _ t[X]*deltaT; t[Y] _t[Y]*deltaT; tstart[X] _ tstart[X]*deltaT; tstart[Y] _tstart[Y]*deltaT; ContourCurve[start,p,tstart,t,W,end,round,PutCurve]; start _ p; tstart _ next; deltaT _ 0; magtstart _ tstart[X]*tstart[X]+tstart[Y]*tstart[Y]; RETURN; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN valc: Vals; thisT _ thisT/2; val1.Cx _ val1.Cx/4; val2.Cx _ val2.Cx/4; valc.Cx _ (val1.Cx+val2.Cx)/2; valc.Fx _ ((val1.Fx+val2.Fx)/2) - valc.Cx; val1.Cy _ val1.Cy/4; val2.Cy _ val2.Cy/4; valc.Cy _ (val1.Cy+val2.Cy)/2; valc.Fy _ ((val1.Fy+val2.Fy)/2) - valc.Cy; dtanX _ dtanX/4; dtanY _ dtanY/4; valc.Tx _ ((val1.Tx+val2.Tx)/2) - dtanX; valc.Ty _ ((val1.Ty+val2.Ty)/2) - dtanY; DrawCurve[val1,valc,dtanX,dtanY,thisT]; val1 _valc; --instead of a second call to DrawCurve END; ENDLOOP; END; ContourCurve: PROCEDURE[p0,p1,t0,t1: ObjPt, w: REAL, end0,end1: End, putCurve: PutProc]= BEGIN length: REAL; nx0,ny0,nx1,ny1: REAL; coeffs: SplineDefs.Coeffs; ncoeffs: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF SplineDefs.Coeffs; --used by makespline pt0,pt1: ObjPt; array: ARRAY[0..3] OF ObjPt; knots: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF ObjPt _ DESCRIPTOR[array]; length _ RealFns.SqRt[t0[X]*t0[X]+t0[Y]*t0[Y]]; IF length = 0 THEN BEGIN t0[X] _ 1; t0[Y] _ 0; length _ 1; END; ny0 _ w*t0[X]/length; nx0 _ -w*t0[Y]/length; --[nx0,ny0] is a vector normal to t0, w long length _ RealFns.SqRt[t1[X]*t1[X]+t1[Y]*t1[Y]]; IF length = 0 THEN BEGIN t1[X] _ 1; t1[Y] _ 0; length _ 1; END; ny1 _ w*t1[X]/length; nx1 _ -w*t1[Y]/length; --[nx1,ny1] is a vector normal to t1, w long pt0 _ [p0[X]+nx0,p0[Y]+ny0]; IF end0=square THEN pt0 _ [pt0[X]-ny0,pt0[Y]+nx0]; --move it back a unit pt1 _ [p1[X]+nx1,p1[Y]+ny1]; IF end1=square THEN pt1 _ [pt1[X]+ny1,pt1[Y]-nx1]; --move it up a unit coeffs _ MakeCoeffs[pt0,pt1,t0,t1]; putCurve[@coeffs,TRUE]; --start new object --first end SELECT end1 FROM flat,square => BEGIN coeffs.t0 _ pt1; coeffs.t1 _ [-2*nx1,-2*ny1]; coeffs.t3 _ coeffs.t2 _ [0,0]; pt1 _ [pt1[X]+coeffs.t1[X],pt1[Y]+coeffs.t1[Y]]; END; round => BEGIN knots[0] _ pt1; knots[3] _ [p1[X]-nx1,p1[Y]-ny1]; knots[1] _ [knots[0][X]+ny1*4/3,knots[0][Y]-nx1*4/3]; knots[2] _ [knots[3][X]+ny1*4/3,knots[3][Y]-nx1*4/3]; ncoeffs _ SplineDefs.MakeSpline[knots,bezier]; coeffs _ ncoeffs[0]; SplineDefs.FreeCoeffs[ncoeffs]; pt1 _ knots[3]; END; ENDCASE; putCurve[@coeffs,FALSE]; --second side pt0 _ [p0[X]-nx0,p0[Y]-ny0]; IF end0=square THEN pt0 _ [pt0[X]-ny0,pt0[Y]+nx0]; --move it back a unit t0 _ [-t0[X],-t0[Y]]; t1 _ [-t1[X],-t1[Y]]; coeffs _ MakeCoeffs[pt1,pt0,t1,t0]; putCurve[@coeffs,FALSE]; --second end SELECT end0 FROM flat,square => BEGIN coeffs.t0 _ pt0; coeffs.t1 _ [2*nx0,2*ny0]; coeffs.t3 _ coeffs.t2 _ [0,0]; END; round => BEGIN knots[0] _ pt0; knots[3] _ [p0[X]+nx0,p0[Y]+ny0]; knots[1] _ [knots[0][X]-ny0*4/3,knots[0][Y]+nx0*4/3]; knots[2] _ [knots[3][X]-ny0*4/3,knots[3][Y]+nx0*4/3]; ncoeffs _ SplineDefs.MakeSpline[knots,bezier]; coeffs _ ncoeffs[0]; SplineDefs.FreeCoeffs[ncoeffs]; END; ENDCASE; putCurve[@coeffs,FALSE]; END; --2 points and 2 tangents to make a curve (Hermite) MakeCoeffs: PROCEDURE[p0,p1,t0,t1: ObjPt] RETURNS[coeffs: SplineDefs.Coeffs] = BEGIN i: CARDINAL; FOR i IN [X..Y] DO coeffs.t3[i] _ 2*p0[i]-2*p1[i]+t0[i]+t1[i]; coeffs.t2[i] _ -3*p0[i]+3*p1[i]-2*t0[i]-t1[i]; coeffs.t1[i] _ t0[i]; coeffs.t0[i] _ p0[i]; ENDLOOP; END; ContourLine: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[p0,p1: ObjPt, w: REAL, end0,end1: End, putCurve: PutProc]= BEGIN length: REAL; dx,dy,nx,ny: REAL; coeffs: SplineDefs.Coeffs; ncoeffs: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF SplineDefs.Coeffs; --used by makespline pt: ObjPt; array: ARRAY[0..3] OF ObjPt; knots: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF ObjPt _ DESCRIPTOR[array]; dx _ p1[X]-p0[X]; dy _ p1[Y]-p0[Y]; length _ RealFns.SqRt[dx*dx+dy*dy]; IF length = 0 THEN BEGIN dx _ 1; dy _ 0; length _ 1; END; ny _ w*dx/length; nx _ -w*dy/length; --[nx,ny] is a vector normal to the line, w long coeffs _ [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]]; coeffs.t0 _ [p0[X]+nx,p0[Y]+ny]; IF end0=square THEN coeffs.t0 _ [coeffs.t0[X]-ny,coeffs.t0[Y]+nx]; --move it back a unit pt _ [p1[X]+nx,p1[Y]+ny]; IF end1=square THEN pt _ [pt[X]+ny,pt[Y]-nx]; --move it up a unit coeffs.t1 _ [pt[X]-coeffs.t0[X], pt[Y]-coeffs.t0[Y]]; putCurve[@coeffs,TRUE]; --start new object --first end SELECT end1 FROM flat,square => BEGIN coeffs.t0 _ pt; coeffs.t1 _ [-2*nx,-2*ny]; pt _ [pt[X]+coeffs.t1[X],pt[Y]+coeffs.t1[Y]]; END; round => BEGIN knots[0] _ pt; knots[3] _ [p1[X]-nx,p1[Y]-ny]; knots[1] _ [knots[0][X]+ny*4/3,knots[0][Y]-nx*4/3]; knots[2] _ [knots[3][X]+ny*4/3,knots[3][Y]-nx*4/3]; ncoeffs _ SplineDefs.MakeSpline[knots,bezier]; coeffs _ ncoeffs[0]; SplineDefs.FreeCoeffs[ncoeffs]; pt _ knots[3]; END; ENDCASE; putCurve[@coeffs,FALSE]; --second side coeffs _ [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]]; coeffs.t0 _ pt; pt _ [p0[X]-nx,p0[Y]-ny]; IF end0=square THEN pt _ [pt[X]-ny,pt[Y]+nx]; --move it back a unit coeffs.t1 _ [pt[X]-coeffs.t0[X], pt[Y]-coeffs.t0[Y]]; putCurve[@coeffs,FALSE]; --second end SELECT end0 FROM flat,square => BEGIN coeffs.t0 _ pt; coeffs.t1 _ [2*nx,2*ny]; END; round => BEGIN knots[0] _ pt; knots[3] _ [p0[X]+nx,p0[Y]+ny]; knots[1] _ [knots[0][X]-ny*4/3,knots[0][Y]+nx*4/3]; knots[2] _ [knots[3][X]-ny*4/3,knots[3][Y]+nx*4/3]; ncoeffs _ SplineDefs.MakeSpline[knots,bezier]; coeffs _ ncoeffs[0]; SplineDefs.FreeCoeffs[ncoeffs]; END; ENDCASE; putCurve[@coeffs,FALSE]; END; --round a Double to an INTEGER (635)\39i51I275i50I END.