-- Compiler PressDefs/n -- Dawson, July 9, 1979 9:09 AM --Tiberi November 7, 1979 8:27 PM -- interface module for press file creation DIRECTORY StyleDefs: FROM "StyleDefs", GriffinFontDefs: FROM "GriffinFontDefs"; PressDefs: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN X: CARDINAL = 1; Y: CARDINAL = 2; maxPressDistance: CARDINAL = 30000; PressCoord: TYPE = CARDINAL [0 .. maxPressDistance]; PressCoords: TYPE = ARRAY [X .. Y] OF PressCoord; ColorDescriptor: TYPE = RECORD -- defaults to black [hue: [0 .. 255] ← 0, saturation: [0 .. 255] ← 0, brightness: [0 .. 255] ← 0]; PressFloat: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; -- see BCPL Float package documentation PressSpline: TYPE = RECORD [Ax, Bx, Cx, Ay, By, Cy: PressFloat]; BeginPress: PROCEDURE [filestring: STRING ← , overwrite: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, copies: CARDINAL ← 1] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; BeginPage: PROCEDURE [lowerleft: PressCoords ← PressCoords [26,300]]; EndPage: PROCEDURE; EndPress: PROCEDURE RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; ShowText: PROCEDURE [color: ColorDescriptor, textstring: STRING, presscoords: PressCoords, orientation: StyleDefs.Orientation, anchor: StyleDefs.Anchor,font: GriffinFontDefs.FontDescriptor]; ShowRectangle: PROCEDURE [color: ColorDescriptor, presscoords: PressCoords, width, height: PressCoord]; BeginObject: PROCEDURE [color: ColorDescriptor]; EndObject: PROCEDURE; MoveTo, DrawTo: PROCEDURE [presscoords: PressCoords]; DrawCurve: PROCEDURE [spline: PressSpline]; PressError: SIGNAL; END.