-- Compiler menu/nb -- MStone November 26, 1980 5:50 PM -- Tiberi January 25, 1980 1:37 PM DIRECTORY MenuDefs: FROM "MenuDefs", ControllerDefs: FROM "ControllerDefs", StringDefs: FROM "StringDefs", ScreenDefs: FROM "ScreenDefs", StyleDefs: FROM "StyleDefs", RefreshDefs: FROM "RefreshDefs", GriffinFontDefs: FROM "GriffinFontDefs", PointDefs: FROM "PointDefs", ObjectDefs: FROM "ObjectDefs" USING [MenuOrientation, StartObject, ObjectProc, ForAllObjects, ReplotBoxFromObject], GriffinMemoryDefs: FROM "GriffinMemoryDefs"; Menu: PROGRAM IMPORTS StringDefs, ObjectDefs, GriffinFontDefs, GriffinMemoryDefs, ScreenDefs, ControllerDefs, RefreshDefs, PointDefs EXPORTS MenuDefs SHARES MenuDefs = BEGIN OPEN MenuDefs, ObjectDefs; X: INTEGER = PointDefs.X; Y: INTEGER = PointDefs.Y; menuLineWidth: INTEGER = 3; menuMargin: INTEGER = 4; menuTopMargin: INTEGER = 1; menuStyle: StyleDefs.StyleHandle ← NIL; menuFont: GriffinFontDefs.FontDescriptor; menuHeight: INTEGER ← 0; menuBaseLine: INTEGER ← 0; menuGrey: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..3] OF CARDINAL ← NIL; black: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..3] OF CARDINAL ← NIL; twoLineWidth: INTEGER = 2*menuLineWidth; MenuStyle: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [StyleDefs.StyleHandle] = BEGIN RETURN [menuStyle] END; CreateMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [orientation: MenuOrientation, tl: PointDefs.ScrPt, title: STRING] RETURNS [menu: MenuHandle] = BEGIN menu ← LOOPHOLE [StartObject [menu], MenuHandle]; -- a MenuHandle is a POINTER TO menu Object menu.head ← NIL; menu.validEncoding ← TRUE; menu.style ← menuStyle; menu.orientation ← orientation; menu.visible ← FALSE; menu.tl ← tl; -- leave space for enclosing box SELECT orientation FROM vertical => BEGIN menu.br [X] ← tl [X] + twoLineWidth-1; menu.br [Y] ← tl [Y] + menuLineWidth-1; END; horizontal => BEGIN menu.br [X] ← tl [X] + menuLineWidth-1; menu.br [Y] ← tl [Y] + twoLineWidth + menuHeight; END; ENDCASE; IF title # NIL AND title.length > 0 THEN AddMenuItem [menu, title, NullMenuProc].inverted ← TRUE; END; NullMenuProc: MenuProc = BEGIN END; ItemWidth: PROCEDURE [string:STRING] RETURNS [INTEGER] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN [PointDefs.ObjValToScrVal[GriffinFontDefs.StringWidth [string, @menuFont, menuStyle.orientation]] + menuMargin - 1]; END; AddMenuItem: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle, string: STRING, proc: MenuProc] RETURNS [MenuItemHandle] = BEGIN newitem: MenuItemHandle; rover: MenuItemHandle; first: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; newitem ← GriffinMemoryDefs.Allocate [SIZE [MenuItem]]; newitem↑ ← [link: NIL, menu: menu, selected: FALSE, inverted: FALSE, tl: , br: , string: NIL, proc: proc]; IF menu.head=NIL THEN BEGIN first ← TRUE; menu.head ← newitem END ELSE BEGIN FOR rover ← menu.head, rover.link UNTIL rover.link = NIL DO ENDLOOP; --find end rover.link ← newitem END; SELECT menu.orientation FROM vertical => BEGIN newitem.tl [X] ← menu.tl [X] + menuLineWidth; newitem.tl [Y] ← menu.br [Y] + 1; END; horizontal => BEGIN newitem.tl [X] ← menu.br [X] + 1; newitem.tl [Y] ← menu.tl [Y] + menuLineWidth; END; ENDCASE; newitem.string ← GriffinMemoryDefs.AllocateString [string.length]; StringDefs.AppendString [newitem.string, string]; SELECT menu.orientation FROM vertical => BEGIN width: INTEGER ← ItemWidth[string]; IF first OR menu.tl[X] + width + twoLineWidth > menu.br [X] THEN ChangeMenuWidth[menu, ItemWidth[string]] ELSE newitem.br [X] ← menu.br [X] - menuLineWidth; newitem.br [Y] ← newitem.tl [Y] + menuHeight; menu.br [Y] ← newitem.br [Y] + menuLineWidth; END; horizontal => BEGIN newitem.br [X] ← newitem.tl [X] + ItemWidth[string]; newitem.br [Y] ← menu.br [Y] - menuLineWidth; menu.br [X] ← newitem.br [X] + menuLineWidth END; ENDCASE; IF menu.visible THEN RefreshDefs.EraseAndSave[menu]; RETURN [newitem]; END; ChangeMenuWidth: PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle, width: INTEGER] = BEGIN OPEN ObjectDefs; WidenMenu: MenuProc = BEGIN item.br [X] ← item.tl [X] + width; END; IF menu.orientation # vertical THEN ERROR; ForAllMenuItems [menu, WidenMenu]; menu.br [X] ← menu.tl [X] + width + twoLineWidth; IF menu.visible THEN RefreshDefs.EraseAndSave[menu]; END; ForAllMenus: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [proc: PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle]] = BEGIN OPEN ObjectDefs; IsMenu: ObjectProc = BEGIN WITH object: obj SELECT FROM menu => proc[@object]; ENDCASE; END; ForAllObjects[IsMenu]; END; ForAllMenuItems: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle, proc: MenuProc] = BEGIN rover: MenuItemHandle; FOR rover ← menu.head, rover.link UNTIL rover = NIL DO proc [rover] ENDLOOP; END; PlotMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle] = BEGIN tl, br: PointDefs.ScrPt; ScreenDefs.EraseBox[menu.tl, menu.br]; ScreenDefs.SetFunction[replace]; ScreenDefs.SetFillParms[menuGrey]; menu.visible ← TRUE; --top edge: tl ← menu.tl; br [X] ← menu.br[X]; br [Y] ← tl [Y] + menuLineWidth - 1; ScreenDefs.BoxFill [tl, br]; --left edge: br [X] ← tl [X] + menuLineWidth - 1; br [Y] ← menu.br [Y]; tl ← menu.tl; ScreenDefs.BoxFill [tl, br]; -- the right edge: tl [X] ← menu.br [X] - menuLineWidth + 1; tl [Y] ← menu.tl [Y]; br ← menu.br; ScreenDefs.BoxFill [tl, br]; -- the bottom edge: tl [X] ← menu.tl [X]; tl [Y] ← menu.br [Y] - menuLineWidth + 1; br ← menu.br; ScreenDefs.BoxFill [tl, br]; ForAllMenuItems [menu, ShowItem]; END; ShowMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle] = BEGIN menu.visible ← TRUE; RefreshDefs.PlotAndMark[menu]; END; HideMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle] = BEGIN menu.visible ← FALSE; RefreshDefs.EraseAndSave[menu]; END; ShowItem: PUBLIC MenuProc = BEGIN tl, br: PointDefs.ScrPt; screen: ScreenDefs.ScreenPtr ← ScreenDefs.GetCurrentScreen[]; tl ← item.tl; br ← IF item.menu.orientation = vertical THEN [item.br[X], item.br[Y] + menuLineWidth] ELSE [item.br[X] + menuLineWidth, item.br[Y]]; IF tl[X] >screen.rx OR tl[Y] >screen.by OR br[X] < screen.lx OR br[Y] < screen.ty THEN RETURN; IF item.menu.orientation = vertical THEN tl [Y] ← item.br [Y]+1 -- bottom edges ELSE tl [X] ← item.br [X]+1; -- right edges ScreenDefs.SetFunction[replace]; ScreenDefs.SetFillParms[menuGrey]; ScreenDefs.BoxFill [tl, br]; GriffinFontDefs.DisplayString [item.string, MenuAnchorPoint[item], StyleDefs.Anchor [center], StyleDefs.Orientation [or0], @menuFont]; IF item.inverted THEN BEGIN ScreenDefs.InvertBox[item.tl, item.br]; END; END; OverWhichItem: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [pt: PointDefs.ScrPt] RETURNS [lastitem: MenuItemHandle] = BEGIN lastover: MenuHandle ← NIL; IsOverMenu: PROCEDURE[m: MenuHandle] = BEGIN IF m.visible AND pt [X] IN [m.tl[X]..m.br[X]] AND pt [Y] IN [m.tl[Y]..m.br[Y]] THEN lastover ← m; END; LastItemOver: MenuProc = BEGIN IF pt [X] IN [item.tl [X] .. item.br [X]] AND pt [Y] IN [item.tl [Y] .. item.br [Y]] THEN lastitem ← item END; lastitem ← NIL; ForAllMenus[IsOverMenu]; IF lastover = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; -- which menu item? ForAllMenuItems[lastover, LastItemOver]; END; IsOverItem: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [pt: PointDefs.ScrPt, item: MenuItemHandle] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN IF pt [X] IN [item.tl [X]..item.br [X]] AND pt [Y] IN [item.tl [Y]..item.br [Y]] THEN RETURN [TRUE] ELSE RETURN [FALSE]; END; BugItem: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [item: MenuItemHandle] = BEGIN item.proc [item] END; --questions about menus: WhichMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [item: MenuItemHandle] RETURNS [menu: MenuHandle] = BEGIN RETURN [item.menu] END; IsSelected: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [item: MenuItemHandle] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN RETURN [item.selected] END; MenuString: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [item: MenuItemHandle] RETURNS [STRING] = BEGIN RETURN [item.string] END; -- the string returned might go away sometime! MenuAnchorPoint: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [item: MenuItemHandle] RETURNS [pt: PointDefs.ScrPt] = BEGIN pt[X] ← (item.br[X]+item.tl[X])/2 + 1; pt[Y] ← item.tl[Y] + menuTopMargin; END; --changing things: SetMenuString: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [item: MenuItemHandle, string: STRING] = BEGIN menu: MenuHandle = item.menu; width: INTEGER ← 0; FindWidest: MenuProc = BEGIN w: INTEGER ← ItemWidth[item.string]; IF w>width THEN width ← w; END; GriffinMemoryDefs.FreeString[item.string]; item.string ← GriffinMemoryDefs.AllocateString [string.length]; StringDefs.AppendString [item.string, string]; IF menu.visible THEN RefreshDefs.EraseAndSave[menu]; ForAllMenuItems [menu, FindWidest]; ChangeMenuWidth[menu, width]; IF menu.visible THEN RefreshDefs.EraseAndSave[menu]; END; SelectOnly: PUBLIC MenuProc = BEGIN ForAllMenuItems[item.menu, Deselect]; Select[item]; END; Select: PUBLIC MenuProc = BEGIN item.selected ← TRUE; ClearMenuItem[item] END; Deselect: PUBLIC MenuProc = BEGIN IF item.selected THEN BEGIN item.selected ← FALSE; ClearMenuItem[item]; END; END; HighlightMenuItem: PUBLIC MenuProc = BEGIN wasInverted: BOOLEAN = item.inverted; item.inverted ← ~ item.selected; IF item.menu.visible AND wasInverted # item.inverted THEN ObjectDefs.ReplotBoxFromObject[item.tl, item.br, item.menu]; END; ClearMenuItem: PUBLIC MenuProc = BEGIN wasInverted: BOOLEAN = item.inverted; item.inverted ← item.selected; IF item.menu.visible AND wasInverted # item.inverted THEN ObjectDefs.ReplotBoxFromObject[item.tl, item.br, item.menu]; END; InitMenuStyle: PROCEDURE = BEGIN OPEN GriffinFontDefs, StringDefs; currentFont: FontDescriptorHandle; best: FontDescriptorHandle ← NIL; nameInSet: PROC[s: STRING] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = { RETURN[ EquivalentString[s, "Cream"] OR EquivalentString[s, "Helvetica"] OR EquivalentString[s, "TimesRoman"] OR EquivalentString[s, "Gacha"] OR EquivalentString[s, "SmallTalk"]]; }; findCream10: PROC[font: FontDescriptorHandle] = { IF font.rotation=Rot0Degrees AND EquivalentString[font.name, "Cream"] AND font.points=10 THEN best ← font; }; findAny10InSet: PROC[font: FontDescriptorHandle] = { IF font.rotation=Rot0Degrees AND font.points=10 AND nameInSet[font.name] THEN best ← font; }; findAnyInSet: PROC[font: FontDescriptorHandle] = { IF font.rotation=Rot0Degrees AND nameInSet[font.name] THEN best ← font; }; findAny: PROC[font: FontDescriptorHandle] = { IF font.rotation=Rot0Degrees AND best#NIL THEN best ← font; }; menuStyle ← ControllerDefs.CurrentStyleRecord[]; --pick a menu font. Try for Cream 10, then one of the nameset above --Then, find the first font that meets one of those names --default to the first font found ForAllFonts[findCream10]; IF best=NIL THEN ForAllFonts[findAny10InSet]; IF best=NIL THEN ForAllFonts[findAnyInSet]; IF best=NIL THEN ForAllFonts[findAny]; IF best=NIL THEN StartupFontError[nofonts]; currentFont ← ControllerDefs.CurrentFontDescriptor[]; currentFont↑ ← best↑; BEGIN OPEN menuStyle; color ← [0,0,128]; -- 50% grey fillcolor ← [0,0,128]; backgndcolor ← [0,0,128]; anchor ← center; orientation ← or0; END; menuStyle ← ControllerDefs.CurrentStyle[]; menuFont ← ControllerDefs.FontWithNumber[menuStyle.fontid]; menuHeight ← PointDefs.ObjValToScrVal[GriffinFontDefs.MaxHeight [@menuFont]] + menuTopMargin-1; menuBaseLine ← GriffinFontDefs.BaseLine [@menuFont]; menuGrey ← ControllerDefs.GreyOfColor[menuStyle.color]; black ← ControllerDefs.GreyOfColor[[0,0,0]]; END; InitMenuStyle; END.