pressfilename openpressfile family SIGMA size 20 numRows 12 charsxoffset 600 firstChar 040 lastChar 177 title Sigma 20 comment1 comment2 comment3 write reset family SNAIL face 0 size 10 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title Snail 10 comment1 This font is a variant of SAIL, in which the characters have been permuted to more comment2 ASCII-compatible positions, as by ASCII-mode FTP-ing from SU-AI. comment3 write reset family SNEWVEC size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 377 title SNewVec 12 comment1 The characters of this font are meant to be strung together to produce smooth curves. The program comment2 ReDraw from Carnegie-Mellon uses this font to convert a .Draw file into a .Press file that will print comment3 on a Spruce printer without the jaggies. The vector pieces in SNewVec have square ends. write family Splunk face 0 size 24 numRows 12 charsxoffset 500 firstChar 040 lastChar 177 title Splunk 24 comment1 comment2 comment3 write reset family STAN face 0 size 70 charsYOffset 1400 numRows 6 numCols 4 firstChar 100 lastChar 127 title Stan 70 comment1 Special font with the Stanford seal, and logo for Center for Integrated Systems. comment2 comment3 write family STAN face 0 size 70 charsYOffset 1200 numRows 6 numCols 4 firstChar 140 lastChar 167 title Stan 70 comment1 Special font with the Stanford seal, and logo for Center for Integrated Systems. comment2 comment3 write reset family Symbol face 0 size 10 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title Symbol 10 comment1 The rasters of Symbol 10 were copied from the original version of the TEX font CMSY10. comment2 comment3 write closePressFile quit