pressfilename openpressfile family CardsTwo size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title CardsTwo 12 comment1 comment2 comment3 write family CardsZero size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title CardsZero 12 comment1 comment2 comment3 write reset family CHINESEMCA size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 377 title ChineseMcA 12 comment1 comment2 comment3 write family CHINESEMCB size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 377 title ChineseMcB 12 comment1 This document omits ChineseMcC through ChineseMcP; to my uneducated eye, they all look the same! comment2 comment3 write reset family CLASSIC face 0 size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 377 title Classic 12 comment1 This font has the Xerox OIS character set; note that there are no symbols at control codes. comment2 comment3 write family CLASSIC face 2 size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 377 title Classic 12 Bold comment1 This font has the Xerox OIS character set; note that there are no symbols at control codes. comment2 comment3 write family CLASSIC face 1 size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 377 title Classic 12 Italic comment1 This font has the Xerox OIS character set; note that there are no symbols at control codes. comment2 comment3 write family CLASSICPIONE face 0 size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 377 title ClassicPiOne 12 comment1 This is a font of special symbols for use with Classic. comment2 comment3 write family CLASSICPIONE face 2 size 12 firstChar 000 lastChar 377 title ClassicPiOne 12 Bold comment1 This is a font of special symbols for use with Classic. comment2 comment3 write closePressFile quit