pressfilename openpressfile family CMR magnification 15 TEXface 10 charsYOffset 350 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title CMR10 (magnified 1.5) comment1 Computer Modern Roman 10 point comment2 comment3 write family CMR magnification 30 TEXface 5 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title CMR5 (magnified 3.0) comment1 Computer Modern Roman 5 point comment2 Note that the 5 point Computer Modern blown up by a factor of 3.0 shown on this comment3 page looks different than the 10 point Computer Modern blown up by 1.5 on the previous page. write family CMB magnification 15 TEXface 10 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title CMB10 (magnified 1.5) comment1 Computer Modern Bold Roman 10 point comment2 comment3 write family CMS magnification 15 TEXface 10 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title CMS10 (magnified 1.5) comment1 Computer Modern Slanted Roman 10 point comment2 comment3 write reset family CMTT magnification 12 TEXface 10 firstChar 000 lastChar 177 title CMTT (magnified 1.2) comment1 Computer Modern Typewriter Type for use with 10 point comment2 comment3 write closePressFile quit