\input tbasic

\font A←gacha at 8truebp
\font B←gacha at 6truebp
\font C←timesromanb at 12truebp
\font D←timesroman at 8truebp

\def\fx{\:A} \def\sm{\:D}
\def\lead{\leaders\hjust to 4pt{\hss.\hss}\hskip 20pt plus 100000pt}
\def\inboxit#1{\vjust{\vskip 3pt\hjust{\hskip 3pt\vrule
\vjust{\hrule #1 \hrule}\vrule\hskip 3pt}\vskip 3pt}}
\def\outboxit#1{\vjust{\hrule\hjust{\vrule\hskip 3pt
\vjust{\vskip 3pt #1 \vskip 3pt}\hskip 3pt\vrule}\hrule}}

\def\R{\fx r}
\def\RB{{\fx r}, {\fx b}}
\def\RBI{{\fx r}, {\fx b}, {\fx i}}
\def\B{\fx b}
\def\RBIBI{{\fx r}, {\fx b}, {\fx i}, {\fx bi}}
\baselineskip 11pt
\lineskip 0pt
\dispskip 0pt
\dispbskip 0pt

\topspace -35pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt
\ctrline{\:C CloverFonts.Press of July 15, 1981 \rm (filed on [Ivy]<Fonts>)}
\vskip 8pt
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip 5pt Fonts included in [Ivy]<Fonts>Fonts.Widths and in [Ivy]<Fonts>EightBit>Fonts.Widths:\hfil}
\vskip 4pt
\hbox to size{\hss\outboxit{\outboxit{\vbox{\tabskip 0pt
\sm\halign{ ##### \hfil\cr
\noalign{\vskip 2pt}
\noalign{\vskip 4pt}
{\fx APL}\leadspecial characters for APL\lead\R\lead8, 10\lead0\cr
{\fx ARROWS}\leadarrowheads\lead\R\lead10\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx ARROWSTWO}\leadsmaller arrowheads\lead\R\lead10, 12, 18\lead0\cr
{\fx BRAVOX}\leadwhite-on-black text\lead\R\lead10, 12\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx CLASSIC}\leadOIS format text\lead\RBI\lead8, 10, 12\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx CLASSICPIONE}\leadsymbols of {\fx CLASSIC}\lead\RB\lead8, 10, 12\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx CMULOGO}\leadfor CMU letterhead\lead\R\lead18\lead0\cr
{\fx CREAM}\leadtext\lead\RBIBI\lead10, 12\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx CYRILLIC}\leadRussian alphabet\lead\R\lead10, 12, 18\lead0\cr
{\fx DANATEN}\leadvariant of {\fx MATH}\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx ELITE}\leadfixed width text\lead\R\lead10\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx GACHA}\leadfixed width text\lead\RBIBI\lead5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12\lead0\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead5, 6, 8, 10, 12\lead90, 270\cr
{\fx GATES}\leadlogic diagram graphics\lead\R\lead10, 12, 18, 32\lead0\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead32\lead90, 270\cr
{\fx HELVETICA}\leadtext\lead\RBIBI\lead6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18\lead0, 90, 270\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead3, 4, 5\lead0\cr
\hfil\hfil\B\lead24, 36\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx HELVETICAD}\leaddisplay text\lead\R\lead24, 30, 36\lead0, 90\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead24, 36\lead270\cr
{\fx HIPPO}\leadGreek alphabet\lead\R\lead6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18\lead0\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead8, 10, 12\lead90, 270\cr
{\fx IFIP}\leadspecial logo\lead\R\lead24\lead0\cr
{\fx KEYHOLE}\leadgraphics\lead\B\lead20\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx LAUREL}\leadvariant of {\fx TIMESROMAN}\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx LETTERGOTHIC}\leadfixed width text\lead\RB\lead10\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx LOGO}\leaddisplay text, incomplete\lead\R\lead12, 18, 24\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx LPT}\leadMIT character set, fixed\lead\R\lead6, 8, 10\lead0, 90\cr
\hfil\hfil\B\lead10\lead0, 90\cr
{\fx MATH}\leadmath symbols\lead\R\lead6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18\lead0\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead8, 10\lead90, 270\cr
{\fx OLDENGLISH}\leadtext\lead\R\lead10, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48\lead0\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead18\lead90, 270\cr
{\fx ROMANPS}\leadtext\lead\RB\lead10\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx SAIL}\leadSU-AI character set, fixed\lead\R\lead6, 8, 10\lead0, 90\cr
{\fx SIGMA}\leadlarge math symbols\lead\R\lead20\lead0\cr
{\fx SNAIL}\leadvariant of {\fx SAIL}\lead\R\lead6, 8, 10\lead0, 90\cr
{\fx SPLUNK}\leadvariant of {\fx SIGMA}\lead\R\lead8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx STAN}\leadfor Stanford letterhead\lead\R\lead70\lead0\cr
{\fx SYMBOL}\leadfrozen version of {\fx CMSY}\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx TCLOGO}\leadtypography center letterhead\lead\R\lead18\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx TEMPLATE}\leadgraphics\lead\R\lead10, 12, 18, 64\lead0\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead64\lead90, 270\cr
{\fx TESTFONT}\leadprinter test graphics\lead\R\lead12\lead0\cr
{\fx TIMESROMAN}\leadtext\lead\RBIBI\lead6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18\lead0, 90, 270\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead4\lead0, 90, 270\cr
\hfil\hfil\B\lead24, 30, 36\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx TIMESROMAND}\leaddisplay text\lead\R\lead24, 30, 36\lead0, 90\cr
\hfil\hfil\R\lead24, 36\lead270\cr
{\fx TITAN}\leadfixed width text\lead\R\lead10, 12\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx TITANLEGAL}\leadfixed width text\lead\R\lead10, 12\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx XEROXBOOK}\leadfixed width text\lead\RB\lead10, 12\lead0, 90, 270\cr
\vskip -65pt plus 2000pt minus2000pt


\topspace -35pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt

\baselineskip 10.5pt
\vskip 4pt
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip 5pt Computer Modern fonts, included in [Ivy]<Fonts>TEX>Fonts.Widths:\hfil}
\vskip 4pt
\hbox to size{\hss\outboxit{\outboxit{\vbox{\tabskip 0pt
\sm\halign{ ####\hfil\cr
File Name\hfilFont\hfilMagnification\hfilRot\cr
\noalign{\vskip 2pt}
\noalign{\vskip 4pt}
{\fx CMR12}\leadComputer Modern Roman 12 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMR10}\leadComputer Modern Roman 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMR9}\leadComputer Modern Roman 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMR8}\leadComputer Modern Roman 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMR7}\leadComputer Modern Roman 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMR6}\leadComputer Modern Roman 6 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMR5}\leadComputer Modern Roman 5 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMB12}\leadComputer Modern Bold Roman 12 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMB10}\leadComputer Modern Bold Roman 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMB9}\leadComputer Modern Bold Roman 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMB8}\leadComputer Modern Bold Roman 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMB7}\leadComputer Modern Bold Roman 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMB6}\leadComputer Modern Bold Roman 6 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMB5}\leadComputer Modern Bold Roman 5 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMS10}\leadComputer Modern Slanted Roman 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMS9}\leadComputer Modern Slanted Roman 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMS8}\leadComputer Modern Slanted Roman 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMS7}\leadComputer Modern Slanted Roman 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTT}\leadComputer Modern Typewriter Type for use with 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTT9}\leadComputer Modern Typewriter Type for use with 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTT8}\leadComputer Modern Typewriter Type for use with 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSS8}\leadComputer Modern Sans Serif Quotation 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSSS8}\leadComputer Modern Slanted Sans Serif Quotation 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSSB}\leadComputer Modern Sans Serif Bold 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSS9B}\leadComputer Modern Sans Serif Bold 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSS12}\leadComputer Modern Sans Serif 12 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTITL}\leadComputer Modern Sans Serif Extrabold 14 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSC10}\leadComputer Modern Small Caps for use with 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSC9}\leadComputer Modern Small Caps for use with 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMCSC}\leadComputer Modern Caps and Small Caps 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMCSC9}\leadComputer Modern Caps and Small Caps 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMDUNH}\leadComputer Modern Dunhill\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMFIB}\leadComputer Modern Fibonacci\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMFF}\leadComputer Modern Funny Font\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTI12}\leadComputer Modern Text Italic 12 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTI10}\leadComputer Modern Text Italic 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTI9}\leadComputer Modern Text Italic 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTI8}\leadComputer Modern Text Italic 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTI7}\leadComputer Modern Text Italic 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMU10}\leadComputer Modern Unslanted Text Italic 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2\lead0\cr
{\fx CMI10}\leadComputer Modern Math Italic 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMI9}\leadComputer Modern Math Italic 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMI8}\leadComputer Modern Math Italic 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMI7}\leadComputer Modern Math Italic 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMI6}\leadComputer Modern Math Italic 6 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMI5}\leadComputer Modern Math Italic 5 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMMU10}\leadComputer Modern Unslanted Math Italic 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMMU7}\leadComputer Modern Unslanted Math Italic 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSY10}\leadComputer Modern Math Symbols 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSY9}\leadComputer Modern Math Symbols 9 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSY8}\leadComputer Modern Math Symbols 8 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSY7}\leadComputer Modern Math Symbols 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSY6}\leadComputer Modern Math Symbols 6 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSY5}\leadComputer Modern Math Symbols 5 point\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr
{\fx CMATHX}\leadComputer Modern Math Extension (based on 10 point)\lead1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0\lead0\cr

\vskip -65pt plus 2000pt minus2000pt
\topspace -40pt plus 1000pt minus1000pt
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip 72pt Other MetaFont fonts, in [Ivy]<Fonts>TEX>Fonts.Widths:\hfil}
\vskip 1pt
\hbox to size{\hss\outboxit{\outboxit{\vbox{\tabskip 0pt
\sm\halign{ #### \hfil\cr
File Name\hfilFont\hfilMagnification  \hfilRotation\cr
\noalign{\vskip 2pt}
\noalign{\vskip 4pt}
{\fx PEN10}\leadscrivener's font, 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx PEN7}\leadscrivener's font, 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx PENI10}\leaditalic scrivener's font, 10 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx PENI7}\leaditalic scrivener's font, 7 point\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr
{\fx MANFNT}\leadSpecial font for the Metafont Manual\lead1.0, 1.1\lead0\cr

\vskip 8pt
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip 40pt Vector drawing fonts, included in [Ivy]<Fonts>ReDraw>Fonts.Widths:\hfil}
\vskip 1pt
\hbox to size{\hss\outboxit{\outboxit{\vbox{\tabskip 0pt
\sm\halign{ ##### \hfil\cr
\noalign{\vskip 2pt}
\noalign{\vskip 4pt}
{\fx HNEWVEC}\leadvector segments, horizontal pen\lead\R\lead2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32\lead0\cr
{\fx NEWVEC}\leadvector segments, circular pen\lead\R\lead2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32\lead0\cr
{\fx SNEWVEC}\leadvector segments, square pen\lead\R\lead2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32\lead0\cr
{\fx VNEWVEC}\leadvector segments, vertical pen\lead\R\lead2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32\lead0\cr

\vskip 8pt
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip 30pt Prereleases subject to change without notice, included in [Ivy]<Fonts>Fonts.Widths:\hfil}
\vskip 1pt
\hbox to size{\hss\outboxit{\outboxit{\vbox{\tabskip 0pt
\sm\halign{ ##### \hfil\cr
\noalign{\vskip 2pt}
\noalign{\vskip 4pt}
{\fx OHELVETICA}\leadoutline face, text\lead\R\lead24\lead0\cr
{\fx PHONETICTR}\leadvariant of {\fx TIMESROMAN} with phonetic symbols added\lead\R\lead12\lead0\cr
{\fx FLEUR}\leadfloral graphics\lead\R\lead28\lead0\cr

\vskip 8pt
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip 75pt Out-of-date sizes of standard fonts:\hfil}
\vskip 3pt
\hbox to size{\hss\outboxit{\outboxit{\vbox{\tabskip 0pt
\sm\halign{ ##### \hfil\cr
\noalign{\vskip 2pt}
\noalign{\vskip 4pt}
{\fx HIPPO}\leadGreek alphabet\lead\R\lead9\lead0\cr
{\fx MATH}\leadmath symbols\lead\R\lead9\lead0\cr
{\fx TIMESROMAN}\leadtext\lead\RBIBI\lead17\lead0\cr

\vskip 8pt
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip -7pt Fonts not included in any standard widths dictionary:\hfil}
\vskip 1pt
\hbox to size{\hss\outboxit{\outboxit{\vbox{\tabskip 0pt
\sm\halign{ ##### \hfil\cr
\noalign{\vskip 2pt}
\noalign{\vskip 4pt}
{\fx BOLDPS}\leadtext\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx CARDSTWO}\leadrandom\lead\R\lead12\lead0\cr
{\fx CARDSZERO}\leadtext\lead\R\lead12\lead0\cr
{\fx CHINESEMC\#} for {\fx\#} = {\fx A} to {\fx P}\leadChinese\lead\R\lead12\lead0\cr
{\fx DANATWELVE}\leada few math symbols\lead\R\lead12\lead0\cr
{\fx DOTS}\leadtowers of 8 Alto pixels\lead\R\lead7\lead0, 90, 270\cr
{\fx FIG}\leadused by MetaFont proofmode\lead\R\lead5\lead0\cr
{\fx GRAY}\leadhalftone blocks\lead\R\lead4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56\lead0\cr
{\fx HIRAGANAMF}\leadJapanese\lead\R\lead11\lead0\cr
{\fx KANAMC}\leadJapanese\lead\R\lead10, 12\lead0\cr
{\fx KANJIMC\#} for {\fx\#} = {\fx A} to {\fx L}\leadJapanese\lead\R\lead10, 12\lead0\cr
{\fx KATAKANAMF}\leadJapanese\lead\R\lead11\lead0\cr
{\fx LSIGATES}\leadlogic diagram graphics\lead\R\lead48\lead0\cr
{\fx MALEFEMALE}\leadsymbols for male and female\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx MAZE}\leadfor building mazes\lead\R\lead16\lead0\cr
{\fx NEWLIN}\leadvariant of {\fx HELVETICA}\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx NORWEGIANS}\leada few Norwegian characters\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx ROMAJIMC}\leadJapanese\lead\R\lead10, 12\lead0\cr
{\fx SANS-SERIF}\leadtext\lead\RBIBI\lead12\lead0\cr
{\fx SERIF}\leadtext\lead\RBIBI\lead12\lead0\cr
{\fx TITANTEN}\leadfixed width text\lead\RB\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx TRALTO}\leadtext\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx TRIANGLES}\leadgraphics\lead\R\lead14\lead270\cr
{\fx TRSTAR}\leadtext\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr

\vskip -65pt plus 2000pt minus2000pt
\topspace -35pt plus 1000pt minus1000pt
\vskip 20pt
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip 10pt Fonts included only for backward compatibility:\hfil}
\hbox to size{\rm\hskip 10pt (These fonts may disappear at any time.)\hfil}
\vskip 4pt
\hbox to size{\hss\outboxit{\outboxit{\vbox{\tabskip 0pt
\sm\halign{ ##### \hfil\cr
\noalign{\vskip 2pt}
\noalign{\vskip 4pt}
{\fx CMATHX}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10, 12\lead0\cr
{\fx CMB}\leadold version\lead\R\lead8, 9, 10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMBI}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMDUNH}\leadold version\lead\R\lead13\lead0\cr
{\fx CMFF}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMI}\leadold version\lead\R\lead5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12\lead0\cr
{\fx CMR}\leadold version\lead\R\lead5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12\lead0\cr
{\fx CMS}\leadold version\lead\R\lead8, 9, 10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSC}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSS}\leadold version\lead\R\lead8, 12\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSSB}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSSBI}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSSS}\leadold version\lead\R\lead8\lead0\cr
{\fx CMSY}\leadold version\lead\R\lead5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTI}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTITL}\leadold version\lead\R\lead14\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTT}\leadold version\lead\R\lead8, 9, 10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMTTI}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx CMU}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx HELVETICASC}\leadcaps, small caps variant of {\fx HELVETICA}\lead\RB\lead9, 10\lead0\cr
{\fx KEYHOLE}\leadplain instead of bold\lead\R\lead20\lead0\cr
{\fx MANFNT}\leadold version\lead\R\lead10\lead0\cr
{\fx TIMESROMANSC}\leadcaps, small caps variant of {\fx TIMESROMAN}\lead\R\lead9, 10\lead0\cr

\vskip -65pt plus 2000pt minus2000pt