Copyright Ó 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Neil Gunther: April 6, 1988 2:52:22 pm PDT
Neil Gunther
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto CA 94304
(415) 494-4401.
MTSChannelCard - Rev B
Board Vendor:
Trend Circuits Inc.
44358 Old Warm Springs Blvd
Fremont, CA 94537
Vince Batista (PARC Accnts.): ext. 219
Purchase Order: 90223
Mechanical Info:
o Board extreme dimensions: 13.12" x 4.8"
o 6 layer multilayer board. (4 signal, solid Pwr, solid Gnd)
o All the layers are in 1 ounce copper.
o FR4 epoxy laminate
o Board thickness is 62.5 mills (standard tolerance).
o 62 connector fingers. Gold plated (standard gold and nickel thicknesses).
o Minimum geometry:
8 mills traces.
8 mills spaces.
Smallest hole diameter 26 mills finished.
o Dry film soldermask on top and on bottom.
o Silkscreen (white) on top.
o 4 hole-diameters are used.
All holes through-plated. Tolerance ±3 mills finished size.
26 mils finished size; 399 holes
30 mils finished size; 1310 holes
42 mils finished size; 80 holes
140 mils finished size; 2 holes
Total 1791 holes. [From MTS.dti file]
o Other documentation:
1 mechanical drawing (.dwg).
1 silkscreen film.
1 soldermask film.
6 layer films.
1 drill tape (.m3a; .m3e) and info to read it (.DrillTape.tioga).