For the June87 Dragon, here's what we think we want to do:
o Minimize the risk of not getting done by June 1987. Actually, I'm not sure why it's June 1987 -- perhaps because it's close enough to instill the right kind of immediacy and urgency. What should we worry about if we don't make it? (It's been said that the difference between research and engineering is the level of acceptable risk. What are we doing here?)
o Provide a vehicle for Dragon software development. The Cedar port will be a big deal, and we won't have a state-of-the-art computing environment until it's done. So it's best to get started as soon as possible. This will require a substantial number of copies of the Dragon hardware. But how many? I've heard we might make as many as 100 June87 Dragons, but that sounds high if Cedar porters are the only customers. What other customers do we have in mind, if any, and what are their requirements? How soon after June 1987 do we intend to provide the next generation of Dragons? What then happens to the old ones? What kind of budget do we need to do that?
o Maximize the opportunity for subsequent generations of Dragons. We don't want to paint ourselves into a corner, by designing a dead-end June87 Dragon. For example, we're designing the bus protocol to work for multiple bus levels, although we'll propose implementing a single bus level for June87.
o Minimize "throw-away" engineering. In a way, this is a continuation of the previous point. After June87, what will have to be completely redesigned for the next generation? Functions within chips? Chips? Chip carriers? Boards? Backplane? Chassis? Or do we want to gain the experience and throw away all the artifacts? I'll bet there's no consensus yet.
o Maximize "spiffiness," while still minimizing risk.
o Demonstrate viability of the Dragon concept. I'm not sure this is really a goal, per se, but I thought I'd mention it. Should the June87 Dragon compare favorably with its competition? What will the competition be? What will the basis of comparison be?
o Live within budget. It seems prudent to assume that headcount is frozen indefinitely. How much can we spend for non-recurring engineering? How much can we spend per June87 Dragon? Can we spend money to reduce risk? To accelerate the schedule? To make something spiffy?
o Have fun. Actually, I'm not sure what to say here. There's a time to ****
<Must be fun?? -- some of us have been having fun longer than others....>
<community service or self-expression?>