Last Edited by: Louis Monier May 1, 1987 2:19:38 pm PDT
-- Log of BIC
Added two spare pads and a lot of power pads.
Complete routing with NewCabbage.
Passed MintCheck and Static.
Passed Lichen on all cells:
pb with DBusSlice and normalSlice
pb as expected with chargePump (series transistors)
Added two spare pads
Generation failed in PWPins with a pin of size 0 => Rewrote the obstacle avoidance part of NewCabbage with Brian => finally generate the complete layout BICLayout.dale
Plot BIC.dale and BICLayout.dale
Fixed LogicRosemaryImpl to be able to simulate at transistor level
Passed MintCheck on BIC.icon: no problem. 5980 fat transistors, 2964 nodes.
Routing bugs and missing pins in pads => new generation.
Fixed a few cells (Genista) and modified (Bill G. request)
Simulation failed very mysteriously (Rosemary bug, or stale VM?)
Raw extract and Static => OK.
Simulation: infinite loop in a SC ff ???
Fixed pads for RawExtract (overglass pins). Modified a few cells (Bill. G.)
Made a cm file to Lichen all library cells; all cells for slices are OK.
Router could not route DBusOut: exchanged it with spareLeft, and it works.
Created resistances for mimicking pull-ups on bus.
Rosemary sim at transistor level could not handle the edge-triggered oracle and circuit: the fix is to have two clocks, the oracle clock been 1/2 phase early from the circuit clock.
DRC of cells now OK.
Simulation found the following bugs:
the four wires of dpControl in DBusControl were inverted => now uses nQ instead of Q
in normalSlice, last driver on hybrid side (n=640) was missing => added the inv640
path from OrInH to nOrOutB was computing a NOR instead of an OR => added a Nand
Started writing BICSimImpl.mesa, a behavioral proc for BIC.
Completed the oracle file. Executed 300 cycles, then crashed while shifting.
Started a new layout.
Found out from Mike Ov. and Bill G. that we might not get the 300 PGA. Will try to squeeze the chip to fit in a 14mm cavity.
Designed the last cells for the test chip.
Lost my disk. Fixed the few bugs found by Richard. Decided not to touch the pad frame.
Fixed more glitches. New layout generation completed successfuly. The truth could be
BIC.core!5 666444 30-Apr-87 20:33:29 PDT
BICLayout.dale!4 371088 30-Apr-87 20:35:48 PDT
Mark found geometry on 1/4 and 1/8 micron. Culprit was the power rail whose size must be an odd number.
Redid layout.
Problem again: the piece of code in NewCabbage that "avoids obstacles" can dump wires on a 1/8 micron grid. Mark hacked the CIF gen to accept that.
After the fact:
Mark and Richard finished the DRC and patched by hand a few glitches.
missing flip-flop for grant; was never in the specs (Louis).
driver for DBousOut should be tristate; was never in the specs (Bill).
driver for grant is too small (Bill).
-- Log of BIC2
prior to 8/17:
Prepared the test for BIC.
Wrote the first top-level proc.
Made BIC2.df
Chip definition: need at least a month when design is frozen; less => no time to do checks
Logic def
being exhaustive is almost free => test coverage
use non-symetric patterns
include transistor-level with no dynamic nodes
Minimize at all cost the number of leave cells
For every block, have systematical layout rules => no overlap, no DRC bugs when assembling
Raw extraction, Static, Mintcheck, simulation
on leaf cells as you go
Errors are simple: missing inverters, permute xor and xnor, a and aBar, ...
The best is the enemy of the good.