Christophe Cuenod Xerox PARC 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo-Alto CA 94304 Phone: (415) 494 4415. Board BackLink.wirewrap Tape: 1600 BPI 1024 Bytes per record 9 files of respectively: 123 records 116 records 93 records 93 records 94 records 112 records 124 records 93 records 95 records Format: Gerber ASCII Absolute Leading 0 omitted Scale mili inches 5 digits no fractions Size of the drawing around 14 by 15 inches Apertures (All dimensions in mils): aperture 1 standard round 6 aperture 2 standard round 25 aperture 3 standard round 100 aperture 4 standard round 60 aperture 5 thermalRelief round 43 (31 int 43 ext 6 width of the fillets 4 fillets) aperture 6 standard round 43 aperture 7 standard round 31 aperture 8 standard round 70 aperture 10 standard square 70 aperture 12 standard round 85 aperture 15 standard square 225 aperture 17 standard square 85 aperture 18 standard round 31 aperture 19 standard round 31 aperture 20 thermalRelief round 85 (73 int 85 ext 6 width of the fillets 4 fillets) aperture 21 donut round 88 int 100 ext aperture 22 standard square 36 aperture 23 standard round 90 aperture 24 thermalRelief round 90 (78 int 90 ext 6 width of the fillets 4 fillets) ŒBackLink.wirewrap.IT.tioga Copyright Σ 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Christophe Cuenod June 6, 1988 3:49:06 pm PDT Κ•˜šœ™Icodešœ<™