Copyright س 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Christophe Cuenod June 7, 1988 10:03:41 am PDT
Christophe Cuenod
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo-Alto CA 94304
Phone: (415) 494 4415.
  Drill info for BackLink.wirewrap
- The tape density is 1600 BPI.
- The block size is 1024 bytes.
- There is 2 files on the tape. Both are the same Drill File in Excellon MkIII format.
The first one is 45 blocks long and in coded in ASCII.
The second one is 55 blocks long and in coded in EIA.
(You can use the more convenient one)
- The total number of holes is 6315.
- The maximum number of holes drilled by a bit is 2000.
-Definition of the tools:
Tool number 1:  424 holes of finished size 16 mils
Tool number 2:  621 holes of finished size 35 mils
Tool number 3:  2392 holes of finished size 40 mils (two bits)
Tool number 4:  776 holes of finished size 55 mils
Tool number 5:  2100 holes of finished size 67 mils (two bits)
Tool number 6:  2 holes of finished size 144 mils