0 Netlist.msgs - last edit: McMaster 15-Aug-84 19:52:25 1 1Pin Number missing for symbol %s.%n 2 1Net list already open.%n 3 1Reading in schematic ... 4 1done, but there are no nets in the design.%n 5 1done.%n 6 1Schematic has old format: please use the Schematic Tool to convert it.%n 7 1Problems on opening the Design File.%n 8 1Parts missing in the library. Close the file and see your system administrator to get the right library.%n 9 1Schematic is not of type binary. Please see your System Administrator.%n 10 1Schematic not found.%n 11 1Physical designator not found.%n 12 1Pin number not assigned.%n 13 1Net name is truncated.%n 500 1Net list windows cannot be deactivated.%n 1999 1This message added to keep MsgImpl from running off the end of the file.