[User.cm] //To Use this User.cm you must edit [System]User,Domain,Organization and [HARDCOPY]Interpress: Scripto //Expert-user.cm Expert Workstation Profile //Revised: 28-Feb-85 11:23:52 [System] User: Cuenod Domain: CAD Organization: Systems FileServerProtocol: NS Screen: White Font: Fonts>ExpertFont.strike [Executive] InitialState: inactive [HeraldWindow] InitialState: tiny [FileTool] InitialState: inactive [FileWindow] Menu: Create Edit Find J.First Load Reset Save Split Store Time 290Print Setup: Always Edit Menu [HARDCOPY] PREFERREDFORMAT: Interpress Interpress: Scripto PRINTEDBY: Cuenod Orientation: Portrait Columns: 1 [CharacterTool] InitialState: Inactive [TapeTool] InitialState: Inactive [RS232CTOOL] InitialState: Inactive Devices: "VAX" "HPPlotter" "TTY" "CalComp" "HI 695" "Xerox P1" [VAX] Protocol: asynchronous Line Speed: bps300 Parity: none Character Length: eight Ready To Send: false Line Feed: false Stop Bits: two Flow Control: true XOn: 21 XOff: 23 Blocking Size: 512 [HPPlotter] Device Type: enq/ack Line Speed: bps9600 Parity: odd Character Length: seven Stop Bits: two Flow Control: false [TTY] Protocol: asynchronous Line Speed: bps300 Parity: none Character Length: seven Stop Bits: one [CalComp] Protocol: asynchronous Line Speed: bps9600 Parity: odd Character Length: seven Stop Bits: one [HI 695] Protocol: asynchronous Line Speed: bps9600 Parity: none Character Length: eight Stop Bits: two Blocking Size: 256 [Xerox P1] Device Type: Xerox P1 Protocol: asynchronous Line Speed: bps2400 Parity: odd Character Length: eight Stop Bits: one