0 PlaceRoute.msgs - last edit: Weinert 1-Mar-85 16:49:28 4000 1Ignoring bug, forging ahead.%n 4001 1Etch Router Aborted.%n 4002 1Bad layer option: if all is specified for one layer direction, it must be specifed for both.%n 4003 1Spacing Etch.%n 4004 1Setting up channels.%n 4005 1Etch router aborted while routing.%n 4006 1Routing pin-pin connections.%n 4007 1Routing via connections.%n 4008 1Routing cross-over connections.%n 4009 1Etch router aborted by user.%n 4010 1Writing out etch traces.%n 4011 1%d segments were completed out of %d total (%d %%).%n 4012 1%d etch incompletes were not completed. %d feed-throughs were added.%n 4013 1Checking Etch.%n 4014 1All Done.%n 4015 1Space Etch Aborted.%n 4016 1Click to continue.%n 5000 1You cannot open the PC board named: %s because it is already open.%n 5001 1You cannot close the PC board named: %s because it is not open.%n 5003 1Your changes will be saved. Click to confirm!%n 5004 1You cannot create another view 5005 1You cannot save your changes 5006 1You cannot erase your changes 5007 1You cannot discard any items 5008 1Your placement will be discarded. Click to confirm!%n 5009 1Your etch complete routing will be discarded. Click to confirm!%n 5010 1Your etch incomplete routing will be discarded. Click to confirm!%n 5011 1All of your connections will be discarded. Click to confirm!%n 5012 1Your changes will be discarded. Click to confirm!%n 5013 1You cannot edit the PC board 5014 1You cannot deactivate the %s window.%n 5015 1 until schematic correctly read.%n 5016 1 while the current operation is in progress.%n 5017 1 until after you edit the PC board.%n 5018 1 for an unknown reason.%n 5019 1You cannot destroy a view 5020 1You cannot destroy the last remaining view while editing the PC board.%n 5021 1You cannot close the PC board 5022 1The PC board will be closed. Click to Confirm!%n 5023 1You cannot erase your changes and close the PC board 5024 1You cannot save your changes and close the PC board 5025 1Your changes will be saved and the PC board closed. Click to Confirm!%n 5026 1You cannot create a routing property sheet 5027 1You cannot create a display property sheet 5028 1All PC boards must be closed before the library may be updated.%n 5029 1That operation is not allowed 5030 1Please confirm to do automatic placement.%n 5031 1Please confirm to do automatic etch routing.%n 5032 1Please confirm to do space etch.%n 5033 1Please confirm to do check etch.%n 5034 1None of the unplaced symbols can be placed in this part.%n 5035 1You must either Apply! or Abort! the property sheet.%n 5036 1You must clear the displayed connected symbols by striking the EXPAND key with the cursor over the symbol window.%n 5037 1The requested operation cannot be attempted until current operation is completed.%n 5038 1That selection operation is not yet implemented.%n 5039 1You cannot use the COPY key 5040 1You cannot use the MOVE key 5041 1You cannot use the shifted MOVE key 5042 1You cannot use the DELETE key 5043 1You cannot show the connected symbols.%n 5044 1Please select a symbol.%n 5045 1.%n 5046 1Net number %u 5047 1The net named %s with net number %u 5048 1 was turned into global incompletes because the number of pins on the net did not match the number of pins in the routing.%n 5049 1Tree Bug: Incorrect pin count.%n 5050 1Tree Bug: Root has sibling.%n 5051 1Tree Bug: Root has parent.%n 5052 1Tree Bug: Abandoned by parent.%n 5053 1Tree Bug: Sibling rivalry.%n 5054 1Tree Bug: Orphan and not root.%n 5055 1Tree Bug: More than 100 siblings.%n 5056 1Etch Bug: EtchComplete point has no etchOnLayer.%n 5057 1Etch Bug: First etch bend not at either segment end.%n 5058 1Etch Bug: Last etch bend not at either segment end.%n 5059 1Etch Bug: First etch bend at same coord as last bend.%n 5060 1Etch Bug: Etch is ordered incorrectly.%n 5061 1Etch Bug: EtchOnLayer array is too short or too long.%n 5062 1Unknown problem with tree or etch.%n 5063 1Only a global incomplete that has no connections on one end may be deleted.%n 5064 1Please select something and try the operation again.%n 5065 1Edit etch cannot accept nets selected by double-clicking the left mouse button.%n 5066 1Please select a connection that you want to edit and try the operation again.%n 5067 1There is nothing to Apply. Please Abort to exit this mode.%n 5068 1To begin, please select a starting point on the net.%n 5069 1You clicked the right mouse button, but there is nothing to undo.%n 5070 1Connecting where you have indicated will create a loop. Loops are not allowed.%n 5071 1Connecting here will not complete the connection.%n 5072 1Duplicate via ignored.%n 5073 1New via is within a no-via area.%n 5074 1Duplicate bend ignored.%n 5075 1Etch cannot go outside of the routing area.%n 5076 1Etch has crossed a no-route area.%n 5077 1Attempted to apply from too far away.%n 5078 1Lines affected by the stretch command must begin with an orientation that is a multiple of 45 degrees.%n 5079 1Stretch is not allowed when lines do not meet at the stretch point in an angle.%n 5080 1No such command exists.%n 5081 1Edits only occur when you click down and release the mouse inside a window.%n 5082 1This command can only act on a single etch complete routing segment.%n 5083 1The selected routes must be collinear for this command.%n 5084 1Please invoke the command in a view that contains the selection.%n 5085 1Stretch cannot move an incomplete.%n 5086 1When using this command the selection must not pass pins or vias.%n 5087 1You cannot stretch etch that has part pins or connector pins at the end to be stretched.%n 5088 1You cannot stretch etch that has a via at the end to be stretched.%n 5089 1You cannot stretch etch past forks.%n 5090 1The selected etch must all be on the same layer for this command.%n 5091 1The specified etch is shorter than the default length for a notch.%n 5092 1The selected connections must be at angles that are multiples of 45 degrees.%n 5093 1Unknown problem in Drag, Stretch or Notch.%n 5094 1This command cannot act on a selection that contains a fork.%n 5095 1Etch to be dragged must attach to neighboring etch at an angle that is a multiple of 45 degrees.%n 5096 1The etch segment is already on the specified layer.%n 5097 1Please select a single etch complete segment.%n 5098 1Drop does not operate on extended selections. Please select a single etch complete segment.%n 5099 1Vias are not allowed in No-Via and No-Route Areas.%n 5100 1The selection includes some segments that are incomplete. The etch width was not changed for those segments.%n 5101 1The PC board is not available for placement.%n 5102 1You cannot place symbols on the PC board 5103 1Remaining symbols cannot go with selected location.%n 5104 1There are no more symbols to display. Use NEXT to start over.%n 5105 1There are no more symbols in the part.%n 5106 1The destination must be specified for placement of pin 1.%n 5107 1Another component location has its pin 1 at the destination specified.%n 5108 1The symbol is not on the same page displayed in the Schematic.%n 5109 1Please select a single global incomplete connection.%n 5110 1Line defined by point must stay in one channel.%n 5111 1To Manual Global Route please set the global incompletes display option for a view.%n 5112 1That channel intersection doesn't have any pins on the net.%n 5113 1Placement strategy is 5114 1 minimize wire length.%n 5115 1 minimize number of parts.%n 5116 1There were %u symbols placed.%n 5117 1 including %u symbols with unbound pins.%n 5119 1Estimated Wire Length = %u inches.%n 5120 1Placement Errors = %u.%n 5121 1The schematic design contains physical connector symbols but the PC board has no edge connectors defined. Ignore if you are using only header connectors.%n 5122 1Unused connector encountered in design.%n 5123 1There is no edge connector available for the power or ground net named: %s with net number %u. Ignore if using only header connectors.%n 5124 1The selection cannot extend past invisible sections of the net.%n 5125 1The selection cannot be extended in that way.%n 5126 1The selection cannot be extended to that segment.%n 5127 1There are no symbol choices because the part is full.%n 5128 1There are no symbol choices because all of the symbols have been placed.%n 5129 1There is no property sheet for what is now selected.%n 5130 1Please select a part or non-empty location and retry this command.%n 5131 1Please select a part.%n 5132 1Please select a location.%n 5133 1There is no System.Lib.%n 5134 1Symbol %u encountered in schematic, but couldn't be found in library.%n 5135 1Symbol %u encountered in schematic, but no symbol or logo could be found for it.%n 5136 1Encountered instance of symbol %u on page %u that has two nets going to pin number %u. Nets are named %s and %s.%n 5137 1Encountered pin on net %s with net number %u on page %u that is attached to pin %u on symbol %u. This symbol has only %u pins.%n 5138 1No equivalent sites were found.%n 5139 1Please select a pin.%n 5140 1No equivalent pins were found.%n 5141 1There is no net associated with the selected pin.%n 5142 1Please select a pin or connector.%n 5143 1The new location intersects another component location.%n 5144 1Move requires a non-empty location.%n 5145 1Pin1 position specified lies outside the proposed location.%n 5146 1Pin1 x value would put pin off grid. x value updated.%n 5147 1Pin1 y value would put pin off grid. y value updated.%n 5148 1Apply failed.%n 5149 1Property sheets are not implemented for keep out locations.%n 5150 1Saved placement has symbol %u placed in part %u, but it cannot be placed in any of the sites.%n 5151 1The part or device information for a symbol or the partmap (system.pkg) has changed since a symbol was placed. Confirm to use old mapping for this and all other previously placed symbols, if the symbols cannot be placed any other way.%n 5152 1Location contains no part, but symbol placed there.%n 5153 1Non-component location contains placed symbol.%n 5154 1Cannot place part %u on PC board since pad stack for pin %u doesn't match any of values in the pad stack table for the board.%n 5155 1%n 5156 1Pin number %u on part %u , which is of type %s, has swap code %u. No net in the schematic has the same swap code.%n 5157 1That symbol is NOT assigned to a part.%n 5158 1No choice made, hence Apply! treated as if Abort!%n 5159 1The destination cannot be beyond the edges of the PC board.%n 5160 1There is already a channel edge at the specified coordinate.%n 5161 1Please select a destination for the channel operation.%n 5162 1The edges of the PC board cannot be deleted.%n 5163 1The edges of the PC board cannot be moved.%n 5164 1You cannot move a channel past its immediate neighbor.%n 5165 1Please select a location for the destination of the move.%n 5166 1Move cannot use a keep out location.%n 5167 1Destination must be an unoccupied part site or contain an empty part site.%n 5168 1Destination location must contain part.%n 5169 1Physical connector symbols cannot be swapped between part sites.%n 5170 1The specified part cannot contain that symbol.%n 5171 1The specified site cannot contain that symbol.%n 5172 1Please select a non-empty source site.%n 5173 1Destination must be a connector pin.%n 5174 1Destination must be a pin.%n 5175 1Source and destination pins must be in same part.%n 5176 1Source and destination pins must be in same symbol.%n 5177 1Source and destination pins must be equivalent.%n 5178 1The selected object cannot be copied.%n 5179 1That operation will delete all routes on the selected net. Please confirm to delete.%n 5180 1Part contains placed symbols. Please confirm deletion of part AND symbols!%n 5181 1Selected item cannot be deleted.%n 5182 1Both a source and destination must be specified for the move.%n 5183 1Source and destination are too close to move.%n 5184 1Move would cause pin 1 to go off PC board.%n 5185 1The selected object cannot be moved.%n 5186 1Please select a destination for the move.%n 5187 1Reading in schematic ...%n 5188 1Done.%n 5189 1Schematic has old format. Please close the file and convert the Schematic using the Schematic Tool.%n 5190 1No symbols in design.%n 5191 1Read failed. Please close the file and see your System Administrator.%n 5192 1Reading PC board ...%n 5193 1Problem opening design.%n 5194 1Board has unknown format.%n 5195 1Board has obsolete format.%n 5198 1Board has old format: converting it ...%n 5199 1locations and parts ...%n 5200 1symbols ...%n 5201 1nets ...%n 5203 1Design rules have been changed since last store of PC board by Place and Route package. Please run Space etch or Check etch to verify agreement with design rules.%n 5204 1Power layer number %u has swap code %u. No net in the schematic has the same swap code.%n 5205 1Ground layer number %u has swap code %u. No net in the schematic has the same swap code.%n 5206 1Unknown AOSStatus.%n 5207 1Symbol is already placed.%n 5208 1Please choose a part to implement the symbol.%n 5209 1Symbol is not in the schematic read by the PlaceRoute tool.%n 5210 1Symbol is placed onto PC board.%n 5211 1Please place your destination marker where you would like the symbol placed.%n 5212 1Please select a valid, non-'keep out' location.%n 5213 1There is already a part placed at indicated destination.%n 5214 1No free, matching site is available in the part.%n 5215 1No part is available to implement the symbol.%n 5216 1PlaceRoute PC board must first be opened.%n 5217 1PlaceRoute PC board must first be made editable.%n 5219 1Attempt to place connector into part!%n 5220 1Saved placement contains %u symbols that are no longer in the schematic.%n 5221 1Symbol is placed onto PC board, but some pins in the site are unbound.%n 5222 1Schematic specifies that an unnamed net has etch rule %u but that rule wasn't defined in the trace table of the .DWG file.%n 5223 1Schematic specifies that a net named %s with net number %u has etch rule %u but that rule wasn't defined in the trace table of the .DWG file.%n 5224 1Saved placement contains %u nets that are no longer in the schematic.%n 5225 1Either the .DF or .DWG file is invalid.%n 5226 1Computing connection vectors...%n 5227 1Saving your edits...%n 5228 1safe and sound.%n 5229 1Creating backup file ... %n 5230 1board ... %n 5231 1parts ... %n 5233 1Verifying unplaced symbols can be packaged for board...%n 5234 1...aborted by user.%n 5235 1...done.%n 5236 1Number of unplaced symbols: %u%n 5237 1More than one symbol trying to go to pin number %u on connector %s.%n 5238 1Part map says symbol %u maps to part %u , but part not in library.%n 5239 1Part %u can contain symbol %u.%n 5240 1Symbol %u doesn't match any of the sites in part %u.%n 5241 1Symbol %u cannot be placed in site %u of part %u due to pin type mismatch.%n 5242 1Symbol %u cannot be placed in site %u of part %u due to swap code mismatch.%n 5243 1Symbol %u cannot be placed in site %u of part %u because the swap codes and the pin types don't match.%n 5244 1Symbol %u cannot be placed in site %u of part %u because there are more pins in the symbol than in the site.%n 5245 1Symbol %u cannot be placed in site %u of part %u because another symbol occupies pins in that site.%n 5246 1Symbol %u cannot be placed in site %u of part %u because there is already a symbol in that site.%n 5247 1Symbol %u cannot be placed in site %u of part %u -- reason unknown.%n 5248 1Symbol %u has pin that is to go to pin number %u on part %u but part has no such pin.%n 5249 1Symbol %u cannot be placed in part %u since a valid pad stack does not exist for pin %u.%n 5250 1Symbol %u has no matching entry in part map.%n 5251 1Symbol parameters: 5252 1No symbol parameters specified. 5253 1 Dev1 = %s 5254 1 Dev2 = %s 5255 1 Dev3 = %s 5256 1 Physical part = %s 5257 1No plotters available on net.%n 5258 1Plotter name from user.cm file not available on net.%n 5259 1Plotter names available on net are:%n 5260 1%s%n 5261 1Selected plotter is offline.%n 5262 1Printing incompletes.%n 5263 1Board formatted, ready to send.%n 5264 1File PrintTest.vds created, use Courier Tool to send.%n 5265 1No User.cm file.%n 5266 1No 'BoardHardcopy' section in user.cm.%n 5267 1Using plotter %s.%n 5268 1Unrecognized value after 'LayerOption' item. 'all', 'paired' or 'single' expected. 'paired' will be used.%n 5269 1Invalid number after 'Zoom'.%n 5270 1Invalid number after 'Shrink'.%n 5271 1No 'Address' entry under BoardHardcopy section.%n 5272 1Unrecognized boolean value. 'FALSE' will be used.%n 5273 1Plotting layer number %d.%n 5274 1 while the symbol window contains symbols.%n To clear the symbol window, select anything on the PC board.%n 5275 1Part # %u has pad stack count of %u which differs from the pin count of %u.%n 5276 1All routing connected to one of the points on the net named: %s with net number %u were made global incomplete because the coordinates stored in the point and routing were inconsistent.%n 5500 1There are no visible %s to be selected.%n 5501 1Please make them visible with the Display Properties window.%n 5600 1No routing was created for the net named: %s with net number %u because pin numbers were not assigned to a connector. To have this net routed close the board and assign pin numbers to the connector in the Schematic.%n 5601 1The part does not fit in the present location. A new location has been created.%n 5602 1Stretch does not allow etch bends outside the routing area.%n 5603 1Vias cannot be moved outside of the routing area.%n 5701 1You cannot rotate an empty location.%n 5702 1Board open attempted to place more than one symbol into edge connector with reference designator: %s, pin number: %u. You MUST make the physical pin numbers unique (using the schematic's symbol property sheet) before you attempt any placement on the board.%n 5703 1Please select a part or location on the board.%n 5704 1A physical connector symbol on the schematic has reference designator: %s, but no physical pin number. You MUST specify the physical pin number (using the schematic's symbol property sheet) before you attempt any placement on the board.%n 5705 1There were: %u previously placed symbols which could not be placed according to the current partmap.%n 5706 1This header connector with reference designator: %s has more than one symbol assigned to pin number: %u. Only one of the symbols was placed.%n 5707 1Please make a destination selection of a part or location on the board.%n 9999 1Don't let the message stuff run off the end.%n