DIRECTORY BitOps, DragOpsCross, Rope; Dragon: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- Dragon -- Word: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; HexNibble: TYPE = [0..16); -- forces hexadecimal ViewRec HexByte: TYPE = Byte; -- forces hexadecimal ViewRec HexWord: TYPE = Word; -- forces hexadecimal ViewRec Byte: TYPE = [0..256); Opcode: TYPE = HexByte; EURegisterIndex: TYPE = [0..256); SLRange: TYPE = EURegisterIndex[0..128); Phase: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {a(0), b(1)}; Cycle: TYPE = NAT; UndefinedValue: Dragon.HexWord = 01234567H; ALUOps: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { Or(0), And(1), VAdd2(2), BndChk(3), SAdd(4), SSub(5), LAdd(6), LSub(7), Xor(8), res9(9), FOP(10), res11(11), VAdd(12), VSub(13), UAdd(14), USub(15) }; aluOpSig: ALUOps = LOOPHOLE[15]; CondSelects: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { False(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondFalse].ORD MOD 16), EZ(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondEZ].ORD MOD 16), LZ(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondLZ].ORD MOD 16), LE(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondLE].ORD MOD 16), AddressCheckFault(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[AddressCheckFault].ORD MOD 16), NE(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondNE].ORD MOD 16), GE(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondGE].ORD MOD 16), GZ(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondGZ].ORD MOD 16), OvFl(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondOver].ORD MOD 16), BC(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondBC].ORD MOD 16), IL(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondIL].ORD MOD 16), res11(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondDO].ORD MOD 16), res12(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondNotOver].ORD MOD 16), NotBC(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondNB].ORD MOD 16), NotIL(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ALUCondNI].ORD MOD 16), ModeFault(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[ModeFault].ORD MOD 16) }; ALULeftSources: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {aBus(0), rBus(1), cBus(2), reserve3(3)}; ALURightSources: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {bBus(0), rBus(1), cBus(2), kBus(3), fCtlReg(4), reserve5(5), reserve6(6), reserve7(7)}; Store2ASources: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {bBus(0), rBus(1), cBus(2), reserve3(3)}; rd: [0..256) = 0; wrt: [0..256) = 1; addrCheck: [0..256) = 2; kernelOnly: [0..256) = 4; deviceMult: CARDINAL = 16; cache: [0..256) = 1*deviceMult; hold: [0..256) = kernelOnly; io: [0..256) = 8; au: [0..256) = 2*deviceMult; fn: [0..256) = 8; auLt: [0..256) = au+0; auLtx: [0..256) = au+16; auRt: [0..256) = au+32; auRtx: [0..256) = au+48; auMF: [0..256) = au+64; auLtRt: [0..256) = au+80; auRsLt: [0..256) = au+96; auRsRt: [0..256) = au+108; PBusCommands: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { NoOp(0), Fetch(cache+rd), Store(cache+addrCheck+wrt), FetchHold(cache+hold+rd), StoreHold(cache+hold+wrt), IOFetch(cache+io+addrCheck+rd), IOStore(cache+io+addrCheck+wrt), IOFetchHold(cache+io+hold+rd), IOStoreHold(cache+io+hold+wrt), AUFetchLt(auLt+rd), AUStoreLt(auLt+wrt), AUFetchLtFn(auLt+fn+rd), AUStoreLtFn(auLt+fn+wrt), AUFetchLtx(auLtx+rd), AUStoreLtx(auLtx+wrt), AUFetchLtxFn(auLtx+fn+rd), AUFetchRt(auRt+rd), AUStoreRt(auRt+wrt), AUFetchRtFn(auRt+fn+rd), AUStoreRtFn(auRt+fn+wrt), AUFetchRtx(auRtx+rd), AUStoreRtx(auRtx+wrt), AUFetchRtxFn(auRtx+fn+rd), AUFetchMF(auMF+rd), AUStoreMF(auMF+wrt), AUFetchMFFn(auMF+fn+rd), AUStoreMFFn(auMF+fn+wrt), AUStoreLtRt(auLtRt+wrt), AUFetchRslt(auRsLt+rd), AUXferToLtx(auRsLt+wrt), AUFetchRsltFn(auRsLt+fn+rd), AUXferToLtxFn(auRsLt+fn+wrt), AUFetchRsltx(auRsRt+rd), AUXferToRtx(auRsRt+wrt), AUFetchRsltxFn(auRsRt+fn+rd), AUXferToRtxFn(auRsRt+fn+wrt), Last(377B) }; PBusFaults: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { none(0), page(8+(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[EUPageFault].ORD MOD 8)), write(8+(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[EUWriteFault].ORD MOD 8)), arithmetic(8+(DragOpsCross.TrapIndex[AUFault].ORD MOD 8)) }; MBusCommands: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {DataTransport(0), ReadQuad(1), WriteQuad(2), WriteSingle(3), ChangeFlags(4), IORead(5), IOReadDone(6), IOWrite(7), IOWriteDone(8), Reserve9(9), Reserve10(10), Reserve11(11), Reserve12(12), Reserve13(13), Reserve14(14), NoOp(15)}; aRegKBusPos: [0..32) = 0; -- high-order 8 bits of KBus bRegKBusPos: [0..32) = 8; cRegKBusPos: [0..32) = 16; OpName: PUBLIC READONLY ARRAY Dragon.Opcode OF Rope.ROPE; OpLength: PROC [ op: Opcode ] RETURNS [ length: [0..5] ]; Assert: PROC [ condition: BOOL, message: Rope.ROPE _ NIL ]; AssertionFailed: SIGNAL [ message: Rope.ROPE ]; Count: PROC [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j: BOOL _ FALSE ] RETURNS [ NAT ]; OneOf: PROC [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j: BOOL _ FALSE ] RETURNS [ BOOL ]; MoreThanOneOf: PROC [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j: BOOL _ FALSE ] RETURNS [ BOOL ]; LTD, LongToDouble: PROC[word: Dragon.HexWord] RETURNS[BitOps.BitDWord]; LFD, LongFromDouble: PROC[bdw: BitOps.BitDWord] RETURNS[Dragon.HexWord]; PRtoByte: PROC[pr:DragOpsCross.ProcessorRegister] RETURNS [byte:Dragon.HexByte]; BytetoPR: PROC[byte:Dragon.HexByte] RETURNS [pr:DragOpsCross.ProcessorRegister]; END. ÊDragon.mesa Copyright c 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Auxiliary functions for Dragon Rosemary simulations last edited by E. McCreight, January 29, 1986 11:36:36 am PST last edited by TWilliams, August 6, 1984 4:14:53 pm PDT last edited by Curry, September 8, 1985 6:11:51 pm PDT Position of a microinstruction's a, b, and c register addresses on the KBus between the IFU and EU during its clock phases 1B, 1B, and 3B, respectively. Êž˜šÐbl ™ Jšœ Ïmœ1™