<> <> <> DIRECTORY Core, CoreFrame, CoreName, CoreXform, DragOpsCross, IFUSrc, IFUCoreData; IFUSrcPCFormTop: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CoreFrame, CoreName, IFUCoreData EXPORTS IFUSrc = BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Core.ROPE; GND: ROPE _ CoreName.RopeNm["GND"]; VDD: ROPE _ CoreName.RopeNm["VDD"]; abgdAB: ROPE = "( AlphaAB. BetaAB. GammaAB. DeltaAB. )"; opNILAB: ROPE = "( OpAB. NIL NIL NIL )"; alpBetAB: LIST OF REF = LIST["AlphaAB.", "BetaAB.", NIL, NIL]; opAlBeAB: LIST OF REF = LIST["OpAB.", NIL, "AlphaAB.", "BetaAB."]; opAlBeBA: LIST OF REF = LIST["OpBA.", NIL, "AlphaBA.", "BetaBA."]; alphaSign: ROPE = "(AlphaAB.7 AlphaAB.7 AlphaAB.7 AlphaAB.7 AlphaAB.7 AlphaAB.7 AlphaAB.7 AlphaAB.7)"; betaSign: ROPE = "(BetaAB.7 BetaAB.7 BetaAB.7 BetaAB.7 BetaAB.7 BetaAB.7 BetaAB.7 BetaAB.7)"; signedAlpBet: LIST OF REF = LIST[alphaSign, alphaSign, "AlphaAB.", "BetaAB."]; signedAlpha: LIST OF REF = LIST[alphaSign, alphaSign, alphaSign, "AlphaAB."]; signedBeta: LIST OF REF = LIST[betaSign, betaSign, betaSign, "BetaAB."]; oplength: ROPE = " (GND GND GND (GND GND GND GND GND OpLengthbBA.0 OpLengthbBA.1 OpLengthbBA.2 ))"; XopSetupOpTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", abgdAB, opNILAB ]; XopSetupOp: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "SwitchBox", name: "XopSetupOp", top: XopSetupOpTop, left: NIL, right: NIL, bot: XopGenRowTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; XopGenRowTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", abgdAB, opNILAB, "( NIL NIL ( NIL NIL NIL NIL OpAB.0 OpAB.1 OpAB.2 OpAB.3 ) ( OpAB.4 OpAB.5 OpAB.6 OpAB.7 NIL NIL NIL NIL ) ) " ]; XopGenRow: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "XopGenRow", type: "DpTriDr", top: XopGenRowTop, right: "( PcBusSrcXopGenBA NotPcBusSrcXopGenBA )", in: " ( ( GND (GND GND GND VDD GND GND GND GND) (GND GND GND GND OpAB.0 OpAB.1 OpAB.2 OpAB.3) (OpAB.4 OpAB.5 OpAB.6 OpAB.7 GND GND GND GND ) ) )" , out: "( PCBus. )", bot: TrapSetupTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; TrapSetupTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", abgdAB, opNILAB ]; TrapSetup: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "SwitchBox", name: "TrapSetup", top: TrapSetupTop, left: "( EUCondSel3AB.0 EUCondSel3AB.1 EUCondSel3AB.2 EUCondSel3AB.3 ExceptCodeAB.0 ExceptCodeAB.1 ExceptCodeAB.2 ExceptCodeAB.3 )", right: "(DPFaultAB.1 DPFaultAB.2 DPFaultAB.3 )", bot: TrapMuxTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; TrapMuxTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", abgdAB, opNILAB, NIL, NIL, GND, VDD, "(NIL NIL NIL (NIL DPFaultAB.1 DPFaultAB.2 DPFaultAB.3 ) )", "(NIL NIL NIL (EUCondSel3AB.0 EUCondSel3AB.1 EUCondSel3AB.2 EUCondSel3AB.3 ) )", "(NIL NIL NIL (ExceptCodeAB.0 ExceptCodeAB.1 ExceptCodeAB.2 ExceptCodeAB.3 ) )"]; TrapMux: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "Mux", name: "TrapMux", top: TrapMuxTop, left: "( ExceptTypeSpecialCodeAB ExceptTypeCondCodeAB ExceptTypeDpFaultAB )", in: "( (GND (GND GND GND VDD GND GND GND GND ) (GND GND GND VDD GND GND GND GND ) (ExceptCodeAB.0 ExceptCodeAB.1 ExceptCodeAB.2 ExceptCodeAB.3 GND GND GND GND) ) (GND (GND GND GND VDD GND GND GND GND ) (GND GND GND VDD GND GND GND VDD ) (EUCondSel3AB.0 EUCondSel3AB.1 EUCondSel3AB.2 EUCondSel3AB.3 GND GND GND GND) ) (GND (GND GND GND VDD GND GND GND GND ) (GND GND GND VDD GND GND VDD GND ) (GND DPFaultAB.1 DPFaultAB.2 DPFaultAB.3 GND GND GND GND)))", out: "( TrapPCB. )", bot: TrapDrivePCBusTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; TrapDrivePCBusTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", abgdAB, opNILAB, "TrapPCB." ]; TrapDrivePCBus: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "TrapDrivePCBus", type: "DpTriDr", top: TrapDrivePCBusTop, right: "( PcBusSrcTrapGenBA NotPcBusSrcTrapGenBA )", in: "( TrapPCB. )", out: "( PCBus. )", bot: ABGDDrivePCBusTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; ABGDDrivePCBusTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", abgdAB, opNILAB]; ABGDDrivePCBus: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "ABGDDrivePCBus", type: "DpTriDr", top: ABGDDrivePCBusTop, right: "( PcBusSrcAlpBetGamDelBA NotPcBusSrcAlpBetGamDelBA )", in: LIST[ abgdAB ], out: LIST[ "PCBus." ], bot: XABBufTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; XABBufTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", alpBetAB, opNILAB]; XABBuf: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "XABBuf", type: "DpLatch", top: XABBufTop, left: "( PhA VBB )", in: "( XBus. )", out: "( XAB. )", bot: XABDrivePCBusTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; XABDrivePCBusTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", alpBetAB, opNILAB, "XAB."]; XABDrivePCBus: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "XABDrivePCBus", type: "DpTriDr", top: XABDrivePCBusTop, right: "( PcBusSrcXBA NotPcBusSrcXBA )", in: "( XAB. )", out: "( PCBus. )", bot: BranchOffsetSetupTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; BranchOffsetSetupTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", alpBetAB, opNILAB, "XAB."]; BranchOffsetSetup: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "SwitchBox", name: "BranchOffsetSetup", top: BranchOffsetSetupTop, left: NIL, right: NIL, bot: BranchOffsetMuxTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; BranchOffsetMuxTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[ "XBus.", "PCBus.", NIL, opAlBeAB, "XAB.", NIL, "GND", "VDD", signedAlpha, signedBeta ]; BranchOffsetMux: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "Mux", name: "BranchOffsetMux", top: BranchOffsetMuxTop, left: "(JumpOffsetAlphaAB JumpOffsetBetaAB JumpOffsetAlphaBetaAB JumpOffsetXaAB)", in: LIST[ signedAlpha, signedBeta, signedAlpBet, "XAB." ], out: "( PCBrOSetAB. )", bot: BranchOffsetLatchTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; BranchOffsetLatchTop: LIST OF REF = LIST ["XBus.", "PCBus.", NIL, opAlBeAB, NIL, "PCBrOSetAB." ]; BranchOffsetLatch: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "BranchOffsetLatch", type: "DpLatch", -- this could be a buf, just need to restore top: BranchOffsetLatchTop, left: "( PhA VBB )", in: "( PCBrOSetAB. )", out: "( PCBrOSetABB. )", bot: BranchPhaseMuxTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; BranchPhaseMuxTop: LIST OF REF = LIST["XBus.", "PCBus.", "PCBrOSetABB.", opAlBeAB]; BranchPhaseMux: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "Mux", name: "BranchPhaseMux", top: BranchPhaseMuxTop, left: "( PhA PhB )", in: LIST[ oplength, "PCBrOSetABB." ], out: LIST[ "PCBranch." ], bot: BranchBufferTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; BranchBufferTop: LIST OF REF = LIST [ "XBus.", "PCBus.", NIL, opAlBeAB, oplength,"PCBranch."]; BranchBuffer: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "BranchBuffer", type: "DpBuf", top: BranchBufferTop, in: "( PCBranch. )", out: "( PCBranchBuf. )", bot: OpLengthBranchSetupTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; OpLengthBranchSetupTop: LIST OF REF = LIST [ "XBus.", "PCBus.", "PCBranchBuf.", opAlBeAB, oplength]; OpLengthBranchSetup: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "SwitchBox", name: "OpLengthBranchSetup", top: OpLengthBranchSetupTop, left: "( OpLengthbBA.0 OpLengthbBA.1 OpLengthbBA.2 )", right: NIL, bot: OpAlphaBetaLatchTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; OpAlphaBetaLatchTop: LIST OF REF = LIST["XBus.", "PCBus.", "PCBranchBuf.", opAlBeAB]; OpAlphaBetaLatch: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "OpAlphaBetaLatch", type: "DpLatch", top: OpAlphaBetaLatchTop, left: "( PhB VBB )", in: LIST[ opAlBeAB ], out: LIST[ opAlBeBA ], bot: NPCLatchTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; NPCLatchTop: LIST OF REF = LIST["XBus.", "PCBus.", "PCBranchBuf.", opAlBeBA]; NPCLatch: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "NPCLatch", type: "DpLatch", top: NPCLatchTop, left: "( PhB VBB )", in: "( PCBus. )", out: "( NPCBA. )", bot: PCABMuxTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; PCABMuxTop: LIST OF REF = LIST ["XBus.", "PCBus.", "PCBranchBuf.", opAlBeBA, NIL, "NPCBA."]; PCABMux: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "Mux", name: "PCABMux", top: PCABMuxTop, right: "( PcNextIncrBA PcNextFromPCBusBA )", in: "( Sum. NPCBA. )", out: "( PCA. )", bot: PCABLatchTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; PCABLatchTop: LIST OF REF = LIST ["XBus.", "PCBus.", "PCBranchBuf.", opAlBeBA, "PCA.", "Sum."]; PCABLatch: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "PCABLatch", type: "DpLatch", top: PCABLatchTop, left: "( PhA VBB )", in: "( PCA. )", out: "( PCAB. )", bot: PCDrivePCBusTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; PCDrivePCBusTop: LIST OF REF = LIST ["XBus.", "PCBus.", "PCBranchBuf.", opAlBeBA, "PCAB.", "Sum."]; PCDrivePCBus: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "PCDrivePCBus", type: "DpTriDr", top: PCDrivePCBusTop, right: "( PcBusSrcPcBA NotPcBusSrcPcBA )", in: "( PCAB. )", out: "( PCBus. )", bot: PCFormBot, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; PCFormBot: LIST OF REF = LIST ["XBus.", "PCBus.", "PCBranchBuf.", opAlBeBA, "PCAB.", "Sum."]; PCFormTop: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { name: ROPE _ CoreName.RopeNm["IFUPCFormTop"]; IF (cellType _ CoreFrame.ReadFrameCache[name])=NIL THEN { cellType _ CoreFrame.NewFrameCells[ name: name, rec: [first: top], cells: LIST[ XopSetupOp[], XopGenRow[], TrapSetup[], TrapMux[], TrapDrivePCBus[], ABGDDrivePCBus[], XABBuf[], XABDrivePCBus[], BranchOffsetSetup[], BranchOffsetMux[], BranchOffsetLatch[], BranchPhaseMux[], BranchBuffer[], OpLengthBranchSetup[], OpAlphaBetaLatch[], NPCLatch[], PCABMux[], PCABLatch[], PCDrivePCBus[] ] ]; CoreFrame.WriteFrameCache[cellType]}}; <> IF DragOpsCross.XopBase #1000000B THEN ERROR; IF DragOpsCross.TrapBase #1002000B THEN ERROR; IF DragOpsCross.bytesPerWord #4 THEN ERROR; IF DragOpsCross.TrapWidthWords #4 THEN ERROR; END.