<> <> <> DIRECTORY Core, CoreFrame, CoreName, CoreXform, IFUSrc, IFUCoreData; IFUSrcFetch: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CoreFrame, CoreName, IFUCoreData EXPORTS IFUSrc = BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Core.ROPE; <> IPDataxx: ROPE = " ( ( IPData.00 IPData.10 IPData.20 IPData.30 IPData.01 IPData.11 IPData.21 IPData.31 ) ( IPData.02 IPData.12 IPData.22 IPData.32 IPData.03 IPData.13 IPData.23 IPData.33 ) ( IPData.04 IPData.14 IPData.24 IPData.34 IPData.05 IPData.15 IPData.25 IPData.35 ) ( IPData.06 IPData.16 IPData.26 IPData.36 IPData.07 IPData.17 IPData.27 IPData.37 ) )"; <> PCBusxx: ROPE = " ( ( PCBus.00 PCBus.04 PCBus.10 PCBus.14 PCBus.20 PCBus.24 PCBus.30 PCBus.34 ) ( PCBus.01 PCBus.05 PCBus.11 PCBus.15 PCBus.21 PCBus.25 PCBus.31 PCBus.35 ) ( PCBus.02 PCBus.06 PCBus.12 PCBus.16 PCBus.22 PCBus.26 PCBus.32 PCBus.36 ) ( PCBus.03 PCBus.07 PCBus.13 PCBus.17 PCBus.23 PCBus.27 PCBus.33 PCBus.37 ) )"; fetchAddr2ShiftBA: ROPE = " ( (GND GND FetchAddrBA.00 FetchAddrBA.01 FetchAddrBA.02 FetchAddrBA.03 FetchAddrBA.04 FetchAddrBA.05) (FetchAddrBA.06 FetchAddrBA.07 FetchAddrBA.10 FetchAddrBA.11 FetchAddrBA.12 FetchAddrBA.13 FetchAddrBA.14 FetchAddrBA.15) (FetchAddrBA.16 FetchAddrBA.17 FetchAddrBA.20 FetchAddrBA.21 FetchAddrBA.22 FetchAddrBA.23 FetchAddrBA.24 FetchAddrBA.25) (FetchAddrBA.26 FetchAddrBA.27 FetchAddrBA.30 FetchAddrBA.31 FetchAddrBA.32 FetchAddrBA.33 FetchAddrBA.34 FetchAddrBA.35 )) "; FetchIPDriveTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[NIL, "IPAddr.", NIL, IPDataxx ]; FetchIPDrive: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "FetchIPDrive", type: "DpBuf", top: FetchIPDriveTop, in: LIST[fetchAddr2ShiftBA], out: "( IPAddr. )", bot: FetchShiftAddress2Top, xform: IFUCoreData.Sequencial48 ]}; FetchShiftAddress2Top: LIST OF REF = LIST[fetchAddr2ShiftBA, NIL, NIL, IPDataxx]; FetchShiftAddress2: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "SwitchBox", name: "FetchShiftAddress2", top: FetchShiftAddress2Top, <> <> left: "( FetchAddrBA.36 FetchAddrBA.37 )", right: NIL, bot: FetchIncrementTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Sequencial48 ]}; FetchIncrementTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[NIL, "FetchAddrBA.", NIL, IPDataxx]; FetchIncrement: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "Adder", name: "FetchIncrement", right: "( GND )", top: FetchIncrementTop, in: LIST[ "FetchAddrBA.", increPCBA ], out: "( FetchAddrPlus4BA. )", bot: FetchIncrementInTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Sequencial48 ]}; increPCBA: ROPE = "(GND GND GND (GND GND GND GND GND NewFetchBA GND GND ))"; FetchIncrementInTop: LIST OF REF = LIST ["FetchAddrPlus4BA.", "FetchAddrBA.", increPCBA, IPDataxx]; FetchIncrementIn: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "SwitchBox", name: "FetchIncrementIn", top: FetchIncrementInTop, left: "( NewFetchBA )", right: NIL, bot: FetchLatchATop, xform: IFUCoreData.Sequencial48 ]}; FetchLatchATop: LIST OF REF = LIST["FetchAddrPlus4BA.", "FetchAddrBA.", NIL, IPDataxx]; FetchLatchA: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "FetchLatchA", type: "DpLatch", top: FetchLatchATop, left: "( PhA VBB )", in: "( FetchAddrPlus4BA. )", out: "( FetchAddrAB. )", bot: FetchMuxBTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Sequencial48 ]}; FetchMuxBTop: LIST OF REF = LIST["FetchAddrAB.", "FetchAddrBA.", NIL, IPDataxx]; FetchMuxB: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "Mux", name: "FetchMuxB", top: FetchMuxBTop, right: "( NextMacroGetBA NextMacroJumpBA NextMacroHoldBA )", in: "( FetchAddrAB. PCBus. FetchAddrAB )", out: "( FetchAddrB. )", bot: FetchLatchBTop, xform: IFUCoreData.Sequencial48 ]}; FetchLatchBTop: LIST OF REF = LIST [NIL, "FetchAddrBA.", "FetchAddrB.", IPDataxx, NIL, "PCBus." ]; FetchLatchB: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "GPRow", name: "FetchLatchB", type: "DpLatch", top: FetchLatchBTop, left: "(PhB VBB)", in: "( FetchAddrB. )", out: "( FetchAddrBA. )", bot: FetchLatchBBot, xform: IFUCoreData.Sequencial48 ]}; FetchLatchBBot: LIST OF REF = LIST [NIL, NIL, NIL, IPDataxx, NIL, "PCBus.", ]; <<>> <> FetchXslatePCBusTop: LIST OF REF = LIST[NIL, NIL, NIL, "IPData.", NIL, PCBusxx ]; FetchXslatePCBus: PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { cellType _ IFUCoreData.CellProc[ subClass: "SwitchBox", name: "FetchXslatePCBus", top: FetchXslatePCBusTop, left: "( PCBus.36 PCBus.37 )", right: NIL, bot: FetchAddressBot, xform: IFUCoreData.Interleaved48 ]}; FetchAddressBot: LIST OF REF = LIST[NIL,NIL,NIL, "IPData.", NIL,NIL,"GND", "VDD", "PCBus." ]; Fetch: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS[cellType: Core.CellType] = { name: ROPE _ CoreName.RopeNm["IFUFetch"]; IF (cellType _ CoreFrame.ReadFrameCache[name])=NIL THEN { cellType _ CoreFrame.NewFrameCells[ name: name, rec: [first: top], cells: LIST[ FetchIPDrive [], FetchShiftAddress2[], FetchIncrement[], FetchIncrementIn[], FetchLatchA[], FetchMuxB[], FetchLatchB[], FetchXslatePCBus[] ] ]; CoreFrame.WriteFrameCache[cellType]}}; <<>> END.