DIRECTORY Allocator USING [BlockSizeIndex, bsiEscape, NHeaderP, NormalHeader], AllocatorOps USING [bsiToSize, NewObject, REFToNHP], Basics USING [RawWords], PrincOpsUtils USING [LongCopy], RCMap USING [nullIndex], RTTypesBasicPrivate USING [MapTiTd], SafeStorage USING [Type]; UncountedAssignHack: CEDAR DEFINITIONS IMPORTS AllocatorOps, PrincOpsUtils, RTTypesBasicPrivate = BEGIN UncountedSmallAssign: PROC [dst: REF, src: REF] RETURNS [AssignResult] = INLINE { SELECT TRUE FROM dst = NIL, src = NIL => RETURN [problem]; dst # src => TRUSTED { dstNhp: Allocator.NHeaderP = AllocatorOps.REFToNHP[dst]; dstType: SafeStorage.Type = dstNhp.type; dstBsi: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex = dstNhp.blockSizeIndex; srcNhp: Allocator.NHeaderP = AllocatorOps.REFToNHP[src]; srcType: SafeStorage.Type = srcNhp.type; srcBsi: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex = srcNhp.blockSizeIndex; words: CARDINAL = AllocatorOps.bsiToSize[srcBsi]; SELECT TRUE FROM dstType # srcType => RETURN [typesNE]; dstBsi # srcBsi => RETURN [sizesNE]; RTTypesBasicPrivate.MapTiTd[dstType].rcmx # RCMap.nullIndex => RETURN [problem]; dstBsi = Allocator.bsiEscape => RETURN [problem]; words <= SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader] => RETURN [problem]; ENDCASE; PrincOpsUtils.LongCopy[ from: LOOPHOLE[src, LONG POINTER], nwords: words - SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader], to: LOOPHOLE[dst, LONG POINTER]]; }; ENDCASE; RETURN [success]; }; AssignResult: TYPE = { success, -- assignment was successful typesNE, -- types were not equal sizesNE, -- sizes were not equal problem -- some other problem }; UncountedSmallNew: PROC [src: REF] RETURNS [dst: REF _ NIL] = INLINE { IF src # NIL THEN TRUSTED { srcNhp: Allocator.NHeaderP = AllocatorOps.REFToNHP[src]; srcType: SafeStorage.Type = srcNhp.type; srcBsi: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex = srcNhp.blockSizeIndex; words: CARDINAL = AllocatorOps.bsiToSize[srcBsi]; IF words > SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader] AND srcBsi # Allocator.bsiEscape AND RTTypesBasicPrivate.MapTiTd[srcType].rcmx = RCMap.nullIndex THEN { dst _ AllocatorOps.NewObject[srcType, words]; PrincOpsUtils.LongCopy[ from: LOOPHOLE[src, LONG POINTER], nwords: words - SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader], to: LOOPHOLE[dst, LONG POINTER]]; }; }; }; UncountedSmallEqual: PROC [ref1, ref2: REF] RETURNS [EqualResult] = INLINE { SELECT TRUE FROM ref1 = NIL, ref2 = NIL => RETURN [problem]; ref1 # ref2 => TRUSTED { nhp1: Allocator.NHeaderP = AllocatorOps.REFToNHP[ref1]; type1: SafeStorage.Type = nhp1.type; bsi1: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex = nhp1.blockSizeIndex; nhp2: Allocator.NHeaderP = AllocatorOps.REFToNHP[ref2]; type2: SafeStorage.Type = nhp2.type; bsi2: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex = nhp2.blockSizeIndex; words: CARDINAL = AllocatorOps.bsiToSize[bsi1]; SELECT TRUE FROM type1 # type2 => RETURN [typesNE]; bsi1 # bsi2 => RETURN [sizesNE]; bsi1 = Allocator.bsiEscape, bsi2 = Allocator.bsiEscape => RETURN [problem]; words <= SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader] => RETURN [problem]; ENDCASE; FOR i: NAT IN [0..words-SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader]) DO IF LOOPHOLE[ref1, LONG POINTER TO Basics.RawWords][i] # LOOPHOLE[ref2, LONG POINTER TO Basics.RawWords][i] THEN RETURN [contentsNE]; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE; RETURN [equal]; }; EqualResult: TYPE = { equal, -- objects were equal typesNE, -- types were not equal sizesNE, -- sizes were not equal contentsNE, -- contents were not equal problem -- either not comparable or some other problem }; DiagnoseProblem: PROC [ref: REF] RETURNS [ProblemKind] = INLINE { IF ref # NIL THEN TRUSTED { refNhp: Allocator.NHeaderP = AllocatorOps.REFToNHP[ref]; refType: SafeStorage.Type = refNhp.type; refBsi: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex = refNhp.blockSizeIndex; words: CARDINAL = AllocatorOps.bsiToSize[refBsi]; SELECT TRUE FROM RTTypesBasicPrivate.MapTiTd[refType].rcmx # RCMap.nullIndex => RETURN [typeIsRC]; refBsi = Allocator.bsiEscape => RETURN [tooLong]; words <= SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader] => RETURN [tooShort]; ENDCASE => RETURN [noProblem]; }; RETURN [nilRef]; }; ProblemKind: TYPE = { noProblem, -- no problem nilRef, -- ref = NIL typeIsRC, -- type is REF containing tooLong, -- object is too long (> Allocator.maxSmallBlockSize words) tooShort}; -- object is too small (probably damaged) UncountedSmallAssignProc: PUBLIC PROC [dst: REF, src: REF] RETURNS [AssignResult]; UncountedSmallAssignPlease: PUBLIC PROC [dst: REF, src: REF]; UncountedSmallNewProc: PUBLIC PROC [src: REF] RETURNS [dst: REF _ NIL]; UncountedSmallEqualProc: PUBLIC PROC [ref1, ref2: REF] RETURNS [EqualResult]; DiagnoseProblemProc: PUBLIC PROC [ref: REF] RETURNS [ProblemKind]; END. ΨUncountedAssignHack.mesa Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Russ Atkinson (RRA) May 1, 1986 7:11:22 pm PDT McCreight, May 2, 1986 5:40:40 pm PDT Returns NIL if there was some problem. Κ½˜codešœ™Kšœ Οmœ1™