<> <> <> DIRECTORY CD, CDExtras, CDOrient, CDFrame, CDOps, CDSimpleOps, CDViewer, Commander, Dragon, IO, IFUAsm, IFUPLAInstrDecode, IFUPW, PLAOps, IFUPWControl, REFBit, Rope; IFUAsmInstrDecode: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CDFrame, Commander, IFUAsm, IFUPW, IFUPWControl, IO, PLAOps, REFBit, Rope EXPORTS IFUAsm = BEGIN OPEN CDF: CDFrame; root: Rope.ROPE = "InstrDecode"; plaRoot: Rope.ROPE = Rope.Cat["IFUPLA", root]; module: Rope.ROPE = Rope.Cat["IFUAsm", root]; InstrDecodeProc: CDF.ExpandProc = { maxOuts: INT _ 0; ins: REF _ REFBit.NEWFromName[plaRoot.Cat[".", root.Cat["In"] ] ]; drivesIn: REF CDF.FrameSeq; drivesOut: REF CDF.FrameSeq _ CDF.NewFrame [IFUPLAInstrDecode.InstrDecodeOutCount, y, "InstrDecodePLAs", NIL, TRUE]; FOR index: INT IN [0..drivesOut.seqSize) DO plaName: Rope.ROPE _ IO.PutFR["%g%g", IO.rope[plaRoot], IO.int[index] ]; pla: PLAOps.PLA _ PLAOps.ReadPLAFile[plaName.Cat[".ttt"], IFUAsm.log]; maxOuts _ MAX[maxOuts, REFBit.Desc[pla.out].bitForm.size]; drivesOut[index] _ IFUPWControl.DrPLA [plaName, pla, precharged, AB, B]; ENDLOOP; FOR index: INT IN [0..drivesOut.seqSize) DO desc: IFUPWControl.PLADescription _ NARROW[drivesOut[index].data]; desc.nofOrCols _ maxOuts; ENDLOOP; CheckConsistancyOfInstrDecodePLAs[drivesOut]; drivesIn _ IFUPWControl.RefToDriverFrame[ name: "InstrDecodeInTemp", xory: y, data: NIL, unordered: TRUE, refRec: ins, initial: [drDir: in, dualOut: TRUE, ref: [pos, A], out: [pos, AB]] ]; [ ] _ IFUPWControl.BuildFrame[IFUAsm.Complete, "IFUAsmDataColumnCore", design]; new _ GetFrame[IFUAsm.Complete, "IFUAsmDataColumnCore", NIL].new; IF new.shell=NIL THEN ERROR; IFUAsm.log.PutF["\n\n AccmPosAndAddDriversBasedOnShellSide drivesOut"]; drivesOut _ IFUPWControl.AccmPosAndAddDriversBasedOnShellSide [drivesOut, new.shell, right]; IFUAsm.log.PutF["\n\n ReorderFrameBasedOnAvePos drivesOut"]; IFUPWControl.ReorderFrameBasedOnAvePos[drivesOut]; IFUAsm.log.PutF["\n\n AccmPosAndAddDriversBasedOnShellSide drivesIn"]; drivesIn[1] _ IFUPWControl.AccmPosAndAddDriversBasedOnShellSide [drivesIn[1], new.shell, right]; IFUAsm.log.PutF["\n\n ReorderFrameBasedOnAvePos drivesIn"]; IFUPWControl.ReorderFrameBasedOnAvePos[drivesIn[1]]; FOR drive: INT IN [0..drivesOut.seqSize) DO drivesOut[drive] _ IFUPWControl.DrivenPLA[drivesOut[drive], design] ENDLOOP; new _ IFUPW.NFS[root, x, LIST[ CDF.Glue[l: ext, r: conn], IFUPW.NFS[root.Cat["Main"], y, LIST[ IFUPW.NFS[root.Cat["InputsSBDr"], x, LIST[CDF.Glue[b: conn, r: conn], drivesIn ]], drivesOut, IFUPWControl.DriverFill[] ]] ]]}; GetFrame: CDF.SpecificFrameProc = { IF name=NIL THEN RETURN[NIL, FALSE]; IF frame.shell#NIL AND Rope.Equal[frame.shell.name, name] THEN RETURN[frame, TRUE]; done _ FALSE; FOR index: INT IN [0..frame.seqSize) WHILE NOT done DO [new, done] _ GetFrame[frame[index], name, NIL] ENDLOOP; IF ~done THEN new _ NIL; RETURN[new, done] }; CheckConsistancyOfInstrDecodePLAs: PROC[drivesOut: REF CDF.FrameSeq] = { DeCONS: PROC[rope: Rope.ROPE, list: LIST OF Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[LIST OF Rope.ROPE] = { IF Rope.Equal[rope, list.first] THEN RETURN[list.rest]; FOR temp: LIST OF Rope.ROPE _ list, temp.rest WHILE temp.rest#NIL DO IF NOT Rope.Equal[rope, temp.rest.first] THEN LOOP; temp.rest _ temp.rest.rest; EXIT REPEAT FINISHED => IFUAsm.log.PutF ["\n ERROR: %g not driven by any of the Instruction Decode PLA's", IO.rope[rope]] ENDLOOP; RETURN[list]}; format: REFBit.Format; outlist: LIST OF Rope.ROPE; FOR index: INT IN [0..drivesOut.seqSize) DO desc: IFUPWControl.PLADescription _ NARROW[drivesOut[index].data]; format _ REFBit.Desc[desc.ttt.out].bitForm; FOR bit: INT IN [0..format.size) DO IF format[bit].name # NIL THEN outlist _ CONS[format[bit].name, outlist]; IF format[bit].nameInv # NIL THEN outlist _ CONS[format[bit].nameInv, outlist]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; format _ REFBit.Desc[plaRoot.Cat[".", root, "Out"]].bitForm; FOR bit: INT IN [0..format.size) DO IF format[bit].name # NIL THEN outlist _ DeCONS[format[bit].name, outlist]; IF format[bit].nameInv # NIL THEN outlist _ DeCONS[format[bit].nameInv, outlist]; ENDLOOP; IF outlist#NIL THEN ERROR}; -- main pla did not define these outputs InstrDecode: PUBLIC IFUPW.Frame _ CDF.NewExpandFrame[ module, InstrDecodeProc ]; InstrDecodeCT: Commander.CommandProc = {IFUPW.AssembleFrame[IFUAsm.RefDesign[], InstrDecode, cmd ] }; Commander.Register [proc: InstrDecodeCT, key: module]; END.