Copyright © 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Louis Monier June 9, 1986 5:19:45 pm PDT
Bertrand Serlet September 5, 1986 12:45:24 pm PDT
Last Edited by: Louis Monier November 17, 1986 10:46:43 pm PST
DIRECTORY BitOps, CD, CoreCreate, EUInner, EUUtils, PWCore, Rope, TilingClass;
IMPORTS BitOps, CoreCreate, EUUtils, PWCore, Rope, TilingClass
BEGIN OPEN CoreCreate, EUInner;
-- (left, st2A, r2B, cBus, fuOut)[0..32), insert, (mask, shift)[0..6), sh[0..33)
CreateFieldUnit: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
cellType ← EUUtils.Extract["FieldUnit.sch"];
-- A barrel shifter; two inputs (left and st2A), one output (fuOut)
-- sh=0 => out←left; sh=32 => out←st2A; shift by zero is on top;
-- shOut[0..32), sh[0..33), pass, (left, st2A, r2B, cBus, fuOut)[0..32), Vdd, Gnd
CreateBarrelShifter: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
sh: Wire ← Seq["sh", 32+1];
shOut: Wire ← Seq["shOut", 32];
left: Wire ← Seq["left", 32];
st2A: Wire ← Seq["st2A", 32];
r2B: Wire ← Seq["r2B", 32];
cBus: Wire ← Seq["cBus", 32];
fuOut: Wire ← Seq["fuOut", 32];
tileArray: TilingClass.TileArray ← NEW[TilingClass.TileArrayRec[35]];
-- 0 is the bottom
tileArray[0] ← NEW[TilingClass.TileRowRec[32]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..32) DO
tileArray[0][i] ← NEW[TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: EUUtils.Extract["shRightConnect.sch"],
flatten: TRUE,
renaming: LIST[["Vdd", "Vdd"], ["Gnd", "Gnd"], ["st2A", st2A[i]], ["r2B", r2B[i]], ["cBus", cBus[i]], ["fuOut", fuOut[i]], ["shOut", shOut[i]] ]
-- line n of shifter is tileArray[n+1]
FOR row: NAT IN [1..33] DO
tileArray[row] ← NEW[TilingClass.TileRowRec[32]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..32) DO
tileArray[row][i] ← NEW[TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: EUUtils.Extract["ShifterCell.sch"],
flatten: TRUE,
renaming: LIST[["sh", sh[33-row]]]
-- 34 is the top
tileArray[34] ← NEW[TilingClass.TileRowRec[32]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..32) DO
tileArray[34][i] ← NEW[TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: EUUtils.Extract["shLeftConnect.sch"],
flatten: TRUE,
renaming: LIST[ ["left", left[i]] ]
cellType ← TilingClass.CreateTiling[
name: "BarrelShifter",
public: Wires[shOut, sh, "Vdd", "Gnd", left, st2A, r2B, cBus, fuOut],
tileArray: tileArray,
neighborX: TilingClass.LayoutNeighborX,
neighborY: TilingClass.LayoutNeighborY
-- The field unit uses a mask generator which takes two 6-bit quantities ("shift" and "mask") and a boolean (insert), and produces a mask of the form:
if ~insert: 0001111 with exactly "mask" ones on the low-order side
if insert: 00011000 with exactly "mask-shift" ones followed by "shift" zeros on the low-order side
So the slice "i" has output (i<mask) if ~insert and (shift=<i<mask) if insert.
-- A bit of mask generation theory: let k and i be two n+1-bit numbers, and F[n, k, i]=k>i. By recurring on the high-order bit, we find that
F[n, k, i]=k[n].~i[n]+(k[n]=i[n]).F[n-1, k, i], and for 1-bit numbers F[0, k, i]=k[0].~i[0]
In every slice, i is a constant and k an input. Let's decompose according to the value of i[n]:
i[n]=0: F[0, k, i]=k[0]    (use k[0])
 F[n, k, i]=k[n] + F[n-1, k, i]=Nand [~k[n], ~F[n-1, k, i]] (NOR to Gnd)
i[n]=1: F[0, k, i]=0     (no transistor)
 F[n, k, i]=k[n] . F[n-1, k, i]=Nor [~k[n], ~F[n-1, k, i]] (NAND branch)
-- Note: a NAND branch starting with no tr. still has no tr., i.e. if i=xx0111 then the three bottom transistors are missing!
-- mask[0..6), shift[0..6), (m1, m2, st2A, r2B, cBus, fuOut)[0..32), Vdd, Gnd,
CreateMask: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
instances: CellInstances ← NIL;
FOR i: [0..32) DECREASING IN [0..32) DO
instances ← CONS[
["m1", Index["m1", i]], ["m2", Index["m2", i]], ["st2A", Index["st2A", i]],
["r2B", Index["r2B", i]], ["cBus", Index["cBus", i]], ["fuOut", Index["fuOut", i]]],
cellType ← Cell[
name: "Mask",
public: Wires["Vdd", "Gnd", Seq["mask", 6], Seq["shift", 6],
Seq["m1", 32], Seq["m2", 32], Seq["st2A", 32], Seq["r2B", 32], Seq["cBus", 32], Seq["fuOut", 32]],
instances: instances];
-- "Vdd", "Gnd", "shift[0..6)", "mask[0..6)", "m1", "m2", "st2A", "r2B", "cBus", "fuOut"
CreateMasksCell: PROC [pos: [0..32)] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
m1: CellType ← CreateMaskCell["mask", "m1", 31-pos];
m2: CellType ← CreateMaskCell["shift", "m2", 31-pos];
cellType ← Cell[
name: "Masks",
public: Wires["Vdd", "Gnd", Seq["mask", 6], Seq["shift", 6], "m1", "m2", "st2A", "r2B", "cBus", "fuOut" ],
instances: LIST[Instance[m2], Instance[m1]]];
Trits: TYPE = {P, S, F, X};
Pat: TYPE = ARRAY [0..6) OF Trits;
Pattern: PROC [k: NAT] RETURNS [lowToHi: Pat] ~ {
isOne: BOOL ← BitHacks.XthBitOfN[0, k];
isOne: BOOL ← BitOps.EBFD[k, 31]; -- low-order bit I believe
lowToHi[0] ← IF isOne THEN X ELSE F;
FOR bit: NAT IN [1..6) DO
isOne ← BitHacks.XthBitOfN[bit, k];
isOne ← BitOps.EBFD[k, 31-bit];
isOne AND lowToHi[bit-1]=X => X,
isOne => S,
~isOne AND lowToHi[bit-1]=X => F,
~isOne => P,
-- Using a generator of static gates, program maskOut=F(a, pos)
-- "Vdd", "Gnd", "selName[0..6)", "maskOut"
-- (selName, outName) can be (mask, m1) or (shift, m2);
CreateMaskCell: PROC [selName, outName: ROPE, pos: [0..32)] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
pas: LIST OF CoreCreate.PALIST[["Vdd", "Vdd"], ["m1", "m1"], ["m2", "m2"], ["Gnd", "Gnd"], ["st2A", "st2A"], ["r2B", "r2B"], ["cBus", "cBus"], ["fuOut", "fuOut"]];
POb: CD.Object ← PWCore.Layout[EUUtils.Extract["maskP.sch"]];
SOb: CD.Object ← PWCore.Layout[EUUtils.Extract["maskS.sch"]];
FOb: CD.Object ← PWCore.Layout[EUUtils.Extract["maskF.sch"]];
XOb: CD.Object ← PWCore.Layout[EUUtils.Extract["maskX.sch"]];
botOb: CD.Object ← PWCore.Layout[EUUtils.Extract["maskBot.sch"]];
public: Wire ← Wires["Vdd", "Gnd", Seq[selName, 6], "m1", "m2", "st2A", "r2B", "cBus", "fuOut"];
abutInstances: LIST OF PWCore.AbutInstance ← LIST [
[PWCore.Layout[EUUtils.Extract[Rope.Cat[outName, "top.sch"]]], pas]];
lowToHi: Pat ← Pattern[pos];
ob: CD.Object ← SELECT lowToHi[bit] FROM
X => XOb,
F => FOb,
S => SOb,
P => POb,
abutInstances ← CONS [[ob, CONS[["sel", Index[selName, 5-bit]], pas]], -- check!!!
abutInstances ← CONS [[botOb, pas], abutInstances];
cellType ← PWCore.AbutCell[
name: "Mask",
public: public,
abutInstances: abutInstances,
inX: FALSE];
-- The composition cell: two masks, two words, insert, and an output
-- Vdd, Gnd, insert, (st2A, r2B, cBus, fuOut, shOut, m1, m2)[0..32)
CreateCompose: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
cellType ← EUUtils.CSeqX["Compose", EUUtils.Extract["ComposeCell.sch"], 32,
LIST["st2A", "r2B", "cBus", "m1", "m2", "shOut", "fuOut"]];