Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Louis Monier June 12, 1986 4:56:21 pm PDT
McCreight, March 31, 1986 3:34:56 pm PST
Bertrand Serlet May 12, 1986 0:15:26 am PDT
DIRECTORY CoreCreate, Dragon, Ports;
OPEN CoreCreate;
-- The RAM
wordSize: NAT = 32;
nRows: NAT; -- one row is a Quadword; 40=real EU; 2=small EU
sizeSelLow: NAT = 4;
nbWords: NAT;
sizeAdrH: NAT = 6; -- for y-decoder
sizeAdrL: NAT = 2; -- for x-decoder
sizeRamAdr: NAT = 3*(sizeAdrH+sizeAdrL); -- 3 bytes
posH: ARRAY [a..c] OF NAT = [0, 8, 16];
posL: ARRAY [a..c] OF NAT = [6, 14, 22];
stackAdr, junkAdr, fieldAdr, marAdr, constAdr, IFUAdr, bogusAdr: NAT;
BndChk: NAT=3; FOP: NAT=10; -- from Dragon.mesa
-- Control signals from the IFU
sizeLeftSrc: NAT = 2;
sizeRightSrc: NAT = 3;
sizeSt2ASrc: NAT = 2;
sizeALUOps: NAT = 4;
sizeCondSelects: NAT = 4;
-- ALU
Carry: TYPE = {zero, one, comp, ncomp, prev, nprev};
ALUOpcode: TYPE = {add, and, or, xor};
op: ALUOpcode,
invertB: BOOL ← FALSE,
cIn, cOut: Carry ← prev
aluOps: ARRAY Dragon.ALUOps OF ALUOpRec;
-- Field descriptor
sizeK: NAT = 6;
-- Bus sources and states
maxSel: NAT = 5;
maxBuses: NAT = 6;
Clock: TYPE = {phA, phB, none};
InputSels: TYPE = ARRAY [0..maxSel) OF SourceRange;
Buses: TYPE = LIST OF SourceRange;
PipeRange: TYPE = [left..cBus]; -- states
SourceRange: TYPE = [left..pIn];
name: ROPE ← NIL,
nameSel: ROPE ← NIL,
sizeSel: NAT ← 0,
tristate: BOOL ← FALSE,
trackPosX: [0..maxBuses) ← 0,
topOnlyBuses: Buses,
botOnlyBuses: Buses,
throughBuses: Buses, -- Vdd and Gnd are implicit
inputs: InputSels ← [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
sources: READONLY ARRAY SourceRange OF Source;
-- pipeline registers
left: NAT = 0;
right: NAT = 1;
st2A: NAT = 2;
st2B: NAT = 3;
st3A: NAT = 4;
kReg: NAT = 5;
field: NAT = 6;
r2B: NAT = 7; -- rBus
r3A: NAT = 8; -- cBus
r3B: NAT = 9;
dataIn: NAT = 10;
cBus: NAT = 11;
-- other sources for buses, not states
pDriver: NAT = 12;
ramA: NAT = 13;
ramB: NAT = 14;
ifuIn: NAT = 15; -- kBus
semiCt: NAT = 16;
aluOut: NAT = 17;
fuOut: NAT = 18;
pIn: NAT = 19;
-- the bus used for debugging
dReadBus: ROPE;
-- Various indexings
hi, Hi: NAT = 0;
low, Low: NAT = 1;
a: NAT = 0;
b: NAT = 1;
c: NAT = 2;
PrintStart: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE ← NIL];
PrintStop: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE ← NIL];
PortIndex: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Wire, name: ROPE] RETURNS [NAT];
InitLeafPorts: PUBLIC PROC [public: Wire, initDrive: Ports.Drive];
Bus: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE ← NIL] RETURNS [Wire]; -- 32 wires
Name: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, wire: Wire] RETURNS [Wire];
NameList: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, wrs: LIST OF WR] RETURNS [wire: Wire];
AllBuses: PROC [reg: PipeRange] RETURNS [buses: Wire];
GenWiresForBonnie: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenPGnEWires: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenClockWires: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresCtrlToPads: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresPadsToCtrl: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresDBus: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresDPToPads: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresForOnion: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresCtrlToRam: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresRamToCtrl: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenRegSelWire: PROC [reg: PipeRange] RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresCtrlToRegs: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresCtrlToALU: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresCtrlToFU: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresALUToCtrl: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresDPToCtrl: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
GenWiresForRouter: PROC RETURNS [Wire];
-- Flags to provoke/read checkpoints.
useInnerCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
useControlCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
useRamControlCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
useDPControlCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
useCondControlCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
useDataPathCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
usekRegAndRightCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
useRamCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
useFUCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE
useALUCheckpoint: BOOL; -- defaulted to TRUE