Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Louis Monier October 16, 1985 4:28:29 pm PDT
DIRECTORY Core, CoreContext, CoreOps, Properties, Rope, RefTab;
CoreContextImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM
EXPORTS CoreContext =
BEGIN OPEN CoreContext;
ref: ATOM =$CtxREF;
atom: ATOM =$CtxATOM;
rope: ATOM =$CtxROPE;
int: ATOM =$CtxINT;
real: ATOM =$CtxREAL;
stMark: ATOM =$CtxStackMark;
procMark: ATOM =$CtxprocMark;
CheckType: PROC [prop, type: ATOM] RETURNS [ok: BOOL] = {
ok ← RefTab.Fetch[propTable, prop].val=type;};
-- These procs are different from the ones in Properties.mesa because the order matters;
-- the properties are older as we move towards the end of the list
-- and this is how the scoping mechanism works
GetRef: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [REF] = {
FOR l: Context ← context, WHILE l#NIL DO
IF l.first.key=prop THEN RETURN[l.first.val];
ERROR; -- prop not found
GetAtom: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [ATOM] = {
IF ~CheckType[prop, atom] THEN ERROR; -- prop was registered for another type
RETURN[NARROW[GetRef[context, prop]]];};
GetRope: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [ROPE] = {
IF ~CheckType[prop, rope] THEN ERROR; -- prop was registered for another type
RETURN[NARROW[GetRef[context, prop]]];};
GetInt: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [INT] = {
IF ~CheckType[prop, int] THEN ERROR; -- prop was registered for another type
RETURN[NARROW[GetRef[context, prop], REF INT]^];};
GetReal: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [REAL] = {
IF ~CheckType[prop, real] THEN ERROR; -- prop was registered for another type
RETURN[NARROW[GetRef[context, prop], REF REAL]^];};
PushRef: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM, val: REF] = {
context ← CONS[[prop, val], context];};
PushAtom: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM, val: ATOM] = {
context ← CONS[[prop, val], context];};
PushRope: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM, val: ROPE] = {
context ← CONS[[prop, val], context];};
PushInt: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM, val: INT] = {
context ← CONS[[prop, NEW[INT ← val]], context];};
PushReal: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, prop: ATOM, val: REAL] = {
context ← CONS[[prop, NEW[REAL ← val]], context];};
RegisterRefProperty: PUBLIC PROC [prop: ATOM] = {
[] ← RefTab.Store[propTable, prop, ref]}; -- why register?
RegisterAtomProperty: PUBLIC PROC [prop: ATOM] = {
[] ← RefTab.Store[propTable, prop, atom]}; -- why register?
RegisterRopeProperty: PUBLIC PROC [prop: ATOM] = {
[] ← RefTab.Store[propTable, prop, rope]}; -- why register?
RegisterIntProperty: PUBLIC PROC [prop: ATOM] = {
[] ← RefTab.Store[propTable, prop, $INT]}; -- why register?
RegisterRealProperty: PUBLIC PROC [prop: ATOM] = {
[] ← RefTab.Store[propTable, prop, real]}; -- why register?
CreateContext: PUBLIC PROC [init: Context ← NIL, props: PropertyLiterals] RETURNS [Context] = {
new: Context ← init;
FOR l: PropertyLiterals ← props, WHILE l#NIL DO
new ← CONS[l.first, new];
MarkContext: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, mark: ATOM] = {
PushAtom[context, stMark, mark];};
PopContext: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, mark: ATOM] = {
FOR l: Context ← context, WHILE l#NIL DO
IF l.first.key=stMark AND l.first.val=mark THEN {context ←; RETURN};
ERROR;  -- mark not found
RegisterStructureProc: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, proc: StructureProc] RETURNS [ROPE] = {
val: REF StructureProc ← NEW[StructureProc ← proc];
ok: BOOL ← RefTab.Store[structProcTable, name, val]; -- larger table!
IF ~ok THEN ERROR; -- double registration?
CreateStructure: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, context: Context] RETURNS [ct: Core.CellType] = {
proc: StructureProc ← NARROW[RefTab.Fetch[structProcTable, name].val, REF StructureProc]^;
MarkContext[context, procMark];
ct ← proc[context];  -- what about the stack?
PopContext[context, procMark];
propTable: RefTab.Ref ← RefTab.Create[];
structProcTable: RefTab.Ref ← RefTab.Create[];