DIRECTORY CoreCompose, CrossRAM, Ports, Rosemary; CrossRAMImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CoreCompose, Ports, Rosemary = BEGIN OPEN CrossRAM, CoreCompose; rowQuads: INT = 58; columnOcts: INT = 15; -- when changing this parameter, add new DataB[i] pins in the cell library. addressBits: INT = 11; dataBits: INT = columnOcts; select: INT = 8; log2Select: INT = 3; addressDecoderBits: INT = 8; AddressIndex: TYPE = [0 .. addressBits); DataIndex: TYPE = [0 .. dataBits); CrossRAM: ROPE = RegisterStructureProc[name: "CrossRAM", proc: CreateCrossRAM]; CreateCrossRAM: StructureProc = { PushInt[context: context, prop: $rowQuads, val: rowQuads]; PushInt[context: context, prop: $columnOcts, val: columnOcts]; PushInt[context: context, prop: $addressBits, val: addressBits]; PushInt[context: context, prop: $dataBits, val: dataBits]; PushInt[context: context, prop: $select, val: select]; PushInt[context: context, prop: $log2Select, val: log2Select]; PushInt[context: context, prop: $addressDecoderBits, val: addressDecoderBits]; cellType _ CreateRecordCell[ name: CrossRAM, context: context, public: CreateWires[context, "Vdd, Gnd, PadVdd, PadGnd, nPrecharge, Access, Write, Read, Address[seq: addressBits], Data[seq: dataBits]"], onlyInternal: CreateWires[context, "nPrechargeB, AccessB, WriteB, nWriteB, ReadB, nReadB, AddressB[seq: addressBits], DataB[seq: dataBits]"] ]; Ports.InitPort[wire: cellType.public[Address], initType: c]; Ports.InitPort[wire: cellType.public[Data], initType: c]; Rosemary.Bind[cellType: cellType, roseClassName: CrossRAMRoseClass]; }; CrossRAMRoseClass: ROPE = Rosemary.Register[roseClassName: CrossRAM, init: CrossRAMInit, evalSimple: CrossRAMSimple]; CrossRAMInit: Rosemary.InitProc = { stateAny _ NEW[CrossRAMStateRec[4*rowQuads]]; IF dataBits>16 OR addressBits>16 THEN ERROR; }; CrossRAMSimple: Rosemary.EvalProc = { state: CrossRAMState _ NARROW[stateAny]; IF NOT p[Vdd].b OR p[Gnd].b OR NOT p[PadVdd].b OR p[PadGnd].b THEN SIGNAL Rosemary.Stop[]; IF (NOT p[nPrecharge].b AND p[Access].b) OR (p[Write].b AND p[Read].b) OR (NOT p[nPrecharge].b AND p[Write].b) THEN SIGNAL Rosemary.Stop[]; IF NOT p[nPrecharge].b THEN state.precharged _ TRUE; p[Data].d _ none; IF p[Access].b THEN { IF NOT state.precharged THEN SIGNAL Rosemary.Stop[]; IF state.accessOccured AND state.address#p[Address].c THEN SIGNAL Rosemary.Stop[]; state.accessOccured _ TRUE; state.address _ p[Address].c; IF p[Read].b THEN { p[Data].c _ state.memory[state.address].data; p[Data].d _ drive; }; IF p[Write].b THEN state.memory[state.address].data _ p[Data].c; }; IF NOT p[Access].b AND state.accessOccured THEN { state.accessOccured _ FALSE; state.precharged _ FALSE; }; }; RegisterIntProperty[prop: $rowQuads]; RegisterIntProperty[prop: $columnOcts]; RegisterIntProperty[prop: $addressBits]; RegisterIntProperty[prop: $dataBits]; RegisterIntProperty[prop: $select]; RegisterIntProperty[prop: $log2Select]; RegisterIntProperty[prop: $addressDecoderBits]; END. šCrossRAMImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Barth, December 13, 1985 3:02:23 pm PST Louis Monier September 20, 1985 3:46:52 pm PDT Bertrand Serlet December 9, 1985 11:43:24 am PST Hoel, December 5, 1985 8:19:34 pm PST DIRECTORY CD, CMos, Core, CoreClasses, CoreCompose, CoreOps, CrossRAM, IO, Onion, PWCore, Rope, Rosemary, Sinix; IMPORTS CMos, CoreCompose, CoreOps, IO, Onion, PWCore, Rope, Rosemary, Sinix = data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType; ,instances: LIST [ [type: CreateStructure[name: CrossRAMInner, context: context]], [type: CreateStructure[name: CrossRamPadFrame, context: context]]] cellType _ CreateRecordCell[ name: CrossRAM, context: context, public: CoreOps.WiresToWire[NIL], onlyInternal: CreateWires[context, "Vdd, Gnd, nPrechargeB, AccessB, WriteB, nWriteB, ReadB, nReadB, AddressB[seq: addressBits], DataB[seq: dataBits]"], instances: LIST [ [type: CreateStructure[name: CrossRAMInner, context: context]], [type: CreateStructure[name: CrossRamPadFrame, context: context]] ]]; IF GetBool[context, $PWCore] THEN { data _ NARROW []; lambda: INT = 2; -- to be changed for other technologies params: Onion.LayersParameters _ NEW [Onion.LayersParametersRec _ [radialLayer: CMos.met, ringLayer: CMos.met2, ringWidth: Onion.RingWidthIs8, wireExtendProc: Onion.WireExtendMetToMet]]; inner, outer, all: CD.Object; position: CD.Position; inner _ PWCore.GateWay[data[0]]; outer _ PWCore.GateWay[data[1]]; inner _ Onion.MakeInner[NIL, inner]; position _ Onion.Center[inner, outer]; position.x _ 214; -- magic number! (Jeff) ; commented for small Crossrams, although it makes the Vdd and Gnd lines wrong when commented (BS) position.y _ position.y + 5445; -- to help route small crossrams (BS) position.y _ 46; -- another magic number! (Jeff) ; commented for small Crossrams (BS) all _ Onion.LRSRoute[NIL, inner, outer, position, params].cell; PWCore.SetLayout[cellType, all]; }; IF GetBool[context, $Sinix] THEN [] _ Sinix.Extract[PWCore.GetLayout[cellType]]; IF GetBool[context, $Rosemary] THEN Rosemary.Bind[cellType: cellType, roseClassName: CrossRAMRoseClass]; CrossRamPadFrame: ROPE = RegisterStructureProc[name: "CrossRamPadFrame", proc: CreateCrossRamPadFrame]; CreateCrossRamPadFrame: StructureProc = { inputPad: Core.CellType _ CreateStructure[name: "InputPad", context: context]; differentialInputPad: Core.CellType _ CreateStructure[name: "DifferentialInputPad", context: context]; bidirectionalPad: Core.CellType _ CreateStructure[name: "BidirectionalPad", context: context]; instances: InstanceList _ LIST [ [type: inputPad, actual: "Vdd: PadVdd, Gnd: PadGnd, Pad: nPrecharge, Output: nPrechargeB"], [type: inputPad, actual: "Vdd: PadVdd, Gnd: PadGnd, Pad: Access, Output: AccessB"], [type: differentialInputPad, actual: "Vdd: PadVdd, Gnd: PadGnd, Pad: Write, Output: WriteB, nOutput: nWriteB"], [type: differentialInputPad, actual: "Vdd: PadVdd, Gnd: PadGnd, Pad: Read, Output: ReadB, nOutput: nReadB"]]; FOR addressPad: AddressIndex IN AddressIndex DO instances _ CONS[[type: inputPad, actual: IO.PutFR["Vdd: PadVdd, Gnd: PadGnd, Pad: Address[%g], Output: AddressB[%g]",[addressPad],[addressPad]]], instances]; ENDLOOP; FOR dataPad: DataIndex IN DataIndex DO instances _ CONS[[type: bidirectionalPad, actual: IO.PutFR["Vdd: PadVdd, Gnd: PadGnd, Read: ReadB, nRead: nReadB, Write: WriteB, nWrite: nWriteB, Pad: Data[%g], Data: DataB[%g]",[dataPad],[dataPad]]], instances]; ENDLOOP; -- BS: changed for generating layout cellType _ CreateRecordCell[ name: CrossRamPadFrame, context: context, public: CreateWires[context, "Vdd, Gnd, PadVdd, PadGnd, nPrecharge, Access, Write, Read, Address[seq: addressBits], Data[seq: dataBits], nPrechargeB, AccessB, WriteB, nWriteB, ReadB, nReadB, AddressB[seq: addressBits], DataB[seq: dataBits]"], instances: instances]; cellType _ CreateRecordCell[ name: CrossRamPadFrame, context: context, public: CreateWires[context, "Vdd, Gnd, nPrechargeB, AccessB, WriteB, nWriteB, ReadB, nReadB, AddressB[seq: addressBits], DataB[seq: dataBits]"], onlyInternal: CreateWires[context, "PadVdd, PadGnd, nPrecharge, Access, Write, Read, Address[seq: addressBits], Data[seq: dataBits]"], instances: instances]; IF GetBool[context, $PWCore] THEN PWCore.SetGet[cellType: cellType, source: NARROW[GetRef[context, $sourceCDDesign]]]; IF GetBool[context, $Sinix] THEN [] _ Sinix.Extract[PWCore.GetLayout[cellType]]; }; CrossRAMInner: ROPE = RegisterStructureProc[name: "CrossRAMInner", proc: CreateCrossRAMInner]; CreateCrossRAMInner: StructureProc = { bottom: Core.CellType; MarkContext[context: context, mark: $InnerMark]; PushInt[context: context, prop: $addressDecoderBits, val: addressDecoderBits-1]; bottom _ CreateStructure[name: "Bottom", context: context]; PopContext [context: context, mark: $InnerMark]; cellType _ CreateRecordCell[ name: CrossRAMInner, context: context, public: CreateWires[context, "Vdd, Gnd, nPrechargeB, AccessB, WriteB, nWriteB, ReadB, nReadB, AddressB[seq: addressBits], DataB[seq: dataBits]"], onlyInternal: CreateWires[context, "AdrBit[seq: addressDecoderBits], nAdrBit[seq: addressDecoderBits], Bit[seq: select*columnOcts], nBit[seq: select*columnOcts]"], instances: LIST [ [type: bottom], [type: CreateStructure[name: Middle, context: context], actual: "VddMiddle: Vdd, GndLeft: Gnd, GndMiddle: Gnd, VddArray: Vdd, GndArray: Gnd"], [type: CreateStructure[name: "CrossRAMTop", context: context], actual: "VddLeft: Vdd, VddRight: Vdd"]]]; IF GetBool[context, $PWCore] THEN PWCore.SetAbutY[cellType]; IF GetBool[context, $Sinix] THEN [] _ Sinix.Extract[PWCore.GetLayout[cellType]]; }; Middle: ROPE = RegisterStructureProc[name: "Middle", proc: CreateMiddle]; CreateMiddle: StructureProc = { rowQuads: INT _ GetInt[context, $rowQuads]; nRopes: ROPE _ "VddArray"; FOR i: INT IN (0 .. 2*rowQuads) DO nRopes _ Rope.Cat[nRopes, ", VddArray"] ENDLOOP; cellType _ CreateRecordCell[ name: Middle, context: context, public: CreateWires[context, "Vdd, Gnd, VddMiddle, GndLeft, GndMiddle, VddArray, GndArray, AccessB, AdrBit[seq: addressDecoderBits], nAdrBit[seq: addressDecoderBits], Bit[seq: select*columnOcts], nBit[seq: select*columnOcts]"], onlyInternal: CreateWires[context, "Word[seq: 4*rowQuads]"], instances: LIST [ [type: CreateStructure[name: "Decoder", context: context], actual: "VddRight: VddArray"], [type: CreateStructure[name: "RAMArray", context: context], actual: IO.PutFR["Gnd: GndArray, Vdd: [%g]", IO.rope[nRopes]]], [type: CreateStructure[name: RightPowerSeq, context: context], actual: "Vdd: VddArray"] ]]; IF GetBool[context, $PWCore] THEN PWCore.SetAbutX[cellType]; IF GetBool[context, $Sinix] THEN [] _ Sinix.Extract[PWCore.GetLayout[cellType]]; }; Port: Vdd RightPowerSeq: ROPE = RegisterStructureProc[name: "RightPowerSeq", proc: CreateRightPowerSeq]; CreateRightPowerSeq: StructureProc = { cellType _ CreateSequenceCell[ name: RightPowerSeq, baseCell: CreateStructure[name: RightPower, context: context], count: 2*rowQuads]; IF GetBool[context, $PWCore] THEN PWCore.SetArrayY[cellType]; IF GetBool[context, $Sinix] THEN [] _ Sinix.Extract[PWCore.GetLayout[cellType]]; }; RightPower: ROPE = RegisterStructureProc[name: "RightPower", proc: CreateRightPower]; CreateRightPower: StructureProc = { cellType _ CreateRecordCell[ name: RightPower, context: context, public: CreateWires[context, "Vdd"]]; IF GetBool[context, $PWCore] THEN PWCore.SetGet[cellType: cellType, source: NARROW[GetRef[context, $sourceCDDesign]]]; IF GetBool[context, $Sinix] THEN [] _ Sinix.Extract[PWCore.GetLayout[cellType]]; }; ΚΡ– "cedar" style˜codešœ™Kšœ Οmœ1™˜>Kšœ@˜@Kšœ:˜:Kšœ6˜6Kšœ>˜>KšœN˜Nšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜KšœŠ˜ŠKšœŒ˜Œšœ™Kšœ?™?KšœB™B—Kšœ˜—Kšœ<˜™>Kšœ™—Jšžœžœ™=Jšžœžœ0™PKšœ™—K™—šœ žœE™Ušœ#™#šœ™Kšœ™K™Kšœ%™%—Kšžœžœ+žœ$™vKšžœžœ0™PKšœ™—K˜—Kšœ%˜%Kšœ'˜'Kšœ(˜(Kšœ%˜%Kšœ#˜#Kšœ'˜'Kšœ/˜/K˜Kšžœ˜K˜—…— š1