Created by Don Curry February 23, 1987 3:20:10 pm PST
DIRECTORY Core, HashTable, REFBit;
Wire:  TYPE = Core.Wire;
Wires:  TYPE = Core.Wires;
CellType: TYPE = Core.CellType;
RopeNm: PROC[      rope: ROPE]  RETURNS[registered:  ROPE];
WireNm: PROC[wire: Wire,  rope: ROPE←NIL] RETURNS[w: Wire,  n: ROPE];
CellNm: PROC[cell: CellType, rope: ROPE←NIL] RETURNS[c: CellType, n: ROPE];
ID:  PROC[      rope: ROPE]  RETURNS[unique:   ROPE];
Context:    TYPE = HashTable.Table; -- Name to Wire
NewContext:  PROC RETURNS[ctx: Context];
CtxWire:    PROC[ctx: Context, name: ROPE, size: INT ← -1] RETURNS[wire: Wire];
CtxRegisterWire: PROC[ctx: Context, wire:  Wire, name: ROPENIL]RETURNS[ok: BOOL];
CtxCopyWire:  PROC[ctx: Context, wire: Wire]     RETURNS[new: Wire];
CtxWireToName: PROC[ctx: Context, wire: Wire]     RETURNS[name: ROPE];
CtxNameToWire: PROC[ctx: Context, name: ROPE]     RETURNS[wire: Wire];
WiresFromCtx:  PROC[ctx: Context]         RETURNS[wires: Wires];
WireFromCtx:  PROC[ctx: Context]         RETURNS[wire: Wire];
KillContext:  PROC[ctx: Context]         RETURNS[Context];
BindModules:  PROC[public: Wire, modules: LIST OF CellType, name: ROPENIL]
RETURNS [cell: CellType]; -- using atomic names
RelativeSignal: TYPE = RECORD[
pol:   Polarity ← unk,
ph:   Ph   ← unk ];
cycle:   INT  ← unk ];
unk:       INT = -1;
Ph:       TYPE = {A, AB, ABB, ABBB, Ac, B, BA, BAA, BAAA, Bc, unk};
Polarity:      TYPE = {pos, neg, unk};
PhRope:      ARRAY Ph OF ROPE;
PolarityRope:     ARRAY Polarity OF ROPE;
SigRope  FooBarCnt    FooBar.2
Signal  NotFooBarCntAB  NotFooBarAB.2
Signal: TYPE = REF SigRec;
SigRec: TYPE = RECORD[not: BOOLFALSE, root: ROPENIL, ph: Ph←unk, cy, idx: INT←-1];
SelectName: PROC[inv: BOOL, posNm, negNm: ROPE] RETURNS [inverted: BOOL, name: ROPE];
SigName: PROC[sigRec: SigRec] RETURNS [name: ROPE  ← NIL];
NameSig: PROC[name: ROPE]  RETURNS [sigRec: SigRec ← [ ]];
NormalFormatNames: PROC [format: REFBit.FormatRec]
RETURNS[name, nameInv: ROPE, dual, inverted: BOOL, cy, idx: INT];
SignalName: PROC[not: BOOL, pos, neg: ROPE, ph: Ph, cy: INT←-1] RETURNS [name: ROPE];
ParseSignalName: PROC[name: ROPE] RETURNS [not: BOOL, root: ROPE, ph: Ph, cy: INT];
BitRopeToSigRope: PROC[name: ROPE]  RETURNS [ROPE];
RootExt:     PROC[name: ROPE]  RETURNS [root, ext: ROPE];
EDTypeWire:   PROC[root, ext, ref: ROPE] RETURNS[wire: Wire];