DIRECTORY Core; CoreArrayCells: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN Core; arrayCellClass: CellClass; ArrayCell: TYPE = REF ArrayCellRec; ArrayCellRec: TYPE = RECORD [ base: CellType, shape: Shape, sides: ARRAY Dim OF ARRAY End OF Wire, ]; Shape: TYPE = ARRAY Dim OF NAT; Dim: TYPE = {x, y}; End: TYPE = {low, high}; Create2D: PROC [design: Design, name: ROPE _ NIL, base: CellType, shape: Shape, sides: ARRAY Dim OF ARRAY End OF Wire]; Create1D: PROC [design: Design, name: ROPE _ NIL, base: CellType, count: NAT, ends, sides: ARRAY End OF Wire]; END. ξCoreArrayCells.mesa Spreitzer, July 24, 1985 11:08:26 am PDT Barth, July 24, 1985 2:52:48 pm PDT Theory This interface describes a structuring mechanism that makes a regular array of some base cell type. Array Cell Data Operations ΚR– "cedar" style˜code™K™(K™#—K˜KšΟk œ˜K˜Kš Οbœœ œœœ˜4head™Ibodyšœc™c—™K˜K˜Kšœ œœ˜#šœœœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ ˜ Kš œœœœœ˜&Kšœ˜—K˜Kš œœœœœ˜Kšœœ ˜Kšœœ˜—™ KšΟnœœœœ'œœœœ˜wK˜Kš Ÿœœœœ+œœ˜nK˜—Kšœ˜—…—*j