// ResistDisplay.bcpl -- Display subroutines // Last modified December 6, 1979 12:01 PM get "Resist.decl" get "Streams.d" get "AltoDefs.d" external [ // outgoing procedures DisplaySingleOhms; DisplayIC; DisplayOhms ShowFullDisplay; FlashWindow ResetLine; SetLinePos // incoming procedures SetBitPos; GetLmarg SymbolsString; PinsNetString Wss; Puts; Resets; PutTemplate Zero; MoveBlock; DefaultArgs // outgoing statics statusDsp; singleDsp dipDsp; lastShownDsp; lastIC; lastSingleOhms; bar1DCB; bar2DCB // incoming statics dsp ] static [ statusDsp; singleDsp dipDsp; lastShownDsp; lastIC; lastSingleOhms; bar1DCB; bar2DCB ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- let DisplaySingleOhms(ohms) be // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if ohms ne lastSingleOhms then [ ResetLine(singleDsp) DisplayOhms(singleDsp, ohms) lastSingleOhms = ohms ] ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and DisplayIC(ic, InTolerance) be // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ for pinNumber = 1 to ic>>IC.nPins do [ let pin = lv ic>>IC.pins↑pinNumber let lastPin = lv lastIC>>IC.pins↑pinNumber unless pinNumber le lastIC>>IC.nPins & MultEq(pin, lastPin, lenPin) do DisplayPin(ic, pinNumber, (InTolerance(pin)? 0, 1)) ] for pinNumber = ic>>IC.nPins+1 to lastIC>>IC.nPins do [ SetLinePos(dipDsp, pinNumber-1) dipDsp>>DS.cdcb>>DCB.background = 0 ResetLine(dipDsp) Zero(lv lastIC>>IC.pins↑pinNumber, lenPin) ] MoveBlock(lastIC, ic, lenIC + ic>>IC.nPins*lenPin) ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and DisplayPin(ic, pinNumber, background) be // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ SetLinePos(dipDsp, pinNumber-1) dipDsp>>DS.cdcb>>DCB.background = background ResetLine(dipDsp) PutTemplate(dipDsp, "$2D", pinNumber) SetBitPos(dipDsp, 75) let pin = lv ic>>IC.pins↑pinNumber DisplayOhms(dipDsp, pin>>Pin.expectedOhms) SetBitPos(dipDsp, 150) DisplayOhms(dipDsp, pin>>Pin.measuredOhms) unless pin>>Pin.expectedOhms eq unknown do [ SetBitPos(dipDsp, 225) Wss(dipDsp, PinsNetString(pin)) ] ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and DisplayOhms(stream, ohms) be // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PutTemplate(stream, (selecton ohms into [ case unknown: " --" case open: "Open" default: "$4D" ]), ohms) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ResetLine(ds) be // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fast ResetLine -- the one in the OS is unbelievably slow! [ let dcb = ds>>DS.cdcb Zero(dcb>>DCB.bitmap, 2*(dcb>>DCB.height)*(dcb>>DCB.width)) SetBitPos(ds, GetLmarg(ds)) ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and SetLinePos(ds, line) be // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local version of SetLinePos -- because the one in the OS refuses to // work if the DCB.indentation is nonzero. [ ds>>DS.cdcb = ds>>DS.fdcb + line*lDCB SetBitPos(ds, GetLmarg(ds)) ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ShowFullDisplay(flag) be bar1DCB>>DCB.next = flag? bar2DCB, 0 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and FlashWindow(ds) be // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ for i = 1 to 6 do [ let dcb = ds>>DS.fdcb [ dcb>>DCB.background = not dcb>>DCB.background if dcb eq ds>>DS.ldcb break dcb = dcb>>DCB.next ] repeat let time = @realTimeClock+3 until @realTimeClock-time gr 0 do loop ] ] // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and MultEq(a, b, length) = valof // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ for i = 0 to length-1 do if a!i ne b!i resultis false resultis true ]