-- Miscellaneous.mesa; edited by Sandman, September 7, 1980 3:29 PM -- Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980 DIRECTORY AltoFileDefs USING [TIME], BcdDefs USING [NullVersion, VersionID, VersionStamp], BitBltDefs USING [AlignedBBTable, BBptr, BBTableSpace, BITBLT], ControlDefs USING [ ControlLink, FrameHandle, GFT, GFTIndex, GlobalFrameHandle, NullEpBase, NullGlobalFrame, NullLink, UnboundLink], FrameDefs USING [GlobalFrame, SwapInCode, SwapOutCode, UnNew], FrameOps USING [CodeHandle, Free, GetReturnFrame, ReleaseCode, SetReturnLink], ImageDefs USING [ AbortMesa, CleanupItem, CleanupMask, CleanupProcedure, StopMesa], ImageFormat USING [ImageHeader, VersionID], InlineDefs USING [BITAND, COPY, LongNumber], MiscDefs USING [DAYTIME], NucleusOps USING [Resident], ProcessDefs USING [DisableInterrupts, EnableInterrupts], Runtime USING [], SDDefs USING [SD, sGoingAway], SDOps USING [BlockEqualLong, ByteBlockEqualLong, Signal], SegmentDefs USING [ DefaultANYBase, DeleteFileSegment, FileSegmentAddress, FileSegmentHandle, MakeSwappedIn, MoveFileSegment, NewFileSegment, Read, SwapIn, SwapOut, Unlock], SwapperOps USING [UpdateCodebases], SystemDefs USING [], TrapDefs USING [ResumeError]; Miscellaneous: PROGRAM IMPORTS BitBltDefs, FrameDefs, FrameOps, ImageDefs, InlineDefs, MiscDefs, NucleusOps, ProcessDefs, SDOps, SegmentDefs, SwapperOps, TrapDefs EXPORTS FrameDefs, ImageDefs, MiscDefs, NucleusOps, Runtime, SDOps, SystemDefs SHARES ControlDefs =PUBLIC BEGIN OPEN ControlDefs; DeletedFrame: PROCEDURE [gfi: GFTIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN RETURN[GFT[gfi] = [frame: NullGlobalFrame, epbase: NullEpBase]]; END; SwapOutCode: PROCEDURE [f: GlobalFrameHandle] = BEGIN seg: SegmentDefs.FileSegmentHandle = FrameOps.CodeHandle[f]; IF seg # NIL THEN { OPEN SwapperOps, SegmentDefs; ProcessDefs.DisableInterrupts[]; IF seg.swappedin THEN { SwapIn[seg]; UpdateCodebases[seg]; Unlock[seg]; SwapOut[seg]}; ProcessDefs.EnableInterrupts[]}; RETURN END; LockCode: PROCEDURE [link: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN FrameDefs.SwapInCode[FrameDefs.GlobalFrame[link]]; RETURN END; UnlockCode: PROCEDURE [link: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN OPEN FrameDefs; seg: SegmentDefs.FileSegmentHandle ← FrameOps.CodeHandle[GlobalFrame[link]]; IF seg # NIL AND seg.lock # 0 THEN SegmentDefs.Unlock[seg]; RETURN END; MakeCodeResident: PROCEDURE [f: GlobalFrameHandle] = BEGIN OPEN SegmentDefs; seg: FileSegmentHandle; IF (seg ← FrameOps.CodeHandle[f]) = NIL THEN RETURN; IF seg.lock = 0 THEN FrameDefs.SwapOutCode[f]; MakeSwappedIn[seg, DefaultANYBase, [hard, bottomup, code]]; RETURN END; GetCaller: PROCEDURE RETURNS [PROGRAM] = BEGIN RETURN[LOOPHOLE[FrameOps.GetReturnFrame[].returnlink.frame.accesslink]]; END; IsBound: PROCEDURE [link: UNSPECIFIED] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN RETURN[link # ControlDefs.UnboundLink AND link # ControlDefs.NullLink]; END; SelfDestruct: PROCEDURE = BEGIN destructee: FrameHandle ← FrameOps.GetReturnFrame[]; FrameOps.SetReturnLink[destructee.returnlink]; FrameDefs.UnNew[FrameDefs.GlobalFrame[destructee]]; FrameOps.Free[destructee]; RETURN END; -- Bcd Version and Time Version: PROCEDURE [frame: GlobalFrameHandle, type: {bcd, image}] RETURNS [version: BcdDefs.VersionStamp] = BEGIN OPEN SegmentDefs; codeseg: FileSegmentHandle ← FrameOps.CodeHandle[frame]; seg: FileSegmentHandle; image: POINTER TO ImageFormat.ImageHeader; id: CARDINAL; p: POINTER TO RECORD [a, pages: CARDINAL]; IF codeseg = NIL THEN RETURN[BcdDefs.NullVersion]; seg ← NewFileSegment[codeseg.file, 1, 1, Read]; SwapIn[seg]; image ← p ← FileSegmentAddress[seg]; IF type = image AND image.prefix.versionident # ImageFormat.VersionID THEN BEGIN base: CARDINAL ← p.pages + 1; Unlock[seg]; MoveFileSegment[seg, base, 1]; SwapIn[seg]; image ← FileSegmentAddress[seg]; END; id ← image.prefix.versionident; version ← IF (id = ImageFormat.VersionID) OR (type = bcd AND id = BcdDefs.VersionID) THEN image.prefix.version ELSE BcdDefs.NullVersion; Unlock[seg]; DeleteFileSegment[seg]; RETURN END; BcdVersion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [version: BcdDefs.VersionStamp] = BEGIN OPEN FrameDefs, FrameOps; RETURN[Version[frame: GlobalFrame[GetReturnFrame[]], type: bcd]] END; GetBcdTime, BcdTime: PROCEDURE RETURNS [LONG CARDINAL] = { OPEN FrameDefs, FrameOps; RETURN[Version[frame: GlobalFrame[GetReturnFrame[]], type: bcd].time]}; -- Image Version and Time ImageVersion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [version: BcdDefs.VersionStamp] = BEGIN OPEN FrameDefs; RETURN[Version[frame: GlobalFrame[NucleusOps.Resident], type: image]] END; GetBuildTime, ImageTime: PROCEDURE RETURNS [LONG CARDINAL] = { OPEN FrameDefs; RETURN[Version[frame: GlobalFrame[NucleusOps.Resident], type: image].time]}; CurrentTime: PROCEDURE RETURNS [LONG CARDINAL] = BEGIN time: AltoFileDefs.TIME ← MiscDefs.DAYTIME[]; RETURN[ LOOPHOLE[InlineDefs.LongNumber[ num[highbits: time.high, lowbits: time.low]]]]; END; Even: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = {RETURN[n + (n MOD 2)]}; Quad: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = { RETURN[n + InlineDefs.BITAND[-n, 3B]]}; SetBlock: PROCEDURE [p: POINTER, v: UNSPECIFIED, l: CARDINAL] = BEGIN IF l = 0 THEN RETURN; p↑ ← v; InlineDefs.COPY[from: p, to: p + 1, nwords: l - 1]; RETURN END; PPA: TYPE = POINTER TO PACKED ARRAY [0..0) OF [0..377B]; BlockEqualCodeLong: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ p1: LONG POINTER, n: CARDINAL, offset: CARDINAL] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN result: BOOLEAN; p2: LONG POINTER; frame: GlobalFrameHandle = FrameOps.GetReturnFrame[].accesslink; FrameDefs.SwapInCode[frame]; p2 ← IF frame.code.highByte = 0 THEN frame.code.longbase + offset ELSE frame.code.shortbase + offset; result ← SDOps.BlockEqualLong[p1: p1, n: n, p2: p2]; FrameOps.ReleaseCode[frame]; RETURN[result] END; ByteBlockEqualCodeLong: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ p1: LONG POINTER, n: CARDINAL, offset: CARDINAL] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN result: BOOLEAN; p2: LONG POINTER; frame: GlobalFrameHandle = FrameOps.GetReturnFrame[].accesslink; FrameDefs.SwapInCode[frame]; p2 ← IF frame.code.highByte = 0 THEN frame.code.longbase + offset ELSE frame.code.shortbase + offset; result ← SDOps.ByteBlockEqualLong[p1: p1, n: n, p2: p2]; FrameOps.ReleaseCode[frame]; RETURN[result] END; ByteBlt: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [to, from: PPA, toByte, fromByte, nBytes: CARDINAL] = BEGIN IF nBytes = 0 THEN RETURN; IF (toByte MOD 2) # 0 THEN BEGIN to[toByte] ← from[fromByte]; toByte ← toByte + 1; fromByte ← fromByte + 1; nBytes ← nBytes - 1; END; IF (fromByte MOD 2) = 0 THEN -- fast case: both are word aligned BEGIN words: CARDINAL = nBytes/2; InlineDefs.COPY[to: to + toByte/2, from: from + fromByte/2, nwords: words]; IF 2*words # nBytes THEN to[toByte + 2*words] ← from[fromByte + 2*words]; -- move the last byte END ELSE -- slow case: have to ripple things BEGIN lineWidth: CARDINAL = 16; -- words per line: controls interrupt latency bba: BitBltDefs.BBTableSpace; bbt: BitBltDefs.BBptr ← BitBltDefs.AlignedBBTable[@bba]; lines, tail: CARDINAL; bbt↑ ← [sourcetype: block, function: replace, dbca: to + toByte/2, dbmr: lineWidth, dlx: 0, dw: 16*lineWidth, sbca: from + fromByte/2, sbmr: lineWidth, slx: 8]; -- BITBLT is not interruptable except at the end of each scan line, -- so we break things up into chunks in order to maintain reasonable -- interrupt latency for the IO devices. It takes about 200microsec -- to move 50 bytes with the display off. tail ← nBytes MOD (2*lineWidth); -- bytes left to move with second BitBlt lines ← nBytes/(2*lineWidth); -- This "moves" a rectangle that is lineWidth words wide by as many -- lines high as will fit. NB: It cheats and actually reads a byte -- from beyond the edge of the rectangle. This is not really legal, -- but works out OK for any reasonable inplementation of BitBlt. bbt.dty ← bbt.sty ← 0; bbt.dw ← 16*lineWidth; bbt.dh ← lines; BitBltDefs.BITBLT[bbt]; -- This BitBlt will move one line that is less than lineWidth words wide. bbt.dty ← bbt.sty ← lines; bbt.dw ← 8*tail; bbt.dh ← 1; BitBltDefs.BITBLT[bbt]; END; END; -- procedure lists UserCleanupList: POINTER TO ImageDefs.CleanupItem ← NIL; AddCleanupProcedure: PROCEDURE [item: POINTER TO ImageDefs.CleanupItem] = BEGIN ProcessDefs.DisableInterrupts[]; RemoveCleanupProcedure[item]; item.link ← UserCleanupList; UserCleanupList ← item; ProcessDefs.EnableInterrupts[]; END; RemoveCleanupProcedure: PROCEDURE [item: POINTER TO ImageDefs.CleanupItem] = BEGIN prev, this: POINTER TO ImageDefs.CleanupItem; IF UserCleanupList = NIL THEN RETURN; ProcessDefs.DisableInterrupts[]; prev ← this ← UserCleanupList; IF this = item THEN UserCleanupList ← this.link ELSE UNTIL (this ← this.link) = NIL DO IF this = item THEN BEGIN prev.link ← this.link; EXIT END; prev ← this; ENDLOOP; ProcessDefs.EnableInterrupts[]; END; UserCleanupProc: ImageDefs.CleanupProcedure = BEGIN -- all interrupts off if why = finish or abort this, next: POINTER TO ImageDefs.CleanupItem; this ← UserCleanupList; UserCleanupList ← NIL; WHILE this # NIL DO next ← this.link; IF InlineDefs.BITAND[ImageDefs.CleanupMask[why], this.mask] # 0 THEN this.proc[why ! ANY => IF why = Abort OR why = Finish THEN CONTINUE]; AddCleanupProcedure[this]; this ← next; ENDLOOP; SELECT why FROM Finish => ImageDefs.StopMesa[]; Abort => ImageDefs.AbortMesa[]; ENDCASE; END; -- Signaller Overflow routines; known not to be called in resident stuff ReturnError: PROCEDURE [signal: SIGNAL, message: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN caller: FrameHandle = FrameOps.GetReturnFrame[]; FrameOps.SetReturnLink[caller.returnlink]; SDOps.Signal[signal, message ! UNWIND => FrameOps.Free[caller]]; FrameOps.Free[caller]; ERROR TrapDefs.ResumeError END; ReturnErrorList: PROCEDURE [signal: SIGNAL, message: POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN caller: FrameHandle = FrameOps.GetReturnFrame[]; FrameOps.SetReturnLink[caller.returnlink]; SDOps.Signal[ signal, message ! UNWIND => BEGIN FrameOps.Free[caller]; FrameOps.Free[message]; END]; FrameOps.Free[caller]; FrameOps.Free[message]; ERROR TrapDefs.ResumeError END; -- Main Body; SDDefs.SD[SDDefs.sGoingAway] ← UserCleanupProc; END...