-- file DisplayDefs -- last edited by Brotz, November 19, 1981 11:56 AM -- last edited by Taft, May 10, 1983 6:08 PM DIRECTORY Ascii USING [CR], Mopcodes USING [zBITBLT, zJRAM, zLI0, zLIW], ovD: FROM "OverviewDefs" USING [LineBreakValue]; dsD: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- Purpose: contains those procedures that directly use bitmaps, fonts, and the cursor. -- "Public" Variables (for initialization) bbtPtr, charBbtPtr, pictureBbtPtr: BbtPtr; machineFlavor: MachineFlavor; -- Public Types ScreenXCoord: TYPE = CARDINAL; ScreenYCoord: TYPE = CARDINAL; FaceType: TYPE = {plainFace, boldFace, italicFace}; CursorShape: TYPE = {lineArrow, charArrow, thumbMarker, scroll, scrollUp, scrollDown, bullsEye, hourGlass, boundaryPad, invisibleCursor, questionMark, invertQuestionMark}; PictureClass: TYPE = {triangle, caret, leftEdgeCaret, boundaryPad, selectionThumbMark, resetMenuIcon}; BitBltFunction: TYPE = CARDINAL; GrayBitPattern: TYPE = ARRAY [0 .. 3] OF UNSPECIFIED; GrayShade: TYPE = {white, black, lightGray, darkGray, dottedLine}; Font: TYPE = POINTER; -- address of a font base MachineFlavor: TYPE = {alto, xmesa5, dmachine}; -- Private Types DCBptr: TYPE = POINTER TO DCB; DCB: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [next: DCBptr, resolution: restype, background: backgtype, indenting: [0..77B], -- in units of 16 bits width: [0..377B], -- in units of 16 bits and must be even bitmap: POINTER, -- must be even tag: {short, long} _ short, -- choose between bitmap (short) or longBitmap (long). height: [0 .. 77777B], -- in units of double scan lines longBitmap: LONG POINTER]; -- long pointer to bitmap (D-machines only) restype: TYPE = {high, low}; backgtype: TYPE = {white, black}; longDcbSeal: POINTER = LOOPHOLE[177423B]; -- Global constants -- bmWidth: CARDINAL = 30; xOrigin: ScreenXCoord = 64; yOrigin: ScreenYCoord = 40; lineHeight: CARDINAL = 12; DCBorg: POINTER TO DCBptr = LOOPHOLE[420B]; DCBnil: DCBptr = LOOPHOLE[0]; -- indicates end of DCB chain cursorX: POINTER TO CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[426B]; cursorY: POINTER TO CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[427B]; Bbt: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ptrs: {short, long} _ short, pad: [0 .. 777B] _ 0, sourcealt, destalt: BOOLEAN _ FALSE, -- TRUE to use alternate memory bank func: [0 .. 17B], unused: CARDINAL _ 0, -- BitBlt function codes: -- replace: (0) d _ s' -- paint: (1) d _ s' ior d -- invert: (2) d _ s' xor d -- erase: (3) d _ ~s' and d -- -- source: (0) s' = s -- complementOfSource: (4) s' = ~s -- sourceAndGray: (8) s' = s and g -- gray: (12) s' = g dbca: POINTER, -- destination bitmap's base core address dbmr: CARDINAL _ dsD.bmWidth, -- destination bitmap's width in words dlx, -- destination left x relative to bitmap dty, -- destination top y relative to bitmap dw, -- width of rectangle in bits dh: CARDINAL, -- height of rectangle in bits sbca: POINTER, -- source bitmap base core address sbmr, -- source bitmap's width in words slx, -- source left x relative to bitmap sty: CARDINAL, -- source top y relative to bitmap gray: GrayBitPattern _ NULL, -- four words of gray pattern slbca: LONG POINTER _ NULL, -- source bitmap long core address dlbca: LONG POINTER _ NULL]; -- destination bitmap long core address BbtPtr: TYPE = POINTER TO Bbt; replace: BitBltFunction = 0; paint: BitBltFunction = 1; invert: BitBltFunction = 2; erase: BitBltFunction = 3; source: BitBltFunction = 0; complementOfSource: BitBltFunction = 4; sourceAndGray: BitBltFunction = 8; gray: BitBltFunction = 12; XWord: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [widthOrExtension: [0 .. 77777B], -- either a width field or an extension hasNoExtension: [0 .. 1]]; -- determines the interpretation of above field XwPtr: TYPE = POINTER TO XWord; CharFont: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [width: [0 .. 77777B], -- either a width field or an extension hasNoExtension: [0 .. 1], -- determines the interpretation of above field ySkip: [0 .. 377B), -- scan lines to skip before inserting char in bitmap height: [0 .. 377B)]; -- height of char bitmap CharFontPtr: TYPE = POINTER TO CharFont; LegalCharacters: TYPE = CHARACTER[0C .. Ascii.CR + (ovD.LineBreakValue - 0C)]; CharPropertyTable: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY LegalCharacters OF CharProperty; CharProperty: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {white, alpha, digit, alphaNumeric, punctuation, illegal, (15)}; cursorBM: POINTER TO CursorBitMap = LOOPHOLE[431B]; CursorBitMap: TYPE = ARRAY [0 .. 16) OF UNSPECIFIED; PictureBitMap: TYPE = ARRAY [0 .. 12) OF UNSPECIFIED; HotSpot: TYPE = RECORD [x, y: INTEGER]; CursorObject: TYPE = RECORD [hotSpot: HotSpot, bitMap: CursorBitMap]; CursorTable: TYPE = ARRAY CursorShape OF CursorObject; Dimensions: TYPE = RECORD [width, height: [0 .. 377B]]; PictureObject: TYPE = RECORD [dimensions: Dimensions, bitmap: PictureBitMap]; PictureTable: TYPE = ARRAY PictureClass OF PictureObject; ClearDCBs: PROCEDURE = INLINE {DCBorg^ _ DCBnil}; Display: PROGRAM; -- Character-Oriented Procedures PutCharInBitMap: PROCEDURE [char: CHARACTER, x: ScreenXCoord, y: ScreenYCoord, face: FaceType] RETURNS [ScreenXCoord]; -- Places char in standard bitmap at screen position x,y in the specified face. Uses the -- standard Laurel display font. Assuming that the caller knows what he is doing, -- PutCharInBitmap makes no check of whether the point x,y is covered by bitmap; if -- given out of range arguments, PutCharInBitmap will overwrite memory. Returns first -- free ScreenXCoord. PutStringInBitMap: PROCEDURE [x: ScreenXCoord, y: ScreenYCoord, s: STRING, face: FaceType] RETURNS [newRightX: ScreenXCoord]; -- Puts all characters of s into the bitmap starting at x in face. Underline: PROCEDURE [leftx, rightx: ScreenXCoord, y: ScreenYCoord]; -- Underlines [leftx, rightx) in a line of characters at position y in the standard font. RemoveUnderline: PROCEDURE [leftx, rightx: ScreenXCoord, y: ScreenYCoord]; -- Remove possible underline [leftx, rightx) in a line of characters at position y in the -- standard font. GetCharRightX: PROC [char: CHARACTER, leftX: ScreenXCoord] RETURNS [rightX: ScreenXCoord]; -- Given a char positioned at leftX, returns its rightX. Char is -- always masked to 7 bits. Tab widths may vary depending on -- leftX are handled. GetStaticCharWidth: PROCEDURE [char: CHARACTER] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; -- Returns the width of char in bit positions, ignoring screen position. Char is always -- masked to 7 bits. GetVisibleCharWidth: PROCEDURE [char: CHARACTER] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; -- Returns the width of char in bit positions, ignoring screen position. Widths of visible tab and CR are considered. GetStringWidth: PROCEDURE [s: STRING, face: FaceType] RETURNS [width: CARDINAL]; -- Adds character widths for an entire string; returns the sum. GetCharProperty: PROCEDURE [char: CHARACTER, property: CharProperty] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; -- Returns TRUE iff char has property. GetCharBreakProp: PROCEDURE [char: CHARACTER] RETURNS [property: CharProperty]; -- Returns break property {white, alphaNumeric, punctuation} for char. -- Region-Oriented Procedures InvertRectangle: PROCEDURE [left, right: ScreenXCoord, top, bottom: ScreenYCoord, grayShade: GrayShade _ black]; -- Inverts (XORs) grayShade into the specified half-open rectangle. ReplaceRectangle: PROCEDURE [left, right: ScreenXCoord, top, bottom: ScreenYCoord, grayShade: GrayShade]; -- Sets all bits in the specified half-open rectangle using grayShade. ClearRectangle: PROCEDURE [left, right: ScreenXCoord, top, bottom: ScreenYCoord] = INLINE {ReplaceRectangle[left, right, top, bottom, white]}; BlackenRectangle: PROCEDURE [left, right: ScreenXCoord, top, bottom: ScreenYCoord] = INLINE {ReplaceRectangle[left, right, top, bottom, black]}; SlideRectangleHorizontally: PROCEDURE [left, right: ScreenXCoord, top, bottom: ScreenYCoord, deltaX: INTEGER]; -- Slides rectangle horizontally deltaX raster points. Clears vacated area. ItalicizeRectangle: PROCEDURE [left, right: ScreenXCoord, top: ScreenYCoord, lineHeight: CARDINAL]; -- Slants bitmap from [left, right - lineHeight/2 +1, top, top + lineHeight] -- to [left, right, top, top + lineHeight]; SlideFullWidthRectangleVertically: PROCEDURE [top, bottom: ScreenYCoord, newTop: ScreenYCoord]; -- The display in the rectangle [top .. bottom) is moved so that its new top is at newTop. -- The prior contents of the target region is overwritten. All intervening and vacated -- areas are cleared. MoveFullWidthRectangleVertically: PROCEDURE [top, bottom: ScreenYCoord, newTop: ScreenYCoord]; -- The display in the rectangle [top .. bottom) is moved so that its new top is at newTop. -- The prior contents of the target region is overwritten. All intervening and vacated -- areas are not cleared. BitBlt: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [ptr: BbtPtr] = INLINE -- See hardware manual. {IF machineFlavor = xmesa5 THEN XMesa5BitBlt[ptr] ELSE Mesa6BitBlt[ptr]}; XMesa5BitBlt: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [ptr: BbtPtr] = MACHINE CODE -- See hardware manual. {Mopcodes.zLI0; Mopcodes.zLIW, 411B/256, 411B MOD 256; Mopcodes.zJRAM}; Mesa6BitBlt: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [ptr: BbtPtr] = MACHINE CODE -- See hardware manual. {Mopcodes.zLI0; Mopcodes.zBITBLT}; -- Picture Oriented Procedures SetCursor: PROCEDURE [shape: CursorShape]; -- Sets the cursor to the specified shape. The hardware cursor point is maintained at the -- current position. ChangeCursor: PROCEDURE [shape: CursorShape]; -- Changes the cursor to the specified shape. The sensitive point is maintained at the -- current position. GetCursor: PROCEDURE RETURNS [shape: CursorShape, sensitiveX, sensitiveY: INTEGER]; -- Returns the current cursor shape and sensitive point offsets. GetPictureParameters: PROCEDURE [picture: PictureClass] RETURNS [width, height: CARDINAL]; -- Returns width and height in bits of picture. PaintPicture: PROCEDURE [x: ScreenXCoord, y: ScreenYCoord, picture: PictureClass, function: BitBltFunction]; -- BitBlt's picture onto the display at x,y according to the function specified. Each -- function corresponds to the bitblt function code + source. END. -- of DisplayDefs --z19932(635)\f1