-- stuffers.cm --- last edited: Sturgis: 14-Jun-84 12:52:42 -- this file contains assorted stuffers and other information -- associated with the Cedar Dlion microcode -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- saving state -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @SaveDlionDebugger.cm @GetDlionDebugger.cm -- these commands depend on following files: -- DlionDebuggerFiles.cm -- DlionTopFiles.cm -- DlionMicroCodeFiles.cm -- SDDCopies.cm -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- building pilot microcode -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- build CedarIO.db (goes into bank 0) Mass CedarIO/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d cedarops/d cedaropsy/d cedaropsb cedaropsc EtherDLion FixedDisplay IOPMain DiskDlion/d DiskDlionA DiskDlionB/ta -- build Cedar1.db (goes into bank 1) Mass Cedar1/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d CedarOps/d CedarOpsy/d BBSubs BBInit BBLoops Block CommonSubs Jump LoadStore CedarMisc Process Read Refill Stack StringField Write fixedXfer CedarFptAll CedarOpsA StartMesa/ta Mass Cedar1/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d CedarOps/d CedarOpsy/d BBSubs BBInit BBLoops Block CommonSubs Jump LoadStore CedarMisc Process Read Refill Stack StringField Write fixedXfer CedarFptAll CedarOpsA StartMesa/ta -- build extra banks kernel Mass ExtraBanksKernel/o ExtraBanksKernel -- binaries needed for ExtraBanksPatch Asm BootSubs -- build IOP patch Asm LoadExtraBanks Bind ExtraBanksPatch -- build the pilot microcode MakeDlionMicroboot extracedario.db _ ExtraBanksKernel.fb cedario.fb ExtraBanksPatch.bin MakeDlionMicroboot cedar1.db _ cedar1.fb domino.bin Makedlionmicroboot ExtraCedar.db _ extracedario.db cedar1.db -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- Building Initial microcode -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- assemble the microcode Mass Initsax000q/o Dandelion/d Boot/d CoreInitial sax000initialq DiskDLion/d diskdliona diskdlionb InitDLion Recalibrate/a -- make the .db file Makedlionmicroboot sax000initialq.db _ DiskBootIOCBs.cpr Initsax000q.fb InitialProtected.fb -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- Testing basic pilot microcode -- and booting Cedar from Burdock -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- make sure that CedarIO.fb, Cedar1.fb, and the corresponding .st files are present -- make up BurdockInitial.fb and BurdockInitial.st Mass InitBurdock/o Dandelion/d Boot/d CoreInitial BurdockInitial DiskDLion/d InitDLion -- then run Cedar.Burdock in the CP Panel of Burdock -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- testing IOP patch -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- first assemble some needed binaries Asm Defs BootMain StartIOPBootRAM PreBootSimple AltBoot -- build an IOP program to be loaded by Burdock that contains the patch, along with the basic Boot code normally in th ROM. Asm LoadExtraBanks LoadExtraBanksX Bind BootExtra -- build extra banks kernel as for regular PilotMicroCode Mass ExtraBanksKernel/o ExtraBanksKernel -- build a version of pilot microcode without the IOP patch, and with a samll version of Domino (since BootExtra does not have room for the full Domino) makeDlionMicroboot cedario.db _ ExtraBanksKernel.fb cedario.fb makeDlionMicroboot cedar1.db _ cedar1.fb smalldomino.bin makedlionmicroboot smallCedar.db _ cedario.db cedar1.db -- using Othello, place this version of Pilotmicrocode on the subject machine disk -- then run BootSmallCedar.burdock in the IOP panel of Burdock -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- ether boot facilities -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- save this stuff ftp ivy dir/c dlion>debugger store/ua stuffers.cm EtherBootPatchCode.asm bootether.cfg bootether.burdock IOPPreEtherInitial.mc apilot100dandelion.mc preetherinitial.mc testPreEther.burdock TestPreEtherProtected.mc bootmultiether.cfg EtherInitial.mc TestEtherInitial.burdock EtherInitial.db DlionDebuggerFiles.cm junk.burdock TestBEtherInitial.burdock EtherInitialDefs.df asm EtherBootPatchCode.asm -- following binds for test under BootEther.burdock bind bootether -- form the PreEtherInitial.db mass PreEtherInitialProtected/o apilot100dandelion/d Protected IOPPreEtherInitial mass PreEtherInitial/o apilot100dandelion/d preEtherInitial -- following is for burdock testing of PreEtherInitial -- because burdock can not load multiple files into CP correctly Mass PreEtherBurdock/o apilot100dandelion/d TestPreEtherProtected IOPPreEtherInitial PreEtherInitial -- build the IOP patch, this uses a version of EtherBootPatchCode which exports certain fake entries ofrfor bootsubs bind bootMultiEther -- build the PreEtherInitial.db file, this file sits in the boot server '6' slot Makedlionmicroboot PreEtherInitial.db _ PreEtherInitialProtected.fb PreEtherInitial.fb BootMultiEther.bin -- build etherInitial.db Mass EtherInitialProtected/o Dandelion/d Boot/d EtherInitialDefs/d Protected IOPBoot Mass EtherInitial/o Dandelion/d Boot/d EtherInitialDefs/d CoreInitial EtherInitial diskDLion/d InitDLion/a Makedlionmicroboot EtherInitial.db _ EtherInitialProtected.fb EtherInitial.fb -- put etherinitial.db out on Nebula -- look at [nebula]nebula.txt -- at the entry -- DLion: Microcode 25200000120 CedarEtherInitialDLion.db -- -- also look at [nebula]pupgateway.typescript to see what happened Ftp nebula store/s etherinitial.db CedarEtherInitialDLion.db FTP nebula ret/c pupgateway.typescript -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- map examination facilities -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * mass scanMap/o APilot100Dandelion/d ExamineMap -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- newCedarOpCodes for Cedar5 Pilot Microcode -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- print the new stuff old Stuffers.cm TestNewCedar.burdock NewCedarOps.df NewCedarMisc.mc ModifiedCedarOpsA.mc NewCedarOpsA.mc NewCedarOpsB.mc NewCedarOpsC.mc NewCedarOpsD.mc DriveCedar5.burdock FixedRefill.mc FixedLoadStore.mc -- now form the basic pilot microcode -- ether boot this with DriveCedar5.burdock -- disk boot this with DiskBootCedar5.burdock -- bank 0 Mass NewCedarIO/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d EtherDLion FixedDisplay IOPMain DiskDlion/d DiskDlionA DiskDlionB NewCedarOps/d NewCedarOpsC NewCedarOpsD/ta -- bank 1 Mass NewCedar1/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d BBSubs BBInit BBLoops Block CommonSubs Jump FixedLoadStore NewCedarMisc Process Read FixedRefill Stack StringField Write fixedXfer StartMesa CedarFptAll NewCedarOps/d NewCedarOpsA NewCedarOpsB/ta -- finish building the microcode MakeDLionMicroboot newcedario.db _ ExtraBanksKernel.fb newCedario.fb ExtraBanksPatch.bin MakeDLionMicroboot Newcedar1.db _ newcedar1.fb domino.bin MakeDlionMicroboot Cedar52.db _ newcedario.db newcedar1.db -- now we put assorted files on Nebula, all designed for the 6 boot, 20 subboot slot. -- put etherinitial.db out for the alt slot -- look at [nebula]nebula.txt -- at the entry DLion: Microcode 25200000120 -- CedarEtherInitialDLion.db -- -- also look at [nebula]pupgateway.typescript to see what happened Ftp nebula store/s etherinitial.db CedarEtherInitialDLion.db FTP nebula ret/c pupgateway.typescript -- put the pilot microcode on nebula -- look at [nebula]nebula.txt -- at the entry DLion: Microcode 25200000130 -- CedarDLion.db -- -- also look at [nebula]pupgateway.typescript to see what happened Ftp nebula store/s Cedar52.db CedarDLion.db FTP nebula ret/c pupgateway.typescript -- make up a check summed germ FTP Indigo dir/c germ> ret/s dlion.germ checksummeddlion.germ fixchecksum checksummeddlion.germ -- put out checkSummedDlion.germ -- look at [nebula]nebula.txt -- at the entry DLion: Germ 25200000140 -- CedarDLion.germ -- -- also look at [nebula]pupgateway.typescript to see what happened Ftp nebula store/s checkSummedDlion.germ CedarDLion.germ FTP nebula ret/c pupgateway.typescript -- now get and store the boot file -- look at [nebula]nebula.txt -- at the entry Alto: 25205445201 CedarOthelloDlion.pb -- (at the moment some of the sub boot 21 entries have "alt" in their names, and some do not) -- HMM, life is confusing, but there seems to be another place to put a boot file also. My notes say that this place is no longer used, but my EtherInitial leaves an address in this area for the germ. Perhaps some day I have to fix EtherInitial. Ftp Indigo dir/c top> ret/c basicCedarDlion.pb FTP nebula store/s basicCedarDlion.pb CedarOthelloDLion.pb ftp nebula ret/c pupgateway.typescript -- now put the disk initial microcode out on Indigo -- the target name will change later Ftp indigo dir/c top> store/s sax000initialq.db SomethingButIDontKnowWhat.eb -- now put the cedar microcode out on Indigo -- the target name may change later Ftp indigo dir/c top> store/s Cedar52.db CedarDlion.db -- form a version of Cedar 4 microcode that includes the new op codes for testing. Use TestNewCedar.burdock to run this code Mass ModCedarIO/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d cedarops/d cedaropsy/d cedaropsb cedaropsc EtherDLion FixedDisplay IOPMain DiskDlion/d DiskDlionA DiskDlionB NewCedarOps/d NewCedarOpsC/ta Mass ModCedar1/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d CedarOps/d CedarOpsy/d BBSubs BBInit BBLoops Block CommonSubs Jump LoadStore NewCedarMisc Process Read Refill Stack StringField Write fixedXfer CedarFptAll ModifiedCedarOpsA NewCedarOps/d NewCedarOpsB StartMesa/ta -- special versions of the files -- NewCedarOpsANoAssignRef.mc (assign ref is turned off) -- NewNewCedarOpsC.mc (new code that doesn't yet assemble) Mass NewCedar1/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d BBSubs BBInit BBLoops Block CommonSubs Jump LoadStore NewCedarMisc Process Read FixedRefill Stack StringField Write fixedXfer StartMesa CedarFptAll NewCedarOps/d NewCedarOpsANoAssignRef NewCedarOpsB/ta Mass ModCedarIO/o Dandelion/d Mesa/d cedarops/d cedaropsy/d cedaropsb cedaropsc EtherDLion FixedDisplay IOPMain DiskDlion/d DiskDlionA DiskDlionB NewCedarOps/d NewNewCedarOpsC/ta