;-----------  Dandelion Processor Program - I/O Processor  -----------

;  DESCRIPTION:      Module containing the entry point of the PreBoot diagnostics.

;  Last modification by Roy Ogus:   January 14, 1982  4:08 PM

;  File: PreBootSimple.asm
;  Stored:  [Iris]<Workstation>Boot30>BootEPromRAM.dm
;  Written by Roy Ogus.

;  Modification History:

;  Contains only the ReadAltBoot subroutine.
;	- Created (December 2, 1980  6:20 PM)
;	- Added DiagBootI, DiagBootN, LoopC init. (January 8, 1981  6:43 PM)
;	- Renamed to PreBootSimple. (June 17, 1981  1:31 PM)
;	- Modified ReadAltBoot for new AltBoot codes. (December 10, 1981  3:58 PM)
;	- Fixed AltBoot cycling so that 00 comes up first. (January 13, 1982  5:14 PM)
;	- Added Head cleaning AltBoot code. (January 13, 1982  5:14 PM)
;	- Moved ReadAltBoot to file AltBoot.asm. (January 14, 1982  2:33 PM)


	get "SysDefs"
	get "BootDefs"
	get "BootLinkDefs"

	EXP	PreBootGo	;  For RSTLinksK

	IMP	ReadAltBoot	;  From AltBoot

{  This code contains the PreBoot code that is run before Phase 0.  Currently all that is in this
module is the dummy Entry point.}


;  Entry point of PreBoot diagnostics:
;  NOTE:  THis address is CALLed by the Boot code.
	jmp	PreBootStart

;  Check for presence of AltBoot and set BootType, DiagBoot
;  On return from ReadAltBoot:
;    A = 0 => normal AltBoot code
;    A # 0 => floppy head cleaning
	call	ReadAltBoot
	ora	a		;  Check type of AltBoot code
	jnz	DoFloppyHeadClean	;  nz => floppy head cleaning

;  Needed for Boot diagnostics.
	mvi	a,1		;  Initialize diagnostic flags
	sta	DiagBootI
	mvi	a,3
	sta	DiagBootN
	xra	a
	sta	LoopC

;  Return to the Boot code:

;  Special AltBoot code to do floppy head cleaning.
;*** Currently unimplemented.
	lxi	h,MPStartPhase0		;  Show a Phase 0 error
	shld	MPOffset
	mvi	c,ErrorInvalidBootType	;  ERROR:  Invalid BootType
	jmp	ErrorReportExt

	END	PreBootSimple