;-----------  Dandelion Processor Program - I/O Processor  -----------

;  DESCRIPTION:      Boot Program:  IOP subroutines.

;  Last modification by Roy Ogus:   January 28, 1982  4:28 PM

;  File: BootSubs.asm
;  Stored:  [Iris]<Workstation>Boot30>BootEPromRAM.dm
;  Written by Roy Ogus.

;  Modification History:

;	- Created (November 13, 1980  9:37 AM)
;	- Added TPC0 fix (November 20, 1980  4:37 PM)
;	- Changed PhaseToMP, ErrorReport (December 22, 1980)
;	- General CSImage size (December 22, 1980  5:14 PM)
;	- Sector runs to end of track only (January 5, 1981  10:23 AM)
;	- BootInit blanks MPanel (June 17, 1981  5:52 PM)
;	- Changes for 2D, 2S boot floppies (June 17, 1981  6:12 PM)
;	- Changes to CheckAltBootDevice (November 24, 1981  2:05 PM)
;	- Changes to CheckAltBootDevice (December 10, 1981  6:12 PM)
;	- UReg block uses GenericBootDevice (December 11, 1981  3:19 PM)
;	- Ethernet host address reads 3 words, preset RS366 control (December 14, 1981  5:32 PM)
;	- Added version number OR in BootDevice (January 13, 1982  4:22 PM)
;	- Set interrupt state moved to BootInit (January 13, 1982  4:22 PM)
;	- Add FloppyInitE entrypoint, check for no floppy (January 14, 1982  2:00 PM)
;	- Took out di/ei in ReadSector, added blink-only to ErrorReport (January 22, 1982  4:48 PM)
;	- Simplified double count check, other simplification (January 28, 1982  4:03 PM)


	get "SysDefs"
	get "BootDefs"

	EXP	BootInit,CheckAltBootDevice
	EXP	StartNextRead,GetNextWord
	EXP	InitCSTPCImage,TransferCSImage,TransferTPCImage
	EXP	WriteCS
	EXP	SetupUregisters,InterpretUBlock,InformCPBootDevice,ReadMainMem
	EXP	CheckCPStopped,StartCPKernel,StartCP
	EXP	InitCPCmd,ReadCPWord,WriteCPword,ByteToWord
	EXP	FloppyInit,FloppyInitE,DoSeekCmd
	EXP	PhaseToMP,PutMP,ClearMPanel,IncrMP,DeltaMP,Delay,ErrorReport

	EXP	SectorRunSize,MaxBufCnt,FloppyBuffer

	EXP	IntMask,ORVersionNo		;  For Burdock command file debugging

	IMP	StartIOPBoot		;  From StartIOPBootYYY - Start of IOP boot file (Phase 0)
	IMP	StartNextPhase		;  From BootMain

{  This code contains the subroutines which are used by the Boot code in BootMain.asm.

Boot file in Main memory should not cross 64K boundary
Maximum of 16 loadU blocks in Phase 0 boot file.




;  Subroutine:  BootInit.
;  Initialize the IOP, and the various data structures.
;  Note:  BootType is initialized at the start of execution.

;  Ensure that IOPWait = SwTAddr = 1 (should be after hard boot).
	mvi	a,CPWaitSwT
	out	CPControl
	mvi	a,DisableFDC	; Disable floppy controller, Enable Waits
	out	FDCState
;  Set hardware interrupt mask.  Interrupts are disabled at this point.
	mvi	a,BootIntrState	; Enable interrupts 

IntMask	equ	SetIntMask+1		;  Mask byte for modification by Burdock command file.

;  Initialize and disable the Dma controller.
	in	DmaStatus	;  Clear any flags
	xra	a
	out	DmaMode
;  Set miscellaneous registers.
	cma			;  Set all Misc clock bits high
	out	MiscClocks1	
	in	CPIn		;  Clear CPIn flags
	mvi	a,BlankMPanel	;  Clear MiscControl1, blank MPanel
	out	MiscControl1
	mvi	a,CallReq+DigPr	;  Set up RS366 control register
	out	RS366Reg
;  Initialize Boot flags.
	mvi	a,BootMode+CPStopped	;  BootMode, CPStopped True
	sta	BootFlags
;  Initialize data structures.
	lxi	h,CSImage		;  Initialize pointer to start of CSImage
	shld	CSImageStart
	lxi	h,CSImageSizeVal		;  Initialize size of CSImage (in CSImageSize)
	shld	CSImageSize
	xra	a
	sta	Phase			;  Phase ← 0
	sta	uBlockCnt		;  No. of uBlocks ← 0
	sta	BootSource		;  BootSource ← 0 (IOP memory)
	sta	DiagBoot			;  DiagBoot ← 0
	sta	LastBlockFlags		;  LastBlockFlags ← 0
	sta	BootDevice		;  Boot device ← undefined (-1)
	lxi	h,uBlockPtrArray	;  Initialize uBlockPtr
	shld	uBlockPtr		;  uBlockPtr ← uBlockPtrArray
	lxi	h,0
	shld	MPOffset			;  MPOffset ← 0
;  Initialize default pointer for IOP execution after end of a Phase other than Phase 0.
	lxi	h,StartNextPhase	;  Pointer to IOP start address
	shld	StartIOPAddress
;  Initialize IOP boot file pointer for Phase 0.
;  This value is imported from the file:  StartIOPBootRAM or StartIOPBootProm,
;   depending on whether it is the RAM or Prom configuration.
	lhld	StartIOPBoot		;  Start of Boot file in IOP memory  
	shld	BootAddrIOP
;  Initialize PCB's.
	lxi	h,StartCPBootFile	;  Start of Boot file in CP memory
	shld	BootAddrCP
	shld	BootPCB+CPAddr1	;  High part of address = 0
	lxi	h,0
	shld	MemPCB+CPAddr1	;  High part of address = 0
	lxi	h,1
	shld	MemPCB+CPCnt	;  Count = 1

;  Subroutine:  ReadAltBoot  (in PreBoot*.asm).

;  Subroutine:  CheckAltBootDevice.
;  Check the BootType.  If non-rigid disk booting is specified, set BootDevice appropriately.
;  If rigid disk booting, set BootDevice according to what the value of CPDevice is.
;  Note that the range of BootType was checked in ReadAltBoot.

;  AltBoot codes:
;	0  -  diagnostic rigid disk booting (default if no AltBoot)
;	1  -  rigid disk booting
;	2  -  floppy disk booting
;	3  -  ethernet booting
;	4  -  diagnostic ethernet booting
;	5  -  diagnostic floppy disk booting
;	6  -  alternante ether booting
;	7  -  diagnostic Trident1 booting
;	8  -  diagnostic Trident2 booting
;	9  -  diagnostic Trident3 booting

;  Table of BootDevice values.  Indexed by BootType.  
;  An entry is the BootDevice value or -1 if rigid disk booting.
	db	-1		;  0:  diagnostic rigid
	db	-1		;  1:  rigid
	db	BootFloppy	;  2:  floppy
	db	BootEthernet	;  3:  ethernet
	db	BootEthernet	;  4:  diagnostic ethernet
	db	BootFloppy	;  5:  diagnostic floppy
	db	BootAltEthernet	;  6:  alternate ethernet
	db	-1		;  7:  diagnostic Trident1
	db	-1		;  8:  diagnostic Trident2
	db	-1		;  9:  diagnostic Trident3

;  ENTRY point:
	lda	BootType
	mov	c,a		;  Form table index in B,C
	xra	a
	mov	b,a
	lxi	h,BootDeviceTable	;  Point to start of table
	dad	b		;  H,L ← Start of Table + BootType
	mov	a,m		;  Read value for BootDevice
	ora	a		;  Check for -1
	jm	CheckRigidBoot	;  m => -1, thus rigid booting
;  Booting not from rigid.
	sta	GenericBootDevice
	sta	BootDevice

;  Booting is to be from the rigid disk.  In order to determine what the BootDevice value is,
;   we have to look at both BootType and CPDevices.
;  Check also if no disk or more than one disk is specified in CPDevice.
;  The following table is used to determine BootDevice:
;				CPDevice
;	AltBoot	    4000		1000		Trident
;	--------------	----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;	  0	  BootSA4000	BootSA1000	BootTrident0
;	  1	  BootSA4000	BootSA1000	BootTrident0
;	  7	    error		error		BootTrident1
;	  8	    error		error		BootTrident2
;	  9	    error		error		BootTrident3

;  C has BootType.
	lda	CPDevices	;  Check for no rigid disk
	ani	DiskBootMask	;  Mask disk bits
	jz	NoDiskFound	;  z =>  No disk indicated
	mov	b,a		;  B ← CPDevice (modified)
	mov	a,c		;  A ← BootType
	cpi	AltFloppyBoot	;  Check if less than AltFloppyBoot
	jc	AltBootRigid	;  c => BootType < AltFloppyBoot
;  The AltBoot specified Trident 1, 2, or 3.  Check value in CPDevices.
	mov	a,b		;  Get CPDevices
	cpi	BootSA1000Mask	;  Is it the SA1000?
	jz	InvalidBootType	;  z => No SA1000 on system
	cpi	BootSA4000Mask	;  Is it the SA4000?
	jz	InvalidBootType	;  z => No SA4000 on system
	cpi	BootTridentMask	;  Is it the Trident?
	jnz	MultiDisksFound	;  nz => more than one disk bit set
;  Set the Trident as BootDevice.
;  ***Note: assumes that AltTrident1Boot (BootType)=BootTrident1 (BootDevice), etc. 
	mvi	a,BootTrident0		;  Set GenericBootDevice to Trident0
	sta	GenericBootDevice
	mov	a,c		;  BootDevice ← BootType
	jmp	SetBootDevice

;  Set the implemented rigid disk drive as the BootDevice.
	mov	a,b		;  Get CPDevices
	cpi	BootSA1000Mask	;  Is it the SA1000?
	jz	SetSA1000		;  z => SA1000
	cpi	BootSA4000Mask	;  Is it the SA4000?
	jz	SetSA4000		;  z => SA4000
	cpi	BootTridentMask	;  Is it the Trident?
	jz	SetTrident0		;  z => Trident0

;  Supposed to be a disk boot, but more than one disk bits were set.
	mvi	c,ErrorMultiDisksFound	;  ERROR:  Multi disk bits specified in Mem 0
	jmp	ErrorReport

;  Supposed to be a disk boot, but no disk bits were set.
	mvi	c,ErrorNoDiskFound	;  ERROR:  No disk bits specified in Mem 0
	jmp	ErrorReport

;  AltBoot specifies Trident disk, but no Trident on system.
	mvi	c,ErrorInvalidBootType	;  ERROR:  No Trident disk on system
	jmp	ErrorReport

;  Set the SA1000 as the boot device.
	mvi	a,BootSA1000		;  Set the SA1000
	jmp	SetGenericBootDevice
;  Set the SA1000 as the boot device.
	mvi	a,BootSA4000		;  Set the SA4000
	jmp	SetGenericBootDevice
;  Set the Trident0 as the boot device.
	mvi	a,BootTrident0		;  Set the Trident0
	jmp	SetGenericBootDevice

;  Subroutine:  InitCSTPCImage.
;  Initialize the CS image with the instruction:
;	GOTO [K1Entry];
;   where K1Entry = 0F8F.
;  Initialize the TPC array with all slots empty, i.e. high bit of word = 1.

;  First do the TPC image.
	mvi	c,8		;  Counter for 8 words
	mvi	e,0		;  Initialize TPC slot to 8000H (empty)
	mvi	d,80H
	lxi	h,TPCBuffer	;  Start of Buffer
	mov	m,e		;  Store low byte
	inx	h
	mov	m,d		;  Store high byte
	inx	h
	dcr	c		;  More TPC's?
	jnz	InitTPCImageLoop	;  nz =>  More to do

;  Initialize the CSImage.
;  Set up the instruction counter.
	lhld	CSImageSize	;  Initialize count to value in CSImageSize
	xchg			;  D,E has count
	lhld	CSImageStart	;  Initialize pointer to image
	mvi	a,DefaultCS0	;  Byte 0
	mov	m,a
	inx	h
	mvi	a,DefaultCS1	;  Byte 1
	mov	m,a
	inx	h
	mvi	a,DefaultCS2	;  Byte 2
	mov	m,a
	inx	h
	mvi	a,DefaultCS3	;  Byte 3
	mov	m,a
	inx	h
	mvi	a,DefaultCS4	;  Byte 4
	mov	m,a
	inx	h
	mvi	a,DefaultCS5	;  Byte 5
	mov	m,a
	inx	h
	dcx	d		;  End of loop?
	mov	a,e		;  Check for count = 0
	ora	d		;  Low OR high
	jnz	InitCSImageLoop	;  nz => nonzero

;  Subroutines to read the next word from the boot file.
;  The boot file can be in EProm or in main memory or on the floppy.
;  If the boot file is in main memory then the CP transfer needs to be initialized.
;  StartNextRead is used to initialize the transfer in this case.
;  The location of the boot file is determined by the value of BootSource:
;	0: IOP memory
;	1: CP memory
;	2: Floppy streaming

;  Subroutine:  StartNextRead [H,L:  word count].
;  Start the next transfer from the boot file if in Main memory.
;  BootSource=0 or 2 -  do nothing
;  BootSource=1 - initialize transfer through the CP port.
;  On entry:  H,L - number of words to be read in the next transaction.

	lda	BootSource	;  Check boot source for main memory
	cpi	BootSourceCP
	jz	StartNextCP	;  z =>  Boot file in main memory
	cpi	BootSourceFloppy
	rz			;  z => Boot file on Floppy, do nothing
	cpi	BootSourceIOP
	rz			;  z => IOP memory, do nothing
	jmp	UnimplBootSource	;  ERROR:  undefined boot source

;  Boot file is in main memory.  Initialize the CP transfer.
;  Format of initialize:
;    Command, low address, middle address, high address, low [count], high [count].
;  Command is ReadCP memory.
;  CP address in BootAddrCP (in BootPCB)
;  CP count in CPCount.
	shld	BootPCB+CPCnt	;  Save the count.
	mvi	a,CPReadCmd	;  Read command
	lxi	h,BootPCB	;  Point to the Boot PCB
	jmp	InitCPCmd	;  First byte is command
;  Jump to InitCPCmd subroutine and Return.

;  Subroutine:  GetNextWord [H,L:  Pointer to IOP buffer].
;  Get the next word from the boot file.
;  The location of the boot file is determined by the value of BootSource:
;	0: IOP memory
;	1: CP memory
;	2: Floppy streaming
;  IOP memory - Next boot file word pointer in BootAddrIOP.
;	BootAddrIOP is incremented.
;  CP memory - Next boot file word pointer in BootAddrCP.
;	Read the word from the port, and increment the CP address.
;	Note:  assume no 64K crossing.
;  Floppy Streaming -  Next word in the floppy buffer, or take a disk fault.
;	Check buffer count; if zero, start the next disk transfer, else return the next word in buffer.

;  On entry:  H,L - Address of the IOP buffer in which the word is to be placed.
;  On exit:  H,L - Address of the next word after the IOP buffer in which the word was placed.

	lda	BootSource	;  Check boot source for main memory
	cpi	BootSourceIOP
	jz	GetNextIOP	;  z => IOP memory
	cpi	BootSourceCP
	jz	GetNextCP	;  z => CP memory
	cpi	BootSourceFloppy
	jz	GetNextFloppy	;  z => Floppy
;  Undefined boot source.
	mvi	c,ErrorUnimplBootSource	;  ERROR:  Unimplemented BootSource
	jmp	ErrorReport

;  Next word from the CP port.
;  It is assumed that the transaction has been initiated.  Read the data from the port
;  and stores the data into the IOP buffer.
;  H,L Points to the IOP buffer to which the word should be transferred.
	call	ReadCPbyte	;  Get byte from port (returned in A)
	mov	m,a		;  Store in low byte
	inx	h		;  Point to the high byte
	call	ReadCPbyte	;  Get byte from port (returned in A)
	mov	m,a		;  Store in high byte
	inx	h		;  Point to the next byte
	push	h		;  Save H,L temporarily
	lhld	BootAddrCP	;  Increment the CP address
	inx	h
	shld	BootAddrCP	;  Restore pointer in memory
	pop	h		;  Restore H,L

;  Next word from the IOP memory.
;  H,L Points to the IOP buffer to which the word should be transferred.
;  BootAddrIOP points to the next location in the boot file.
	xchg			;  D,E ← Pointer to IOP buffer
	lhld	BootAddrIOP	;  H,L ← Pointer to boot file
	mov	a,m		;  Low byte
	stax	d		;  Store in destination
	inx	h		;  Increment pointers
	inx	d
	mov	a,m		;  High byte
	stax	d		;  Store in destination
	inx	h		;  Increment pointers
	inx	d
	shld	BootAddrIOP	;  Update pointer in memory
	xchg			;  H,L ← Pointer to next word after IOP buffer

;  Next word from the Floppy buffer.
;  H,L Points to the IOP buffer to which the word should be transferred.
;  FloppyBufPtr points to the next location in the boot file (in floppy buffer).
	xchg			;  D,E ← pointer to buffer where word is to be returned
	lhld	FloppyBufCnt	;  Check number of words left in floppy buffer
	xra	a
	cmp	l		;  Check low part
	jnz	GetNextBuffer	;  nz => buffer count is not zero, return word from buffer
;  Low part is zero, check the high part.
	cmp	h		;  Check high part
	jnz	GetNextBuffer	;  nz => buffer count is not zero, return word from buffer
;  The word count is zero.  Fetch the next run of sectors from the disk.
	push	d		;  Save D,E (pointer to word buffer)
	call	ReadSectorRun
	pop	d		;  Restore D,E (pointer to word buffer)
;  The word is in the Floppy Buffer.  D,E still points to the word buffer.
	lhld	FloppyBufPtr	;  Store word in specified word buffer
	inx	d		;  Point to high byte in buffer (Byte swap)
;	nop			;  (Non byte swap)
	mov	a,m		;  Low byte
	stax	d		;  Store in destination
	inx	h		;  Increment pointers
	dcx	d		;  Point to low byte in buffer (Byte swap)
;	inx	d		;  Point to high byte in buffer (Non Byte swap)
	mov	a,m		;  High byte
	stax	d		;  Store in destination
	inx	h		;  Increment pointers
	inx	d
	inx	d		;  Point to next byte in buffer (Byte swap)
;	nop			;  (Non byte swap)
	shld	FloppyBufPtr	;  Update pointer in memory
	lhld	FloppyBufCnt	;  Decrement the Floppy word count
	dcx	h
	shld	FloppyBufCnt
	xchg			;  H,L ← Pointer to next word after word buffer

;  Subroutine:  WriteCS.
;  Write the microinstruction in CSBuffer in either control store or a control store image
;  in IOP memory.   If the CS address is greater than or equal to the value in CSIMageSize,
;  then write the microinstruction in the control store.  Otherwise write the
;  microinstruction in the image.
;  Thus,    CSAddress - CSImageSize < 0  =>  In overlay area
;  and,     CSAddress - CSImageSize >= 0  =>  Out of overlay area
;  The current CS address is in CSAddress.
;  If the write is directly into control store, and BootMode=0,
;    then first stop the CP, and then restart it.
	lxi	d,CSAddress	;  D,E points to CSAddress
	lxi	h,CSImageSize	;  H,L points to CS address
	ldax	d		;  Subtract low bytes
	sub	m		;  We don't care about result, only the sign
	inx	d		;  Point to high bytes
	inx	h
	ldax	d		;  Subtract high bytes
	sbb	m
;  Check sign of the difference:
	jm	DoCSImage	;  m => CSAddress - CSImageSize < 0  =>  In overlay area
;  Write the microinstruction directly into control store.
;  Use TPC [CSTask] for CS addressing.
	lda	BootFlags	;  Check whether BootMode=1
	ani	BootMode
	cz	StopCP		;  z => Not BootMode, Stop the CP
	lhld	CSAddress	;  H,L ← CS address
	xchg			;  move to D,E
	mvi	c,CSTask	;  Use special TPC for control store addressing (to C)
	call	DoWriteTPC	;  Write the TPC
;  Now write the location.
	lxi	d,CSBuffer	;  Point to the CS buffer
	call	DoWriteCS	;  Write the CS location
	lda	BootFlags	;  Check whether BootMode=1
	ani	BootMode
	cz	StartCP	;  Restart the CP

;  Microinstruction is to be written into the image area in IOP memory.
;  Write the instruction starting at IOP address: CSImage + 6*CSAddress.
	lhld	CSAddress	;  H,L ← CSAddress
	dad	h		;  H,L ← 2*CSAddress
	mov	e,l
	mov	d,h		;  D,E ← 2*CSAddress
	dad	h		;  H,L ← 4*CSAddress
	dad	d		;  H,L ← 6*CSAddress
	xchg			;  D,E ← 6*CSAddress
	lhld	CSImageStart	;  H,L ← Pointer to start of CSImage
	dad	d		;  H,L ← CSImage + 6*CSAddress
;  Now transfer the instruction into the image.
;  H,L -  pointer into the image.
;  D,E -  pointer to CSBuffer.
;  C  -  byte counter
	lxi	d,CSBuffer	;  D,E ← Ptr to CSBuffer
	mvi	c,6		;  6 bytes
	ldax	d		;  Get the byte from CSBuffer
	mov	m,a		;  Store in the image
	inx	h		;  Increment the pointers
	inx	d
	dcr	c		;  Are we done?
	jnz	WriteCSImageLoop	;  nz => more bytes

;  Subroutine:  TransferCSImage.
;  Transfer the control store image in IOP memory to the control store,
;    starting at control store location 0.
;  It is assumed that the CP is in the kernel.
;  The control store image starts at location CSImage.
;  Number of microinstructions in the image is given by CSImageSize. 
;  Current CS address in CSAddress.
;  Counter for microinstructions in CSImageCnt.
;  Pointer to next micronstructionin the image in CSImagePtr.

	lhld	CSImageStart	;  Initialize pointer to start of CSImage
	shld	CSImagePtr
	lxi	h,0		;  Initialize CS address to 0
	shld	CSAddress
	lhld	CSImageSize	;  Initialize count to value in CSImageSize
	shld	CSImageCnt
;  Use TPC [CSTask] for CS addressing.
	lhld	CSAddress	;  H,L ← CS address
	xchg			;  move to D,E
	mvi	c,CSTask	;  Use special TPC for control store addressing (to C)
	call	DoWriteTPC	;  Write the TPC
;  Now write the location.
	lhld	CSImagePtr	;  Point to the next instruction in the image
	xchg			;  D,E ← H,L (Pointer to next instruction)
	call	DoWriteCS	;  Write the CS location
	xchg			;  H,L ← D,E (Pointer to next instruction)
	shld	CSImagePtr	;  Store back in memory
	lhld	CSAddress	;  Increment CS address
	inx	h
	shld	CSAddress
	lhld	CSImageCnt	;  Get count and check if zero
	dcx	h
	shld	CSImageCnt
	mov	a,l		;  Check for count = 0
	ora	h		;  Low OR high
	jnz	TransferCSLoop	;  nz => nonzero

;  Subroutine:  TransferTPCImage.
;  Transfer the TPC entries that were filled during this boot phase into the TPC's.
;  There is a table of 8 TPC entries, starting at TPCBuffer.
;  The table is initialized with the high bit = 1, indicating empty.
;  If an entry is inserted, then the high bit will be 0.
;  Pointer to TPC buffer area is in TPCBufPtr.
;  TPC address is TPCAddress.
;  It is assumed that the CP is in the kernel.

;  NOTE:  If the BootType is floppy booting  AND Phase =2 then add 1 to TPC 0,
;  top start the emulator at Go instead of Germ.
;  THis will be removed when the germ is changed to know about Floppy booting.


;*** Kludge :  Fix TPC 0 if Phase=2 AND (BootType  =  AltFloppyBoot or AltDiagFloppyBoot).
	lda	Phase
	cpi	2		;  Phase 2?
	jnz	ContTPCTransfer	;  nz => not Phase 2
;  Phase 2:  Check BootType.
	lda	BootType
	cpi	AltFloppyBoot
	jz	FixTPC0		;  z => It is a floppy boot
	cpi	AltDiagFloppyBoot
	jz	FixTPC0		;  z => It is a floppy boot
;*** End Kludge.

	lxi	h,TPCBuffer	;  Initialize TPCBufPtr to start of TPCBuffer
	shld	TPCBufPtr
	xra	a		;  Initialize TPCAddress to 0
	sta	TPCAddress
	lhld	TPCBufPtr	;  H,L ← Ptr to next TPC slot
	mov	e,m
	inx	h
	mov	d,m		;  D,E ← TPC value
	inx	h		;  H,L ← Ptr to next TPC slot
	shld	TPCBufPtr	;  Store back
	mov	a,d		;  Check high nibble of slow for empty or full
	ora	a
	jm	NextTPCSlot	;  m => Slot is still empty
	lda	TPCAddress	;  C ← TPC address
	mov	c,a
	call	DoWriteTPC	;  Write the TPC
	lda	TPCAddress	;  Increment TPC address and check for done
	inr	a
	sta	TPCAddress
	cpi	8		;  Is TPC address = 8 (done)?
	jnz	TransferTPCLoop	;  nz => Still more to do

;  Increment TPC0.
	lhld	TPCBuffer+0
	inx	h
	shld	TPCBuffer+0
	jmp	ContTPCTransfer

;  Subroutine:  SetupUregisters.
;  Interpret the U register blocks that were found in the Boot file.
;  Pointers to the 2nd word in each block were saved during phase 0 in uBlockPtrArray.
;  uBlockCnt contains the number of blocks.

	lxi	h,uBlockPtrArray	;  Point to start of array
	shld	uBlockPtr		;  Store in pointer
	lda	uBlockCnt
	ora	a			;  Set flags
	jmp	CheckUCnt

	call	InterpretUBlock
	lda	uBlockCnt
	dcr	a
	sta	uBlockCnt
	jnz	SetupULoop

;  Subroutine:  InterpretUBlock.
;  Interpret a particular U block.
;  Note: This subroutine assumes Phase 0 activity, i.e. Boot file in IOP memory.

	lhld	uBlockPtr	;  Get pointer to uBlock Ptr
	mov	e,m		;  Get the pointer
	inx	h
	mov	d,m		;  D,E ← Pointer to uBlock
	inx	h
	shld	uBlockPtr	;  Store back pointer to next pointer in array
	xchg			;  H,L ← pointer to uBlock in IOP memory
	shld	BootAddrIOP	;  Fix boot file pointer				
; Note:  No StartNextRead called, since it is assumed to be Phase 0.
	lxi	h,Header	;  Get next word into Header
	call	GetNextWord
	lda	Header
	ani	uBootDeviceMask	;  Mask Boot device
	jz	DoSetUBlock	;  z => an unconditional u block
;  The U block was not unconditional.  Check if it matches the GenericBootDevice
	rrc			;  Right align the BootDevice
	lxi	h,GenericBootDevice	;  Compare with GenericBootDevice
	cmp	m
	jz	DoSetUBlock	;  z => BootDevice matched
;  Not appropriate boot device.

;  Interpret the U block.
;  First get the 16 words of U regsiter values.
;  Format to CP is: command, uBlock number, 16 words of U register value.
	mvi	c,16		;  Set up a counter in C
	lxi	h,uBlockBuffer	;  Point to buffer area
	call	GetNextWord	;  Store in buffer (H,L updated)
	dcr	c		;  Done?
	jnz	GetUValLoop	;  nz => Not done yet
;  We are now ready for the CP command.
	mvi	a,CPLoadUCmd	;  First byte is command
	call	WriteCPbyte
	lda	Header		;  Send the block number
	ani	uBlockMask
	call	WriteCPbyte
;  Now send the 16 words of data.
	mvi	c,16		;  Set up a counter in C
	lxi	h,uBlockBuffer	;  Point to buffer area
	mov	e,m		;  Low part
	inx	h
	mov	d,m		;  High part
	inx	h
	call	WriteCPword	;  Send to port
	dcr	c		;  Done?
	jnz	SetUValLoop	;  nz => Not done yet

;  Subroutine:  InformCPBootDevice.
;  Inform the CP that the U registers were loaded.
;  Also provide the host address, value of DiagBoot, and BootDevice.
;  Format of command:  command, host address (6 bytes), DiagBoot, EPromVersion/BootDevice.

	mvi	a,CPSetBootCmd	;  Command
	call	WriteCPbyte	;  First byte is command
;  Send the host address:
	lxi	d,8000H+HostAddr	;  Point to the HAddr prom (high word)
	call	SendHostWord	;  Send high host address word
	call	SendHostWord	;     Middle word
	call	SendHostWord	;     Low word
;  Inform CP of DiagBoot.
	lda	DiagBoot		;  Send DiagBoot to CP as index
	call	WriteCPbyte
;  Inform CP of EPromVersion/BootDevice.
	lda	BootDevice
	lxi	h,EPromVersionLoc	;  Point to shifted Version number
ORVersionNo:  {Change to "ana m" for debugging with version 2.4 EProms}
	ora	m		;  Merge with BootDevice
	jmp	WriteCPbyte
;  Jump to WriteCPbyte subroutine and Return.

;  Subroutine:  SendHostWord.
;  Read a host address word from the host address prom and transmit to CP port.
;  The prom has 12 nibbles containing the 48-bit host address, plus an 8-bit checksum.
;  (Checksum is not checked.)
;  Register usage:
;	H,L - Word buffer
;	D,E - Host address prom pointer
;	C - byte counter
;  On entry:  D,E points to the first nibble of the Host word to be read.
;  On exit:  D,E points to the first nibble of the next Host word to be read.

	lxi	h,HeaderHi		;  Use Header as a buffer, point to high byte
	mvi	c,2			;  Count of 2 bytes
	ldax	d		;  Get low nibble of byte
	inx	d		;  Point to next nibble
	ani	0FH		;  Mask out high part
	mov	b,a		;  Store in B
	ldax	d		;  Get high nibble of byte
	inx	d		;  Point to next nibble
	ani	0FH		;  Mask out high part
	rlc			;  Move to high part of byte
	ora	b		;  Form byte in A
	mov	m,a		;  Store in buffer
	dcx	h		;  Point to next byte up
	dcr	c		;  End of loop?
	jnz	ReadHAddrLoop	;  nz => still more to do
;  Header has the word.  Write to port.
	lhld	Header
	xchg			;  D,E ← address word, H,L ← Prom address
	call	WriteCPword	;  To CP
	xchg			;  D,E ← Prom address

;  Subroutine:  ReadMainMem.
;  Read the contents of a main memory location in the first 64K space.
;  On entry:  H,L = low 16 bits of address.
;  On exit: low byte in A, high byte in B.

	shld	MemPCB+CPAddr3	;  Store address in FlagPCB
	mvi	a,CPReadCmd	;  Read command
	lxi	h,MemPCB	;  Point to the FlagPCB
	call	InitCPCmd	;  First byte is command
;  Now get the contents.
	call	ReadCPbyte	;  Get low byte from port (returned in A)
	mov	c,a		;  Save temporarily in C
	call	ReadCPbyte	;  Get high byte from port (returned in A)
	mov	b,a		;  Store in high byte
	mov	a,c		;  Return low byte in A

;  Subroutine:  CheckCPStopped.
;  Check if CP is stopped, i.e. in CP kernel.
;  If it is not, stop the CP.

	lda	BootFlags	;  Check value in BootFlags
	ani	CPStopped
	rnz			;  nz => CP already stopped
;  CP is not stopped.  Send it back to the kernel.
	jmp	StopCP
;  Jump to StopCP subroutine and Return.

;  Subroutine:  DoWriteCS.
;  Write the CS location.
;  In BootMode the CS location is written.
;  In non-BootMode, IOPWait is set, a CS byte is written,
;    the CP re-enabled, and a Refresh is requested.  Repeated for each byte.
;   (Maximum time that IOPWait should be set is 80 340 ns IOP cycles, 92 333 ns cycles.)
;  On entry:  Assumes that the TPC[6] has been set up correctly.
;	CS data is in a CSBuffer [0..5], (MSB..LSB).
;	where D,E is pointing to the buffer.
;  On exit:
;	D,E points to the next byte after current CS buffer (useful for image transfer)
;  All registers are used.
;  Register usage:
;	H,L  -  Points to CPControl (memory mapped I/O)
;	B,C  -  Points to CSa-CSe (memory mapped I/O)
;	D,E  -  Points to CSBuffer
	lxi	h,8000H+CPControl	;  Set H,L to point to CPControl (memory mapped I/O)
	lxi	b,8000H+CSa	;  Set B,C to point to CSa-CSe (memory mapped I/O)
;  Check for BootMode.
	lda	BootFlags	;  Check whether the CP kernel is running (BootMode)
	ani	BootMode	;  
	jnz	BootDoWriteCS	;  BootMode (nz) => no CP control, Refresh
;  Not BootMode.
	mvi	a,6		; Counter for 6 bytes
	sta	CSCount	;  Use memory for CS byte counter
	mvi	m,CPWait	;  Set IOPWait in CPControl
;  CP now in WAIT state.
	mvi	m,CPWaitSwT	;  [10] Set IOPWait, SwTAddr in CPControl
	ldax	d		;  [7]  Get byte into A
	cma			;  [4]  Complement for CP LS240
	stax	b		;  [7] Output CS byte
	mvi	m,CPWait	;  [10] Set IOPWait, clear SwTAddr in CPControl
	mvi	m,CPEnable	;  [10] Clear IOPWait, SwTAddr in CPControl
;  CP now out of WAIT state. In wait state for 48 IOP cycles. 
	mvi	a,CPRefresh	;  Request refresh
	call	WriteCPbyte
	inx	b		;  Point to next CS I/O slot
	inx	d		;  Point to next CS buffer location
	lda	CSCount	;  Decrement CS byte counter
	dcr	a
	jnz	DoWriteCSLoop	; nz => still more

;  In BootMode.  IOPWait is true.
	mvi	a,6		; Counter for 6 bytes
	sta	CSCount	;  Use memory for CS byte counter
	ldax	d		;  Get byte into A
	cma			;  Complement for CP LS240
	stax	b		;  Output CS byte
	inx	b		;  Point to next CS I/O slot
	inx	d		;  Point to next CS buffer location
	lda	CSCount	;  Decrement CS byte counter
	dcr	a
	jnz	BootDoWriteCSLoop	; nz => still more

;  Subroutine:  DoWriteTPC
;  Write the TPC.
;  In BootMode the TPC is written.
;  In non-BootMode, IOPWait is set, TPC is written,
;      the CP re-enabled, and a Refresh is requested.
;   (Maximum time that IOPWait should be set is 80 340 ns IOP cycles, 92 333 ns cycles.)
;  On entry:  C  contains the TPC address (3 bits right-justified)
;	          DE  contains the TPC data (12 bits right-justified)
;  Format of TPCHigh (write):  TPCAddr[0:2],,TPCData[0:4]'
;  Format of TPCLow (write):  don't care,,TPCData[5:11]'
;  Compute the values of TPCHigh, TPCLow beforehand so that the 
;     CP is kept with IOPWait high for a minimum of time.
	call	LeftAlignTPCAddr	; Left align 3 bits of address in C
	mov	a,e		;  Move TPC[4] into B for TPCHigh format
	ral			;  TPC[4] into carry
	mov	a,d		;  get high part
	ral			;  TPC[4] into B[7]
	cma			;  complement for port
	ani	1FH		;  Clear High 3 bits
	ora	c		;  OR in address
; Value in C not needed again. 
	mov	d,a		;  Store back in D
	mov	a,e		;  Get low part (E[0] is don't care)
	cma			;  complement for port
	mov	e,a		;  Store back in E
	lxi	h,8000H+CPControl	;  Set H,L to point to CPControl (memory mapped I/O)
	lxi	b,8000H+TPCHigh	;  Set B,C to point to CPControl (memory mapped I/O)
;  Check for BootMode.
	lda	BootFlags	;  Check whether the CP kernel is running (BootMode)
	ani	BootMode	;  
	jnz	BootWriteTPC	;  BootMode (nz) => no CP control, Refresh
	mvi	m,CPWait	;  Set IOPWait in CPControl
;  CP now in WAIT state.
	mvi	m,CPWaitSwT	;  [10] Set IOPWait, SwTAddr in CPControl
	mov	a,d		;  [4] Get high part
	stax	b		;  [7] Output TPCHigh (address, high data)
	inx	b		;  [6] point to TPCLow
	mov	a,e		;  [4] Get low part
	stax	b		;  [7] Output TPCLow (low data)
	mvi	m,CPWait	;  [10] Set IOPWait, clear SwTAddr in CPControl
	mvi	m,CPEnable	;  [10] Clear IOPWait, SwTAddr in CPControl
;  CP now out of WAIT state. In wait state for 58 IOP cycles. 
	mvi	a,CPRefresh	;  Request refresh
	jmp	WriteCPbyte
;  Jump to WriteCPbyte subroutine and Return.

;  In BootMode.  IOPWait is true.
	mov	a,d		;  Get high part
	stax	b		;  Output TPCHigh (address, high data)
	inx	b		;  point to TPCLow
	mov	a,e		;  Get low part
	stax	b		;  Output TPCLow (low data)

;  Subroutine to left align TPC address in C.
	mov	a,c
	ani	7H	;  Clear top bits
	mov	c,a

;  Subroutine:  StartCPKernel and StopCP.
;  Set IOPWait=0, SwTAddr=0, clear BootMode, set CPStopped in BootFlags.
;  StartCPKernel:
;     Start CP after CPKernel loading.
;     On entry: IOPWait = SwTAddr = 1.
;  StopCP:
;     Stop CP execution.
;     Toggle IOPWait in CPControl, in order to cause CP to enter the CPKernel.
;     On entry: IOPWait = SwTAddr = 0.

	mvi	a,CPWait	;  Clear SwTAddr (Set IOPWait) in CPControl
	out	CPControl
	mvi	a,CPEnable	;  Clear IOPWait, SwTAddr in CPControl
	out	CPControl
	mvi	a,NoBootMode+CPStopped	;  BootMode=0, CPStopped=1
	sta	BootFlags	

;  Subroutine:  StartCP.
;  Start CP execution, by issuing the ExitKernel command.
;  Force the CP to exit the CP Kernel.

	mvi	a,CPExitKernel		;  Command to CPKernel to exit CPKernel
	call	WriteCPbyte
; Clear out flags in BootFlags.
	mvi	a,NoBootMode		;  BootMode=0, CPStopped=0 in BootFlags
	sta	BootFlags	

;  Subroutine:  InitCPCmd.
;  Initialize CP port for reads or writes.
;  On entry:
;    A = command to microcode
;    H,L = Pointer to CPport Control Block
;  Format of initialize:
;    Command, low address, middle address, high address, low [count], high [count].
	call	WriteCPbyte	;  First byte is command
	lxi	b,CPAddr3	;  Index in control block of CP buffer address
	dad	b		;  H,L points to Low 16 bits of CP buffer address
	mov	e,m		;  Address byte 3
	inx	h
	mov	d,m		;  Address byte 2
	call	WriteCPword	;  Send to port
	inx	h
	mov	a,m		;  High part address (address byte 1)
	ani	CP64KMask	;  Mask for address size
	call	WriteCPbyte	;  Send to port
;  Note the high byte, which is always 0, is not transmitted to CP.
	inx	h		;  Ignore top address byte
	inx	h		;  Point to count
	mov	e,m		;  Low part count
	inx	h
	mov	d,m		;  High part count
	dcx	d		;  Microcode wants count-1
	jmp	WriteCPword	;  Send to port
;  Jump to WriteCPword subroutine and Return.

;  CPport data transfer subroutines.

; Subroutine:  ReadCPbyte.
;  Read CP byte.
;  Byte returned in A register.
	in	CPStatus	;  Read the port interrupt bits
	ani	CPInIntMask	;  CPIn requesting an interrupt? 
	jz	ReadCPbyte		;  Zero means no interrupt
	in	CPIn		;  get data

; Subroutine:  ReadCPword.
;  Read CP word.
;  Word returned in D,E.
	call	ReadCPbyte
	mov	e,a
	call	ReadCPbyte
	mov	d,a

; Subroutine:  WriteCPbyte.
;  Write CP byte.
;  Byte in A register written into port.
	out	CPOut		;  Output data
	in	CPStatus	;  Read the port interrupt bits
	ani	CPOutIntMask	;  CPOut requesting an interrupt, i.e data read? 
	jz	WaitCPOutAck		;  Zero means no interrupt

; Subroutine:  WriteCPword.
;  Write CP word.
;  Word in D,E written into port.
;  NOTE:  Least significant byte written first through port.
	mov	a,e
	call	WriteCPbyte
	mov	a,d
	jmp	WriteCPbyte
;  Jump to WriteCPbyte subroutine and Return.

;  Subroutine:  ByteToWord [H,L: word] RETURNS [H,L: word].
;  Convert value in H,L (byte count) to word count.
;    i.e. long shift right by 2.

	ora	a		;  Clear carry
	mov	a,h		;  High part
	rar			;  shift high part right, low bit into carry
	mov	h,a
	mov	a,l		;  Low part
	rar			;  shift low part right, shift in high bit
	mov	l,a

;  FLOPPY DISK subroutines.

;  Constant data variables:
	db	SectorNo		;  Number of sectors read in a run
	dw	SectorLen		;  Sector size (bytes)
	dw	(SectorNo*SectorLen)/2		;  Size of Floppy Buffer (words)
	db	MaxSectorNo+1		;  Maximum sector number+1
	db	DDen			;  Density: 0 = single, 1 = double
	dw	FloppyBuf		;  Pointer to start of Floppy buffer

;  Subroutine:  ReadSectorRun.
;  The floppy buffer was empty.  Read the next run of sectors from the disk into the floppy buffer.
;  If the end of a track is encountered before the end of the run, then stop the run.
;  On entry:  
;	The disk address for the next access is in DSide, DCylinder (1 word), and Sector.
;	The current disk head position is in Side, and Cylinder (1 word).
;	The size of the sector run is in SectorRunSize.
;  On exit:  
;	The disk address for the next access is in DSide, DCylinder (1 word), and Sector.
;	The current disk head position is in Side, and Cylinder (1 word).

	lda	SectorRunSize	;  Initialize:  SectorCnt ← SectorRunSize
	sta	SectorCnt
	lhld	FloppyBuffer	;  Initialize the buffer pointer of the ReadSector command
	shld	FloppyBufPtr
	lxi	h,0		;  Initialize:  FloppyBufCnt ← 0
	shld	FloppyBufCnt
;  Check if the Side should be switched.
	lxi	h,Side		;  Point to current Side
	lda	DSide		;  Get desired Side
	cmp	m
	cnz	DoSwitchSide	;  nz => different, switch the side select
;  Check if a seek is needed.
	lxi	h,Cylinder	;  Point to current cylinder
	lda	DCylinder	;  Assumes high part of Cylinder=0
	cmp	m
	cnz	DoSeekCmd	;  nz => different, do a seek, update Cylinder
;  Now do the read sector.
;  Buffer pointer in FloppyBufPtr, sector size in SectorSize, sector number in Sector.
	lda	Sector
	mov	d,a		;  Desired sector in D
	lda	ReadSectorCom	;  ReadSector command to E
	mov	e,a
	mvi	a,RetryNo		;  Initialize retry counter
	sta	RetryCount
	call	DoReadSector	;  Do the read, soft error status returned in A
;  (A) = 0 for no errors, (A) # 0 for soft errors (with errors = 1).
	ora	a
	jz	ReadSectorGood	;  z => no errors
;  We had a soft error.  Try again.  (Later:  restore and try again)
	lxi	h,RetryCount		
	dcr	m
	jnz	ReadAgain	;  z => Too many retries
;  Too many retries.  Report error.
	mvi	c,ErrorReadSectorFail
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  Too many read sector failures.

;  The sector was read without error.
;  Increment the Buffer count, by the sector size.
;  Check if more sectors are too be read.
	lhld	SectorSize	;  Update FloppyBufCnt 
	call	ByteToWord	;  Convert to words
	xchg			;  D,E ← Sector size (words)
	lhld	FloppyBufCnt	;  H,L ← Buffer count
	dad	d		;  H,L ← Buffer count + Sector size (words)
	shld	FloppyBufCnt	;  Store Buffer count
	lxi	h,SectorCnt	;  Decrement the sector count
	dcr	m
	jz	SectorRunDone	;  z =>  Sector run completed
;  Still more sectors to be read.  Fix the next disk address.
;  Increment the Buffer pointer, by the sector size.
	lhld	SectorSize	;  Update BufferPtr for next transfer
	xchg			;  D,E ← Sector size (bytes)
	lhld	FloppyBufPtr	;  H,L ← Buffer pointer
	dad	d		;  H,L ← Buffer pointer + Sector size
	shld	FloppyBufPtr	;  Store buffer pointer
	lxi	h,Sector		;  Increment sector number
	inr	m		
	lda	MaxSector	;  Get maximum sector number+1
	cmp	m
	jz	TrackCross	;  z  => Sector number  = MaxSector+1, i.e. end of track
	jmp	ReadSectorLoop	;  Do it again
;  All the sectors in the run have been correctly read.
;  Form the next disk address in DCylinder, Sector.
;  Initialize the buffer pointer and count for GetNextWord.
	lhld	FloppyBuffer	;  Initialize the buffer pointer of the next GetNextWord
	shld	FloppyBufPtr
	lxi	h,Sector		;  Increment sector number
	inr	m		
	lda	MaxSector	;  Get maximum sector number+1
	cmp	m
	jz	FormNextDiskAddress	;  z => end of cylinder
;  If zero, jump to FormNextDiskAddress subroutine and Return.
;  Sector did not cross track boundary.  Set DCylinder ← Cylinder.
	lda	Cylinder
	sta	DCylinder
;  The next sector crossed a track boundary.  Terminate the run of sectors.
;  Form the next disk address, and initialize the Buffer pointer for GetNextWord.
	lhld	FloppyBuffer	;  Initialize the buffer pointer for the next GetNextWord
	shld	FloppyBufPtr
;  Jump to FormNextDiskAddress subroutine (**below) and Return.

;  Subroutine:  FormNextDiskAddress.
;  Form the disk address of the beginning of the next track.
;  Single-sided disk:
;	Sector ← 1;
;	DCylinder ← Cylinder + 1;
;  Double-sided disk:
;	Sector ← 1;
;	IF Side = 0 THEN DSide ← 1
;	        ELSE {i.e. Side = 1} BEGIN DSide ← 0;
;		        DCylinder ← Cylinder + 1;
;		   END;
	mvi	a,1	; Sector ← 1;
	sta	Sector
	in	FDCStatusReg	;  Check in external status reg. whether single or double-sided
	ani	FDCTwoSidedMask
	jz	DoSingleSide	;  z => single sided
;  Double sided disk.
	lda	Side
	xri	Side1Mask
	sta	DSide		;  DSide ← Side xor Side1Mask
	rnz			;  nz => DSide =1, i.e. was 0
;  DSide = 0, i.e. was 1.  Increment the cylinder number.
	lda	Cylinder
	inr	a
	sta	DCylinder

;  Subroutine:  DoSwitchSide.
;  Switch the side select values in Side and FDCState.
;  On entry:  H,L points to Side
;                 A = DSide

	mov	m,a	;  Side ← DSide
	ora	a	;  Check if desired side is 0 or 1
	jnz	SetSide1	;  nz => DSide is 1
	mvi	a,nFDCSide1Mask	;  Set Side 0 (clear Side 1 bit)
	call	ClearFDCStateBit
	lxi	h,ReadSectorCom	;  Fix up ReadSector Cmd
	mvi	a,nType2SMask	;  Clear S bit
	ana	m
	mov	m,a
;  Delay to wait for head settling time.
	lxi	h,1
	call	Delay

	mvi	a,FDCSide1Mask	;  Set Side 1
	call	SetFDCStateBit
	lxi	h,ReadSectorCom	;  Fix up ReadSector Cmd
	mvi	a,Type2SMask	;  Set S bit
	ora	m
	jmp	EndSwitchSide

;  Subroutine:  DoSeekCmd.
;  A seek is needed.  Do the command, and retry if errors occur.
;  On entry:
;	Cylinder has current cylinder.
;	DCylinder has desired cylinder.
;  The sector number is greater than the maximum on a track.  Move to the next track.
	lda	DCylinder	;  Desired cylinder to D
	mov	d,a
	lda	SeekCom		;  Seek command to E
	mov	e,a
	mvi	a,RetryNo		;  Initialize retry counter
	sta	RetryCount
	call	DoSeek		;  Do the seek, soft error status returned in A
;  (A) = 0 for no errors, (A) # 0 for soft errors (with errors = 1).
;  Track location was updated if command was successful.
	ora	a
	rz			;  z =>  Seek was successful, return
;  We had a soft error.  Try again.  (Later:  restore and try again)
	lxi	h,RetryCount		
	dcr	m
	jnz	SeekAgain	;  z => Too many retries
;  Too many retries.  Report error.
	mvi	c,ErrorSeekFail
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  Too many Seek failures.

;  Subroutine:  DoReadSector.
;  Implement Read Sector command.
;  Assumes Head at track and Track Register up to date.
;  On entry:
;    D = Desired sector 
;    E = Command
;  On exit:
;    A = Internal FDC completion status
;  Call subroutine at DoReadAddressTrack, for Read Address or Read Track.

	mov	a,d		;  Set up sector for ReadSector command
	out	FDCSector	;  Set desired sector in FDCSector Register
;  Program channel 0 of Dma controller for memory writes.
;  All interrupts are disabled:
;	di			;  Disable interrupts while programming Dma
	lhld	FloppyBufPtr
	mov	a,l		;  Program low buffer address
	out	DmaCh0Addr
	mov	a,h		;  Program high buffer address
	out	DmaCh0Addr
	lhld	SectorSize
	dcx	h		;  Decrement for Dma
	mov	a,l		;  Program low Count
	out	DmaCh0Count
	mov	a,h		;  Program high Count
	ori	DmaWriteBit	;  OR in function (memory writes)
	out	DmaCh0Count
	mvi	a,EnFloppyChannel	;  Enable channel 0: TCS, EW, EN0
	out	DmaMode
;	ei			;  Re-enable interrupts
;  Dma channel is now programmed and enabled.
	mov	a,e		;  Get FDC command
	call	SendCommand	;  Issue command
;  Command has ended.  Check completion status.
;  Check for error completion (internal status in A, external in B).
;       (Not Ready, RNF, CRC error, Lost Data, Busy)
	ani	ReadErrorMask
	sta	DiskStatus	;  Store away
	ani	ReadHardMask	;   (Not Ready, Busy)
	jz	DoReadGood
	mvi	c,ErrorReadHardError
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  Read Sector hard error

;  Correct FDC termination.
;  If we had an RNF or LostData error then we shouldn't check for DMA completion.
	lda	DiskStatus	;  Restore status
	ani	FDCRNFMask
	jnz	DoReadDone	;  Don't check Dma
	lda	DiskStatus	;  Restore status
	ani	FDCLostData
	jnz	DoReadDone	;  Don't check Dma
;  Check that DMA terminated.
	mov	a,b		;  B has external Status Reg value
	ani	FDCEndCountMask
	jnz	GoodDmaEndCount1
	mvi	c,ErrorNoDmaEndCount1
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  External Dma End Count register not set

; Check internal Dma status to ensure completion.
	in	DmaStatus	;  Read internal Dma Status
	ani	DmaCh0Mask
	jnz	DoReadDone	;  nz => channel completed

	mvi	c,ErrorNoDmaEndCount2
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  Internal Dma End Count not set.

;  Read sector done without any hard errors.
	xra	a
	out	DmaMode	;  Disable Dma
	lda	DiskStatus	; Return status

;  Subroutine:  DoSeek.
;  Issue seek command.  Assumes FDC Track register is up-to-date.
;  Checks validity of track number on completion.
;  Update DDen bit in FDCState for dsestination cylinder.
;  Note that PreComp bit does not have to be changed since we do no writing.
;  On entry:
;    D = Desired Cylinder 
;    E = Command
;  On exit:
;    A = Internal FDC completion status

	mov	a,d		;  Check if desired Track OK
	cpi	77
	jc	SeekCylinderOK
	mvi	c,ErrorTrackToBig
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  Track number is too large.
; Track number is less than 77.

;  Output desired cylinder for Seek.
	out	FDCData		;  Set desired track in Data Register for Seek
;  Cylinder number is OK.  Check the value of the destination cylinder and update FDCState.
;  Check if Cylinder 0 and force to single density.
	mov	a,d		;  Get cylinder number
	ora	a
	jz	SetSD		;  z => At cylinder 0, force single density
;  The head is not at cylinder 0.  Check the Density.
	lda	Density		;  Check for double density
	ora	a
	jz	SetSD		;  z => single density, i.e. no DDen, no Precomp.
;  Double density.  Set DDen bit.
	mvi	a,FDCDDenMask	;  Set the DDen bit
	call	SetFDCStateBit
;  Now issue the command.
	mov	a,e		;  Get command
	call	SendCommand	;  Issue command
;  Check for error completion (in A).
;       (Not Ready, Seek error, CRC error, Busy)
	sta	DiskStatus	;  Store away
	ani	Type1ErrorMask
	mov	b,a		;  save away
	ani	Type1HardMask	;   (Not Ready, Busy)
	jz	CheckTrack	;  z => no hard error
	mvi	c,ErrorType1HardError
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  Type 1 hard error

	in	FDCTrack	;  Check track register
	xra	d
	jz	UpdateCylinder	;  z => Track register is correct
	mvi	c,ErrorCommandTrackError
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  Track register is not correct

;  Track register is correct. Update Cylinder location.
	mov	l,d
	mvi	h,0
	shld	Cylinder
	mov	a,b		;  Return status

;  Set single density (clear the DDen bit).
	mvi	a,nFDCDDenMask		;  Clear double density bit
	call	ClearFDCStateBit
	jmp	IssueType1Cmd

;  Subroutine:  SetFDCStateBit.
;  Set a bit in FDCState and FDCStateVal.
;  On entry:  A = Mask of bit to be set.

	lxi	h,FDCStateVal		;  Point to FDCStateVal
	ora	m			;  Set the bit
	mov	m,a 			;  Store in FDCStateVal
	out	FDCState		;  Store in FDCState

;  Subroutine:  ClearFDCStateBit.
;  Clear a bit in FDCState and FDCStateVal.
;  On entry:  A = Complement of mask of bit to be cleared.

	lxi	h,FDCStateVal		;  Point to FDCStateVal
	ana	m			;  Clear the bit
	jmp	StoreNewBit

;  EXTERNAL Subroutine:  FloppyInit.
;  Reset the floppy controller, and restore the the heads.

	mvi	a,RestoreCmd		;  Initialize Restore command
	sta	RestoreCom
;  This entry point is the value of the Restore command is to be changed.
;  First check if there is a floppy (based on switch setting).
	in	FDCStatusReg	;  Read SA800 bit (now no-floppy bit)
	ani	FDCSA800Mask
	jnz	NoFloppyFound	;  nz => no Floppy

	mvi	a,RetryNo		;  Initialize retry counter
	sta	RetryCount
	call	FDCReset
	mvi	c,5		;  Issue 5 Stepin commands
	mvi	e,StepInCmdNoV	;  Send StepIn commands (no verify)
	mov	a,e
	call	SendCommand	;  Issue command
;  Don't care what the status is.  Errors will be caught by the Restore.
	ani	Type1HardMask	;   (Not Ready, Busy)
	jnz	Type1HardError	;  nz => hard error
	dcr	c
	jnz	InitializeStepLoop
;  We should now be beyond (in) from Track 00.  Issue Restore.
	lda	RestoreCom
	mov	e,a
	mvi	d,0		;  D ← 0
	call	DoType1Cmd	;  Issue Restore
;  Check for error completion.
;  (A) = 0 for no errors, (A) # 0 for soft errors (with errors = 1).
;  Cylinder location was updated if command was successful.
	ora	a
	jz	CheckTrk0
;  We had a soft error.  Try again.  (Later:  restore and try again)
	lxi	h,RetryCount		
	dcr	m
	jnz	InitializeAgain	;  z => Too many retries
;  Too many retries.  Report error.
	mvi	c,ErrorRestoreFail
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  Too many Restore failures.

;  Check the Track 0 bit in the Status.
	lda	DiskStatus
	ani	FDCTk0Mask	;  Track 0 bit set?
	jz	DecrRestoreRetry	;  z => no track 0 bit

;  Restore was successful.
;  We are now sitting at track 0.  Cylinder is initialized.
;  Initialize  Side and Sector, ReadSectorCom and SeekCom.
	xra	a
	sta	Side		;  Initialize to side 0
	inr	a		;  Sector starts at 1
	sta	Sector
	mvi	a,ReadSectorCmd
	sta	ReadSectorCom	;  Initialize ReadSector command for Side 0
	mvi	a,SeekCmd
	sta	SeekCom

;  Switch setting indicated that no floppy was installed.
	mvi	c,ErrorNoFloppy
	jmp	ErrorReport	;  ERROR:  No floppy drive installed.

;  Subroutine:  FDCReset.
;  Reset the FDC, abort the automatic Restore with ForceInterupt,
;       and wait until Busy is 0.
;  Sets the default FDCState value in FDCState.
;  Returns status in A, after command completes.

	mvi	a,DisableFDC	;  clear state register, reset FDC, enable Waits
	out	FDCState
	lxi	h,4		;  Wait for more than 50 usec (MR pulse)
	call	Delay
	mvi	a,DefaultFDCStateVal	;  Get control byte for FDC
	sta	FDCStateVal
	out	FDCState
	mvi	a,ForceInt0Cmd	;  Issue Force Interrupt command
	out	FDCCommand
	lxi	h,1		;  Busy status not available for 12 usec
	call	Delay	
;  Wait for Busy to reset.  Status returned in A and B.
	in	FDCStatus	;  Check for restore command completion
	mov	b,a
	ani	FDCBusyMask
	jnz	WaitFDCBusy
	mov	a,b		;  Return status in A too

;  Subroutine:  SendCommand.
;  Issue the command to the FDC.
;  Command is issued, and the Int Req register is polled for command completion.
;  Call subroutine at GetFDCStatus to get status only, after Busy resets.
;  On entry:
;    A = Command
;  On exit:
;    A = Internal status
;    B = External status

	out	FDCCommand
	lxi	h,1
	call	Delay	
;  Check for FDC command in IntReq.
	in	IntReq		;  Check for completion in IntReq Reg.
	xri	IntReqMask	;  complement signals which are active low
	ani	FDCIntMask
	jz	GetFDCStatus
;  Command has completed.  Get status.
	in	FDCStatusReg	;  Get external status register.
	mov	b,a		;  Save in B
	in	FDCStatus	;  Check for restore command completion
	sta	DiskStatus	;  Store away
	ret			;  return status in A, external status in B

;  MAINTENANCE PANEL subroutines.

;  Subroutine:  PhaseToMP.
;  Put Phase*50 + 99 in maintenance panel
;  Put Phase*50 + 100 in MPOffset
;  Note:  Won't work for Phase=0.

	lxi	h,MPStartPhase0-1	;  MP = 99
	call	PutMP
	lxi	b,MPStartPhase0	;  B,C = 100
	lxi	h,Phase		;  Point to Phase number
	mov	e,m		;  E is counter for number of 50's
	lxi	h,50		;  Increment panel by 50
	call	DeltaMP
	lxi	h,50		;  Increment Offset in B,C by 50
	dad	b
	mov	c,l
	mov	b,h
	dcr	e		;  Are we done?
	jnz	PhaseToMPLoop	;  nz => still more
;  Store B,C in MPOffset.
	mov	l,c
	mov	h,b
	shld	MPOffset		;  MPOffset ← MP number

;  Subroutine:  DoMiscClock.
;  Clocks a bit in the MiscClocks1 register.
;  Width of clock pulse is 14 cycles (~5 usec).
;    On entry:	D  contains a mask of the bit(s) to be toggled.

	mvi	a,0FFH		;  Set all high
	xra	d		;  Clear clock bit(s)
	out	MiscClocks1	
	xra	d		;  Toggle bit again
	out	MiscClocks1	

;  Subroutine:  PutMP [H,L: number].
;  Put a number in the maintenance panel.
;  Number is put modulo 10,000D.
;  On entry:  H,L contains the number to be put in the panel.
;  Note:  Call at DeltaMP to increment the MP by the contents of H,L.

	call	ClearMPanel	;  Clear the panel
	inx	h		;  Bias so that a value of zero can be used
	mvi	a,BlankMPanel	;  Blank MP
	out	MiscControl1
	jmp	CheckMPCount
	mvi	d,IncMPanel	;  Mask for IncMPanel clock
	call	DoMiscClock
	dcx	h		;  Decrement the count
	mov	a,l		;  Check for count = 0
	ora	h		;  Low OR high
	jnz	PutMPLoop	;  nz => nonzero
;  Done.
	xra	a		;  Unblank MP
	out	MiscControl1

;  Subroutine:  ClearMPanel.
;  Clear the maintenance panel, and disable blanking.

	mvi	d,ClrMPanel	;  Mask for ClrMPanel clock
	call	DoMiscClock
	xra	a		;  Clear BlankMPanel
	out	MiscControl1

;  Subroutine:  IncrMP.
;  Increment the maintenance panel.
	push	d		;  Save D,E
	mvi	d,IncMPanel	;  Mask for ClrMPanel clock
	call	DoMiscClock
	pop	d

;  Subroutine:  ErrorReport.
;  Blink the maintenance panel with the error number.
;  No return from this subroutine.
;  On entry:  C  >= 0 => Blink (MPOffset + C) in MP
;	    C  < 0 => Blink current number in MP

	mov	a,c		;  Chek sign of C
	ora	a
	jm	ErrorBlink	;  A < 0 => don't put new number in MP
;  Put (MPOffset+C) in MP.
	lhld	MPOffset		;  Get offset value
	mvi	b,0		;  Clear high part of B,C
	dad	b		;  Add offset:  H,L ← actual number
	call	PutMP		;  Put the number in the panel
	mvi	a,BlankMPanel	;  Blank bit in A
	lxi	h,BlinkDelay	;  H,L ← Blink delay constant
	out	MiscControl1	;  Blank/unblank the panel
	call	Delay
	xri	BlankMPanel	;  Toggle Blank bit
	jmp	ErrorTrap

;  Subroutine:  Delay.
;  Wait the period of time specified in H,L.
;  H,L restored, A restored.
;  Delay is 74 + 24*const  cycles (const in H,L)
;	= 25 + 8* const usec
;  Maximum delay: H,L = 0FFFFH = ~.5 sec

	push	psw		;  [12] Save A
	push	h		;  [12] Save H,L
;  Inner loop approximately  24 cycles (=8 usec) 
	dcx	h		; [6]
	xra	a		; [4]
	cmp	l		; [4]
	jnz	DelayLoop	; [10]
	cmp	h		; [4]
	jnz	DelayLoop	; [10]

	pop	h		;  [10] Restore H,L
	pop	a		;  [10] Restore A
	ret			;  [12]

	END	BootSubs