;-----------  Dandelion Processor Program - I/O Processor  -----------

;  DESCRIPTION:      Module containing the AltBoot switch subs.

;  Last modification by Roy Ogus:   January 14, 1982  4:10 PM

;  File: AltBoot.asm
;  Stored:  [Iris]<Workstation>BootEPromRAM.dm
;  Written by Roy Ogus.

;  Modification History:

;	- Created (January 14, 1982  2:25 PM)


	get "SysDefs"
	get "BootDefs"
	get "BootLinkDefs"

	EXP	ReadAltBoot	;  For PreBoot (and PreBootSimple)

	EXP	DefaultBootVal	;  For debugging with Burdock

;  IMPORTS:  (none)

{  This code contains the subroutine for reading the AltBoot switch and making the decision.}

;  Subroutine:  ReadAltBoot.
;  After the Boot button is pressed, the AltBoot switch is checked.
;  If it is true, then increment the maintenance panel and wait 1 second.
;  Repeat until AltBoot is false.  The number in the MP is the Boot type.
;  Wrap the number around after the maximum Boot type number.
;  On exit:
;    BootType is set to the MP value.
;    If there is no AltBoot, then BootType will be set to 0.
;    If The BootType is diagnostic, then set DiagBoot to 1.
;    A = 0 => normal AltBoot code
;    A # 0 => floppy head cleaning

;  Note:  BootInit should be called before calling ReadAltBoot, to initialize the MiscClocks1 register.

	call	ClearMPanelExt		;  MP = 0000
	mvi	a,DefaultBoot	;  Set to default value
	sta	BootType

DefaultBootVal	equ	SetDefaultBoot+1	;  Byte for modification by Burdock command file.

	lxi	h,AltBootDelay1	;  Delay about 1/2 sec
	call	DelayExt	
	lxi	h,AltBootDelay2	;  Delay about 1/4 sec
	call	DelayExt
	in	MiscInput1	;  Check if AltBoot is true
	ani	AltBootMask
	jz	EndReadAlt	;  z => switch not down	
	lxi	h,BootType	;  Point to BootType
	inr	m		;  Increment BootType
	call	IncrMPExt
	mvi	a,MaxBootType+1	;  Check for maximum number
	cmp	m		;  Compare Max+1 with BootType
	jnz	ReadAltLoop	;  nz => not maximum+1 yet
	xra	a		;  Set MP and BootType back to 0
	mov	m,a		;  BootType ← 0
	call	ClearMPanelExt	;  MP ← 0
	jmp	ReadAltLoop

;  Table of DiagBoot values.  Indexed by BootType.
	db	1	;  0:  diagnostic rigid
	db	0	;  1:  rigid
	db	0	;  2:  floppy
	db	0	;  3:  ethernet
	db	1	;  4:  diagnostic ethernet
	db	1	;  5:  diagnostic floppy
	db	0	;  6:  alternate ethernet
	db	1	;  7:  diagnostic Trident1
	db	1	;  8:  diagnostic Trident2
	db	1	;  9:  diagnostic Trident3
;  Entry for 10 is not needed, since it is the Head cleaning function.

;  No more AltBoot.  Check if diagnostic AltBoot.
;  Note that the range of BootType is checked, in case the default boot was used.
	lda	BootType	;  Check range of BootType
	cpi	MaxBootType+1
	jnc	BootTypeTooBig	;  nc => BootType >= MaxBootType+1
	cpi	AltFloppyHeadClean	;  Check if Floppy Head cleaning
	jz	FloppyHeadCleanRet	;  z =>  BootType = AltHeadClean
;  Is BootType a diagnostic boot?  A has BootType.
	mov	c,a		;  Form table index in B,C
	xra	a
	mov	b,a
	lxi	h,DiagBootTable	;  Point to start of table
	dad	b		;  H,L ← Start of Table + BootType
	mov	a,m		;  Read value for DiagBoot
	sta	DiagBoot		;   and store
	xra	a		;  A ← 0, for normal return

; Floppy head clean return:
	mvi	a,0FFH		;  A ← #0

;  Value of BootType is larger than the maximum.
	lxi	h,MPStartPhase0		;  Show a Phase 0 error
	shld	MPOffset
	mvi	c,ErrorInvalidBootType	;  ERROR:  Invalid BootType
	jmp	ErrorReportExt

	END	AltBoot