File: Domino.cfg Configuration: Domino.cfg Building File Table... ... Module: Common of 27-Sep-84 23:15:13... Base address is: 2000 ... Module: BookKeepingTask of 27-Sep-84 23:13:44... Base address is: 210D ... Module: MPTask of 27-Sep-84 23:18:34... Base address is: 252D ... Module: LSEPTask of 27-Sep-84 23:18:12... Base address is: 253A ... Module: TTYTask of 27-Sep-84 23:22:39... Base address is: 2620 ... Module: FloppyTask of 27-Sep-84 23:17:14... Base address is: 285E ... Module: RS232CMisc of 27-Sep-84 23:20:24... Base address is: 2E19 ... Module: RS232CPut of 27-Sep-84 23:21:16... Base address is: 336C ... Module: RS232CGet of 27-Sep-84 23:18:48... Base address is: 3568 ... Module: SIOSubs of 27-Sep-84 23:21:48... Base address is: 38EE ... Module: RS232CInterrupts of 27-Sep-84 23:19:33... Base address is: 39A4 ... Module: BisyncInterrupts of 27-Sep-84 23:12:24... Base address is: 3DAC ... Module: BisyncInput of 27-Sep-84 23:13:07... Base address is: 41CF ... Module: DirectFormat of 27-Sep-84 23:16:07... Base address is: 452A ... Module: CPSubs of 27-Sep-84 23:15:41... Base address is: 47DA ... Module: DmaSubs of 27-Sep-84 23:16:50... Base address is: 4923 ... Module: Burdock of 27-Sep-84 23:14:45... Base address is: 49E1 ... Module: Start of 27-Sep-84 23:22:15... Base address is: 4B8F ... Module: Buffer of 27-Sep-84 23:14:22... Base address is: 4BD2 ... Last address used: 5F8A Resolving external references... ... done. Writing File Map... ... done. Bind complete. Time: 1:31.533