{File name:  FloppyInitial.mc
 Description: Initial microcode for the floppy disk booting sequence,
 Author: Jarvis,
 Created: November 7, 1980,
 Last Edited: Dennis Grundler,  1-Sep-84 22:05:14 - add copyright notice.
 Last Edited: Neely, January 13, 1982  3:14 PM - deleted at miscRet
 Last Edited: Jarvis, March 23, 1981  10:46 AM}

{	Copyright (C) 1981, 1982 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved. }



{clear bank 0, 0-FFFF, takes 27 msec (411↑-9 secs per click) (only the first two pages are of interest)}
	Noop, {miscRet used to be here. Not needed}	c1;
	rE← 0,	c2; {source of 0}
	rD← 0, rDrh← 0,	c3;

clearBank0:	MAR← [rDrh, rD+0],	c1;
	MDR← rE, rD← rD+1, ZeroBr,	c2;
	BRANCH[clearBank0, $],	c3;

	Noop,	c1;
	Noop,	c2;
	GOTO[exitToEmulator],	c3;