{ 7-Mar-84 17:49:37 Last edited by T.Tokunaga ,21-Mar-85 14:14:51 add hock for activateNewMethod Last edited by Makoto Udagawa,16-Mar-85 18:19:11 add hocks for sprit rum banks. Last edited by Makoto Udagawa,10-Jan-85 13:08:10 modify GermRumHookup = 810'x } { This file contains the definitions common to both the Mesa interpreter and the Smalltalk interpreter. The definitions all deal with bank switching. The addresses are chosen pretty much at random, so long as then do not clash with the trap locations at 0, 400, 500, 600, and 700. } Set[doInitialization, 900]; Set[doBytecodes, 901]; Set[returnFromRumBank, 900]; {Because of problems with Burdock, the Rum microcode must know the location of the Germ label in the Mesa microcode. This equate satisfies that need. It should be removed if we can get Burdock working properly} Set[GermRumHookup, 810]; {these hocks are for transfer between bamk0 and bank1 in Rum.} Set[PrimitiveInBank0Hock, 910]; {Primitive jump} Set[noSuchPrimitiveInMicrocodeHock, 911]; {Primitive none return} Set[bailoutHock, 912]; {Primitive none return} Set[saveSmalltalkStateHock, 913]; {Primitive none return} Set[nextByteCodeHock, 914]; {Primitive end and next bytecode} Set[createInstanceHoch, 915]; {create instance souroutine linkage} Set[createInstanceHochRet, 916];{create instance souroutine linkage} Set[activateNewMethodHock, 917]; { activateNewMethod linkage }