{File name:  Stack.mc
 Last Edited: Jim Frandeen, March 26, 1981  3:16 PM: change SuppressTimingWarning to LOOPHOLE[niblTiming],
 Last Edited: Garner, April 8, 1980  5:29 PM,
 Author: R. Garner,
 Created: 12 April 1979,
 Description: PrincOps version 3.0 microcode for Dandelion,
   (ADD, SUB, DADD, and DSUB based on Wildflower microcode by R. Levin, 18 Oct 1978),

{The Stack mesa op-codes consist of the following.

OP	val	bytes	stk	time

PUSH	164'b	1	+1	1
POP	165'b	1	1	1
EXCH	166'b	1	2+2	1
DUP	170'b	1	1+2	1
NILCK	171'b	1	1+1	2
NILCKL	172'b	1	2+2	2
BNDCK	173'b	1	2+1	2
NEG	256'b	1	1+1	1
INC	257'b	1	1+1	1
DEC	xxxx	1	1+1	1
ADD2	xxxx	1	1+1	1
ADDSB	xxxx	2	1+1	2
DBL	253'b	1	1+1	1
AND	260'b	1	2+1	1
OR	261'b	1	2+1	1
XOR	262'b	1	2+1	1
SHIFT	263'b	1	2+1	3
ADD	250'b	1	2+1	1
ADD01	271'b	1	2+1	1   {NOT in PrincOps}
SUB	251'b	1	2+1	1
DADD	264'b	1	4+2	3
DSUB	265'b	1	4+2	3
MUL	252'b	1	2+1	18
DIV	254'b	1	2+1	20
SDIV	xxxx	1	2+1	x
LDIV	255'b	1	3+1	20
MAX	xxxx	1	2+1	x
UMAX	xxxx	1	2+1	x
MIN	xxxx	1	2+1	x
UMIN	xxxx	1	2+1	x
DCOMP	266'b	1	4+1	2/3
DUCOMP	267'b	1	4+1	3/4

{5.1 Stack Primitives}

{Timing:	1 click}
{In order to maintain the Stack, TOS is saved into STK.}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  v	|	|  u	|
  STK =		|  u	|	|  u	|
		|  ~	|      -->	|  v	|
	      -->	|  t	|	|  t	|	}

@PUSH:	push {point to ~},	c1, opcode[164'b];
	STK ← TOS, PC ← PC + PC16, IBDisp, push, GOTO[SLTail],	c2;

{Timing:	1 click}
{In order to maintain the Stack, TOS is saved into STK.}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  v	|	|  u	|
  STK =		|  ~	|	|  v	|
	      -->	|  u	|	|  u	|
		|  t	|      -->	|  t	|	}

@POP:	T ← STK, push,	c1, opcode[165'b];
	STK ← TOS, PC ← PC + PC16, IBDisp, pop,	c2;
	TOS ← T, pop, DISPNI[OpTable],	c3;

{Timing:	1 click}  

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  v	|	|  u	|
  STK =		|  ~	|	|  ~	|
	      -->	|  u	|      -->	|  v	|
		|  t	|	|  t	|	}

@EXCH:	T ← STK {u}, fXpop, fZpop, push, {Underflow?} GOTO[LInTail],	c1, opcode[166'b];

{Timing:	1 click}  

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  v	|	|  v	|
  STK =		|  ~	|      -->	|  v	|
	      -->	|  u	|	|  u	|
		|  t	|	|  t	|	}

@DUP:	fXpop, push, {Underflow?}	c1, opcode[170'b];
	PC ← PC+PC16, push, IBDisp,	c2;
	STK ← TOS, push, fZpop, {Overflow?} DISPNI[OpTable],	c3;

{5.2 Check Instructions}

{Timing:	2 clicks}

@NILCK:	fXpop, push{underflow?},	c1, opcode[171'b];
	[] ← TOS, ZeroBr, push,	c2;
NilTest:	T ← sPointerFault, STK ← TOS, pop, BRANCH[NotNIL, NIL],	c3;

NotNIL:	GOTO[NegIB],	c1;
NIL:	L2 ← L2.TRAPStashr, GOTO[Trapc2],	c1;

{Timing:	2 clicks}

@NILCKL:	fXpop, fZpop, push,	c1, opcode[172'b];
	[] ← STK or TOS, ZeroBr, push, GOTO[NilTest],	c2;

{Timing:	2 clicks}

@BNDCK:	TT ← STK, fXpop, fZpop, push,  {underflow?} 	c1, opcode[173'b];
	[] ← TT-TOS, CarryBr, push,	c2;
	T ← sBoundsFault, STK ← TOS, pop, BRANCH[NotBND, BND],	c3;

NotBND:	TOS ← TT, pop, GOTO[NegIB],	c1;
BND:	L2 ← L2.TRAPStashr, GOTO[Trapc2],	c1;

{5.3 Unary Operations}

{Stack underflow is checked at NegIB.}

{Timing:	1 click}

@NEG:	TOS ← -TOS,	c1, opcode[256'b];
NegIB:	IBDisp, fXpop, push, {Underflow?}	c2;
NegNI:	PC ← PC+PC16, DISPNI[OpTable],	c3;

{Timing:	1 click}

@INC:	TOS ← TOS + 1, GOTO[NegIB],	c1, opcode[257'b];

{Timing:	1 click}

@DBL:	TOS ← LShift1 TOS, GOTO[NegIB],	c1, opcode[253'b];

{Timing:	1 click}

@DEC:	TOS ← TOS - 1, GOTO[NegIB],	c1, opcode[406'b];

{Timing:	1 click}

@ADD2:	TOS ← TOS + 2, GOTO[NegIB],	c1, opcode[216];

{Timing:	2 clicks}

@ADDSB:	T ← ib, XLDisp,	c1, opcode[217];
	TT ← ~0FF xor T, BRANCH[AddSBP, AddSBN, XLowNeg],	c2;

AddSBP:	TOS ← TOS + T, GOTO[Addpc2],	c3;
AddSBN:	TOS ← TOS + TT, GOTO[Addpc2],	c3;

Addpc2:	PC ← PC+PC16, {finish PC update at NegIB} GOTO[NegIB],	c1;

{5.4 Logic Operations}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  v	|	|  v * w	|
  STK =		|  ~	|	|  ~	|
	      -->	|  w	|	|  w	|
		|  t	|      -->	|  t	|	}

{Stack underflow is checked at NegIB.}

{Timing:	1 click}

@OR:	TOS ← STK or TOS, pop {point to t}, GOTO[NegIB],	c1, opcode[261'b];

{Timing:	1 click}

@AND:	TOS ← STK and TOS, pop {point to t}, GOTO[NegIB],	c1, opcode[260'b];

{Timing:	1 click}

@XOR:	TOS ← STK xor TOS, pop {point to t}, GOTO[NegIB],	c1, opcode[262'b];

{Timing:	3 clicks - |shift| <= 15,
	3 clicks - |shift| > 15}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  shift	|	|   Shift[u]	|
  STK =		|  ~	|	|  ~	|
	      -->	|  u	|	|  u	|
		|  t	|      -->	|  t	|	}

{	shift=	rotate	(shift-1)[12-15]	int mask	final mask
	000F	15 left	14'd	7FFF	8000
	000E	14 left	13'd	3FFF	C000
	  :	   :	    :	    :	    :
	0001	1 left	0	1	FFFE

	0000	none	15'd	FFFF	FFFF
	FFFF	15 left(1 right)	14'd	7FFF	7FFF
	FFFE	14 left(2 right)	13'd	3FFF	3FFF
	    :	    :	    :	    :	    :
	FFF2	2 left	1	3	3
	FFF1  (15'd)	1 left(15 right)	0	1	1}

{At entry to SHIFT, TOS=shift and STK=u.  For CycleMask, shift is used to determine the rotation and (shift-1) the mask.  Thus, (shift-1) is placed in RH[T], and shift is dispatched on into CycleMask.  (shift-1) is used to determine the mask since this has the same conventions as the size specifier of a field descriptor.  Thus shift=15 implies mask=7FFF, shift=1 implies mask=1, and shift=0 implies a mask of FFFF.

At the beginning of the SHIFT code, a check is made to determine if the absolute value of shift is greater than 15 (which implies a zero result).  If (shift-1) is positive, shifting is canceled if "shift" greater than 15.  If (shift-1) is negative, shifting is canceld if (shift-1) is less than -16  (i.e., (shift-1) + 16 doesn't produce a carry).

Link1 is loaded with the results of the (shift-1) test so that CycleMask returns to either ShNormRet or ShInvRet.  For values of shift from 15 to 1, i.e. (shift-1) positive, the mask which CycleMask computes should be inverted, so control goes to ShInvRet in this case.  If (shift-1) was negative, control returns at ShNormRet and the mask in TT is not inverted.}

@SHIFT:	TT ← LRot1 STK,	c1, opcode[263'b];
	rhT ← Q ← (TOS  1) LRot0, NegBr, LOOPHOLE[niblTiming],	c2;
	T ← STK, [] ← TOS, YDisp, pCall2, pop, BRANCH[ShiftLeft, ShiftRight],	c3;

ShiftLeft:	[] ← ~0F and TOS, ZeroBr, DISP4[CycleMask],	c1, at[L2.shiftInv,10,ShiftRight];
ShiftRight:	[] ← Q + 0F + 1, CarryBr, DISP4[CycleMask],	c1, at[L2.shiftNorm,10,ShiftLeft];

	{Subroutine CycleMask = 1 click}

ShInvRet:	TOS ← ~TT and TOS, IBDisp, fXpop, push, {Underflow?} GOTO[NegNI],	c2, at[L2.shiftInv,10,MaskRet];
ShNormRet:	TOS ← TT and TOS, IBDisp, fXpop, push, {Underflow?} GOTO[NegNI],	c2, at[L2.shiftNorm,10,MaskRet];

{5.5 Arithmetic Operations}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  t	|	|  s * t	|
  STK =		|  ~	|	|  ~	|
	      -->	|  s	|	|  s	|
		|  r	|      -->	|  r	|	}

{Timing:	1 click}

@ADD:	T ← STK, pop,	c1, opcode[250'b];
add:	TOS ← T + TOS, IBDisp, fXpop, push, {Underflow?} GOTO[NegNI],	c2;

{NOT in PrincOps}
@ADD01:	T ← STK, pop, GOTO[add],	c1, opcode[270'b];

{Timing:	1 click}

@SUB:	T ← STK, pop,	c1, opcode[251'b];
	TOS ← T - TOS, IBDisp, fXpop, push, {Underflow?} GOTO[NegNI],	c2;

{Timing:	3 clicks}

{DADD computes the double length sum uv+ab, and leaves carry above stack}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  a	|	|  u+a	|
  STK =		|  ~	|	|  ~	|
	      -->	|  b	|	|  carry	|
		|  u	|	|  u	|
		|  v	|      -->	|  v+b	|	}

@DADD:	T ← STK {T ← b}, pop {point to u},	c1, opcode[264'b];
	Q ← STK {Q ← u}, pop {point to v},	c2;
	TT ← STK {TT ← v}, fXpop, fZpop, push, {Underflow?}	c3;

	T ← T+TT {t←v+b}, CarryBr,	c1;
	STK ← T, push {point to u}, BRANCH[DaddLowNC, DaddLowC],	c2;
DaddLowNC:	TOS ← Q+TOS {TOS←u+a}, CarryBr, GOTO[DHigh],	c3;
DaddLowC:	TOS ← Q+TOS+1 {TOS←u+a+1}, CarryBr, GOTO[DHigh],	c3;

DHigh:	T ← 1, push {point to carry}, BRANCH[DHighNC, DHighC],	c1;
DHighNC:	STK ← 0, IBDisp, pop {point to u}, GOTO[DNI],	c2; 
DHighC:	STK ← T, IBDisp, pop {point to u}, GOTO[DNI],	c2;

DNI:	PC ← PC+PC16, pop {point to v+b}, DISPNI[OpTable],	c3; 

{Timing:	3 clicks}

{DSUB computes the double length difference uvab, and leaves carry above stack}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  a	|	|  u-a	|
  STK =		|  ~	|	|  ~	|
	      -->	|  b	|	|  carry	|
		|  u	|	|  u	|
		|  v	|      -->	|  v-b	|	}

@DSUB:	T ← STK {T ← b}, pop {point to u},	c1, opcode[265'b];
	Q ← STK {Q ← u}, pop {point to v},	c2;
	TT ← STK {TT ← v}, fXpop, fZpop, push, {Underflow?}	c3;

	T ← TT-T {t←v-b}, CarryBr,	c1;
	STK ← T, push {point to u}, BRANCH[DsubLowNC, DsubLowC],	c2;
DsubLowNC:	TOS ← Q-TOS-1 {TOS←u-a-1}, CarryBr, GOTO[DHigh],	c3,  ;
DsubLowC:	TOS ← Q-TOS {TOS←u-a}, CarryBr, GOTO[DHigh],	c3,  ;

{Timing:	18 clicks - click of init + 16*(click of inner loop) + click of cleanup}

{This code implements a basic add-shift unsigned mulitply.  Q holds the multiplicand (s) and TOS the mulitplier (t).  TT holds the loop count.  T and Q are the concatenated double word result, with the most significant bits being formed in T and the least significant in Q.  The DoubleRightShift1 shifts Cout of the current alu computation into bit 0 of the double length result (T,,Q).  At the end, Q is pushed onto the stack, and T is left above the stack.}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  t	|	|  long.low	|

  STK =		|  ~	|	| long.high	|
	      -->	|  s	|	|  s	|
		|  w	|      -->	|  w	|	}

@MUL:	Q ← STK, fXpop, fZpop, push, {Underflow?}	c1, opcode[252'b];
	T ← 0, push {point at ~},	c2;
	TT ← 10,	c3;

MulLoop:	[] ← Q and 1, NZeroBr,	c1, at[0,2,MLDEnd];
	TT ← TT  1, ZeroBr, BRANCH[MPlier0, MPlier1],	c2;

MPlier0:	T ← DARShift1 (T+0), BRANCH[MulLoop, MLDEnd],	c3;
MPlier1:	T ← DARShift1 (T + TOS), BRANCH[MulLoop, MLDEnd],	c3;

MLDEnd:	STK ← T {long.high/rem}, pop {point at s},	c1, at[1,2,MulLoop];
	TOS ← ~Q {long.low/quot}, pop {point at w}, IBDisp, GOTO[NegNI],	c2;

{Timing:	20 clicks - No Trap = 2 clicks of init + 16*(click of inner loop) + 2 clicks of cleanup}

{		entry:		normal exit:
  TOS =		|  t	|	|  quot	|

  STK =		| 	|	| rem	|
	      -->	|  s	|	|  quot	|
		|  ~	|     -->	|  ~	|	}

@DIV:	T ← 0, GOTO[Ldiv],	c1, opcode[254'b];

{Timing:	20 clicks = 2 clicks of init + 16*(click of inner loop) + 2 clicks of cleanup}

@SDIV:	xxxxxx,	c1, opcode[407'b];


{Timing:	20 clicks = 2 clicks of init + 16*(click of inner loop) + 2 clicks of cleanup}

{This code implements a basic subtract-shift unsigned restoring divide.  TOS holds the divisor (t) and the concatenation T,,Q holds the double length dividend (long).  TT holds the loop count.  The final quotient appears in Q and the remainder in T.  The DoubleLeftShift1 shifts Cin into bit 17B of the accumulating quotient.  At the end, Q is pushed onto the stack, and T is left above the stack.}

{		entry:		normal exit:
  TOS =		|  t	|	|  quot	|

  STK =	      -->	| long.high	|	| rem	|
		| long.low	|	| quot	|
		|  w	|     -->	|  w	|	}

@LDIV:	T ← STK {long.high}, pop {point at long.low},	c1, opcode[255'b];
Ldiv:	Q ← STK {long.low}, fXpop, fZpop, push, {Underflow?}	c2;
	[] ← TOS, ZeroBr,	c3;

	[] ← T  TOS, CarryBr, BRANCH[LDivNoZD, LDivZD],	c1;
LDivNoZD:	BRANCH[LDivOK, LDivOv],	c2;
LDivOK:	TT ← 0F + 1, GOTO[Quot0],	c3;

LDivLoop:	[] ← T  TOS, CarryBr, BRANCH[QuotUnk, QuotIs1],	c2, at[0,2,LDivEnd];
QuotUnk:	TT ← TT  1, ZeroBr, BRANCH[Quot0, Quot1, YOdd],	c3, at[0,2,QuotIs1];

Quot0:	T ← DLShift1 T, SE←0, NegBr, BRANCH[LDivLoop, LDivEnd],	c1;
Quot1:	T ← DLShift1 (T  TOS), SE←1, NegBr, BRANCH[LDivLoop, LDivEnd],	c1;

QuotIs1:	TT ← TT  1, ZeroBr, CANCELBR[Quot1],	c3, at[1,2,QuotUnk];

LDivEnd:	push {point at rem}, BRANCH[RemAdj0, RemAdj1],	c2, at[1,2,LDivLoop];

RemAdj0:	T ← RShift1 T, SE←0, GOTO[MLDEnd],	c3;
RemAdj1:	T ← RShift1 T, SE←1, GOTO[MLDEnd],	c3;

LDivZD:	T ← sZeroDivisor, pop, CANCELBR[Trapc3],	c2, at[1,2,LDivNoZD];
LDivOv:	T ← sDivideCheck, pop, GOTO[Trapc1],	c3, at[1,2,LDivOK];

{5.6 Comparison}

{Timing:	2 clicks - High Halfs not equal
	3 clicks - High Halfs equal}

{		entry:		exit:
  TOS =		|  r	|	|  comp	|
  STK =	      -->	|  s	|	|  s	|
		|  x	|	|  x	|
		|  y	|	|  y	|
		|  ~	|     -->	|  ~	|	}

	(x<r) OR (x=r AND y<s)	=> PUSH[-1];
	(x=r AND y=s)		=> PUSH[0];
	(x>r) OR (x=r AND y>s)	=> PUSH[1];

@DUCOMP:	T ← STK {s}, pop,	c1, opcode[267'b];
	TT ← STK {x}, pop,	c2;
comp:	TT ← DARShift1 (TT-TOS)  {x-r}, ZeroBr,	c3;

	[] ← TT, NegBr {carry of x-r}, BRANCH[CHighNE, CompLow],	c1;
CHighNE:	PC ← PC+0, Cin←pc16, IBDisp, pop {skip y}, BRANCH[CompL, CompG],	c2;

CompL:	TOS ← ~TOS xor TOS, fXpop, push, DISPNI[OpTable],	c3;
CompG:	TOS ← 1, fXpop, push, DISPNI[OpTable],	c3;

CompLow:	TT ← STK {y}, pop, CANCELBR[$],	c2;
	TT ← DARShift1 (TT-T)  {y-s}, ZeroBr,	c3;

	[] ← TT, NegBr {carry of y-s}, BRANCH[CLowNE, CompE],	c1;
CLowNE:	PC ← PC+PC16, IBDisp, BRANCH[CompL, CompG],	c2;

CompE:	TOS ← 0, IBDisp, fXpop, push, CANCELBR[NegNI],	c2;

{Timing:	3 clicks - High Halfs not equal
	4 clicks - High Halfs equal}

@DCOMP:	T ← STK {s}, pop,	c1, opcode[266'b];
	Q ← STK {x}, pop,	c2;
	TT ← RShift1 0, SE←1 {TT←8000},	c3;

	TOS ← TOS + TT  {r+8000},	c1;
	TT ← TT + Q  {x+8000},  GOTO[comp]	c2;