Stored as [*]<*>BankNo1.asm

last edited by:
 DEG        2-Sep-84  0:07:20	Add copyright notice.
 JMM      13-Feb-84 10:15:39	Fixed to work for Burdock and non-burdock.
 JMM      1-Feb-84 15:09:39

{	Copyright (C) 1983, 1984 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved. }

;this is the bank to be loaded next.

;For more banks, please type in the appropriate bank value in BankNo and fix the
;file name accordingly.

NewNextPhaseCode	EQU	4A56H	;MakeDLion starts IOP at 2000H.
	JMP	NewNextPhaseCode

	ORG	2A55H	;Our assembler treats this as relocatable from 2000H. jmm

	db	1