{  File:  [Iris]<WMicro>DLion>SysDefs.asm

Modification History:
Dennis DEG       1-Sep-84 17:28:21: Add copyright notice.
Dennis DEG      12-Sep-83 22:42:02: Add Siemens9750Correspondent, opRET and opNOP
Jim JXF      July 29, 1982  4:32 PM: Add Keyset
Jim JXF      May 24, 1982  10:30 AM rewrite
Created by Roy RXO  (July 9, 1979  4:21 PM)

{ 	Copyright (C) 1979, 1982, 1983 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.}

;  8085 Interrupt mask definitions

InterruptEnbMsk	equ	8	;  1 => interrupts enabled (RIM)
Rst75DisableMsk	equ	4	;  1 => RST 7.5 disabled
Rst65DisableMsk	equ	2	;  1 => RST 6.5 disabled
Rst55DisableMsk	equ	1	;  1 => RST 5.5 disabled
MskSetEnable	equ	8	;  1 => interrupt masks being set (SIM)
ResetRst75	equ	10H	;  1 => reset restart 7.5's flip-flop
RSTMask		equ	Rst55DisableMsk+Rst65DisableMsk+Rst75DisableMsk
;SetIntrMask	equ	MskSetEnable+ResetRst75

; I/O Addresses.

;  AltoPPI Defs
AltoPPI	equ	80H			; Bank 0a
AltoPPIA	equ	AltoPPI+0	; Port A
AltoPPIB	equ	AltoPPI+1	; Port B
AltoPPIC	equ	AltoPPI+2	; Port C
AltoPPICtrl	equ	AltoPPI+3	; PPI Control
AltoPPImode	equ	0BCH	; Port A, mode 1 input, B, mode 1, output, C[6:7] in
AltoPPImode0	equ	099H	; Port A, mode 0 input, B, mode 0, output, C in
EnableIntA	equ	9H	; Enable interrupt A in PPI
EnableIntB	equ	5H	; Enable interrupt B in PPI
IntAMask	equ	8H	; Port A interrupt bit (Set PC4)
IntBMask	equ	1H	; Port B interrupt bit (Set PC2)

;  DMA Controller
{TC Stop and Extended Write bits. TC Stop causes the channel to be disabled after the Terminal Count goes true. Extended Write allows the DMA to wait for devices that are not fast enough to keep up with it.}
DmaModeExtra	equ	60H	;  TCS and EW bits in DmaMode
DmaTestReg	equ	0D0H		; Test register for channel 2 (temp)
DmaBase	equ	0A0H		; Bank 2
DmaCh0Addr	equ	DmaBase+0	; Dma Channel-0 address (Floppy)
DmaCh0Count	equ	DmaBase+1	; Dma Channel-0 count
DmaCh1Addr	equ	DmaBase+2	; Dma Channel-1 address (CP port)
DmaCh1Count	equ	DmaBase+3	; Dma Channel-1 count
DmaCh2Addr	equ	DmaBase+4	; Dma Channel-2 address (Dma Test)
DmaCh2Count	equ	DmaBase+5	; Dma Channel-2 count
DmaCh3Addr	equ	DmaBase+6	; Dma Channel-3 address (Unused)
DmaCh3Count	equ	DmaBase+7	; Dma Channel-3 count
DmaMode	equ	DmaBase+8	; Commands
DmaStatus	equ	DmaBase+8	; Status
DmaCh0Mask	equ	1		; Mask for Ch-0 TC Status in Dma
DmaCh1Mask	equ	2		; Mask for Ch-1 TC Status in Dma
DmaCh2Mask	equ	4		; Mask for Ch-2 TC Status in Dma
DmaCh3Mask	equ	8		; Mask for Ch-3 TC Status in Dma
DmaFuncRead	equ	80H		; Dma memory read
DmaFuncWrite	equ	40H		; Dma memory write
CPChannelMask	equ	2		;  CP is channel 1

;  Floppy Disk Controller
FDCBase	equ	84H		; Bank 0a
FDCCommand	equ	FDCBase+0	; Commands (write)
FDCStatus	equ	FDCBase+0	; Status (Read)
FDCTrack	equ	FDCBase+1	; Track Register
FDCSector	equ	FDCBase+2	; Sector Register
FDCData	equ	FDCBase+3	; Data Register
FDCState	equ	0E8H		; External State register
FDCStatusReg	equ	0E8H		; External Status register

;  Printer control
PrinterBase	equ	88H		; Bank 0a
PrinterData	equ	PrinterBase+0	; Data (Read, write)
PrinterCommand	equ	PrinterBase+1	; Commands (write)
PrinterStatus	equ	PrinterBase+1	; Status (Read)
;  Note: PrinterBase+2, 3 same as PrinterBase+0, 1

;  Timer control
TimerBase	equ	8CH		; Bank 0a
TimerCount0	equ	TimerBase+0	; Counter 0 (Read, write)
TimerCount1	equ	TimerBase+1	; Counter 1 (Read, write)
TimerCount2	equ	TimerBase+2	; Counter 2 (Read, write)
TimerMode	equ	TimerBase+3	; Commands

;  LSEP definitions.
LPrinterCommand	equ	91H	;  LSEP Uart Command
LPrinterStatus	equ	91H	;  LSEP Uart Status
LPrinterData	equ	90H	;  LSEP Uart Data
LTimerMode	equ	97H	;  LSEP Timer Mode
LTimerCount0	equ	94H	;  LSEP Timer Counter 0

;  Host address Prom.
;  Start of Prom:
HostAddr	equ	0B0H	;  Prom has 16 addresses.

;  CP interface and control.
;  CP port addresses.
CPControl	equ	0ECH		; CP control register:
				;   IOPWait',,SwTAddr',,IOPAttn,,CPDmaMode,,CPDmaIn  
CPStatus	equ	0ECH		; CP port status
CPIn		equ	0EBH		; CP data in
CPOut		equ	0EBH		; CP data out
CPDmaClr		equ	0EEH		; Clear CP Dma Complete (write)

; TPC for control store read/write.
CSTask		equ	6H		;  TPC for control store read/write addressing

; Values for CP control register.
;  Bits 0:5 - (IOPWait', SwTAddr', IOPAttn, CPDmaMode, CPDmaIn).
CPWait		equ	40H		; IOPWait = 1, SwTAddr = 0
CPWaitSwT	equ	00H		; IOPWait=1, SwTAddr = 1
CPEnable	equ	0C0H		; IOPWait=0, SwTAddr = 0
IOPAttn	equ	20H		; IOPAttn = 1 
CPDmaMode	equ	10H		; CPDmaMode = 1 
CPDmaIn	equ	8H		; CPDmaIn = 1

; CP status masks.
CPAttnMask	equ	80H		; Mask of CPAttn' bit in CPStatus
CPInIntMask	equ	4		; Mask of CPIn interrupt bit in CPStatus
CPOutIntMask	equ	2		; Mask of CPOut interrupt bit in CPStatus
CPDmaCompMask	equ	1	; Mask of CP Dma complete bit in CPStatus
CPDmaMask	equ	34H		;  Mask of IOPAttn,DmaMode,DmaIn

;  Control store.
CSBase		equ	0F8H		; Bank 7
; Current description.
; Write (all CSi are complemented values):
CSa		equ	CSBase+0	; CS Byte a: rA[0:3],,rB[0:3]  
CSb		equ	CSBase+1	; CS Byte b: aS[0:2],,aF[0:2],,aD[0:1]  
CSc		equ	CSBase+2	; CS Byte c: EP,,CIN,,EnSU,,mem,,fS[0:3]  
CSd		equ	CSBase+3	; CS Byte d: fY[0:3], INIA[0:3]  
CSe		equ	CSBase+4	; CS Byte e: fX[0:3], INIA[4:7]  
CSf		equ	CSBase+5	; CS Byte f: fZ[0:3], INIA[8:11]  
TPCHigh	equ	CSBase+6	; TPCaddr[0:2], TPCdata[0:4]'
TPCLow	equ	CSBase+7	; (unused),,TPCdata[5:11]'  
; Read:
CS0		equ	CSBase+0	; CS Byte a: rA[0:3],,rB[0:3] 
CS1		equ	CSBase+1	; CS Byte b: aS[0:2],,aF[0:2],,aD[0:1] 
CS2		equ	CSBase+2	; CS Byte c: EP,,CIN,,EnSU,,mem,,fS[0:3] 
CS3		equ	CSBase+3	; CS Byte d: fY[0:3], INIA[0:3] 
CS4		equ	CSBase+4	; CS Byte e: fX[0:3], INIA[4:7] 
CS5		equ	CSBase+5	; CS Byte f: fZ[0:3], INIA[8:11] 
CS6		equ	CSBase+6	; TC[0:3], TPCdata[0:3]' 
CS7		equ	CSBase+7	; TPCdata[4:11]' 
;Note:  CSa=CS0, CSb=CS1, ... , TPCHigh=CS6, TPCLow=CS7

;  Keyboard, mouse.
KBData	equ	0EAH		;  Keyboard data latch (read)
MouseX	equ	0EDH		;  Mouse X counter (read)
MouseY	equ	0EEH		;  Mouse Y counter (read)
MouseClr	equ	0EDH		;  Clear mouse X, Y counters (write)
Keyset	EQU	80H

;  Miscellaneous I/O addresses.
MiscInput1	equ	0EFH		;  Miscellaneous input
MiscClocks1	equ	0E9H		;  KB, MP, TOD clocks (write)
MiscControl1	equ	0EFH		;  KB, MP, TOD control (write)
TODClr		equ	0EAH		;  Clear TOD interrupt (write)

;  Constants for miscellaneous I/O.

; MiscConstrol1.
pReadKBData	equ	40H		;  Read KB data (Rev G and higher) 
npReadKBData	equ	0FFH-pReadKBData	;  Complement of ReadKBData bit mask
KBTone		equ	20H		;  KB speaker bit
nKBTone	equ	0FFH-KBTone	;  Complement of KBTone bit mask
KBDiag		equ	10H		;  Set KB Diag mode
nKBDiag	equ	0FFH-KBDiag	;  Complement of KBDiag bit mask
BlankMPanel	equ	8H		;  Blank MPanel bit
nBlankMPanel	equ	0FFH-BlankMPanel	;  Complement of BlankMPanel bit mask
ReadTimeMode	equ	4H		;  Read TOD mode bit
nReadTimeMode	equ	0FFH-ReadTimeMode	;  Complement of ReadTimeMode bit mask
ClearTimeMode	equ	2H		;  Clear TOD mode bit
nClearTimeMode	equ	0FFH-ClearTimeMode	;  Complement of ClearTimeMode bit mask
SetTimeMode	equ	1H		;  Set TOD mode bit
nSetTimeMode	equ	0FFH-SetTimeMode	;  Complement of SetTimeMode bit mask

; MiscClocks1.
ClrMPanel	equ	40H		;  Clear MPanel clock
IncMPanel	equ	20H		;  Increment MPanel clock
TODRead	equ	10H		;  TOD Read clock
TODSetA	equ	8H		;  TOD Set clock (A)
TODSetB	equ	4H		;  TOD Set clock (B)
TODSetC	equ	2H		;  TOD Set clock (C)
TODSetD	equ	1H		;  TOD Set clock (D)

; MiscInput1:  AltBoot,TimeData,PowerFailed,TODInt,CSParError,MouseSw1,Sw2,Sw3 (read)
AltBootMask	equ	80H		;  Bit 0: AltBoot bit
TODDataMask	equ	40H		;  Bit 1: TODData bit
PowerFailedMask	equ	20H		;  Bit 2: Power Failed bit
TODIntMask	equ	10H		;  Bit 3: Time-of-day interrupt bit
CSParityMask	equ	8H		;  Bit 4: CS Parity error bit (active low)
MouseSwMask	equ	7H		;  Bits 5-7: Mouse switches
nMouseSwMask	equ	0F8H		;  Complement of Mouse switch mask

; System I/O Registers
IntReq		equ	0E9H		; Interrupt Request bits (read)
					;   Bit 0:  Floppy Controller Request (low)
					;   Bit 1:  Keyboard Request (low)
					;   Bit 2:  Printer Tx Ready (low)
					;   Bit 3:  Printer Rx Ready (low)
					;   Bit 4:  Time-of-Day Request (low)
					;   Bit 5:  RS232 Request (low)
					;   Bit 6:  LSEP Rx Ready (low)
					;   Bit 7:  LSEP Tx Ready (low)
IntReqMask	equ	0FFH		; Mask to complement active low signals
KBReqMask	equ	40H		;  Keyboard Request bit
PtrTxReqMask	equ	20H		;  Printer transmit Request bit
PtrRxReqMask	equ	10H		;  Printer receive Request bit
MiscTimerReqMask	EQU	8h	; misc timer request
SIOReqMask	equ	4H		;  RS232C Request bit
LSEPRxReqMask	equ	2	;  LSEP Uart Rx request
LSEPTxReqMask	equ	1	;  LSEP Uart Tx request

; RS232C/RS366
; [Z80-SIO]
SIOBase	equ	98H		; SelBank1c'   (IOPSel.2)
RxData	equ	SIOBase		; SIO Channel A Data Register
TxData	equ	SIOBase+1	; SIO Channel B Data Register
RxCont	equ	SIOBase+2	; SIO Channel A Control Register
TxCont	equ	SIOBase+3	; SIO Channel B Control Register

; [i8253 Programmable Interval Timer (Read/Write)]
; - - - Address - - -
OSCBase	equ	LTimerCount0	; Baud Rate Gen. SelBank1b' (IOPSel.1)
OSCCont	equ	OSCBase+3	; Baud Rate Gen. Control Register
OSCReg	equ	OSCBase+1	; Counter for SIO 
TimeReg	equ	OSCBase+2	; Counter for Time Counter

; [ RS366 Register (Read & Write)]
; - - - Address - - -
RS366Reg  equ	9CH		; RS366 register  (IOPSel.3)
; - - - Command Bit - - - 
SIOLpEn	equ	80H		; SIO Test Loop Back Enable Bit (Bit 0)
LocalTim	equ	40H		; Local OSC Enable Bit (Bit 1)
nLocalTim	EQU	0BFh	; complement of LocalTim
CallReq	equ	20H		; Call Request Bit (Bit 2)
DigPr	equ	10H		; Digit Present Bit (Bit 3)
; - - - Status Bit - - - 
TimeUp	equ	80H		; Timer
DSRdy	equ	40H		; Data Set Ready
Ring	equ	20H		; Ring Detected
DLO	equ	10H		; Data Line Occupied
PND	equ	  8H		; Present Next Digit
COS	equ	  4H		; Call Origination Status
ACR	equ	  2H		; Abondon Call and Retry
PWI	equ	  1H		; Power Indication

; Memory configuration parameters

; Prom
EndOfProm2K	equ	7FFH		; 3777B
EndOfProm8K	equ	1FFFH		; 17777B
EndOfProm	equ	EndOfProm8K	; Set up for 8K Prom

StartOfRAM	equ	2000H		; 20000B
EndOfRAM1K	equ	23FFH		; End of 1K RAM (21777B)
EndOfRAM8K	equ	3FFFH		; End of 8K RAM (37777B)
EndOfRAM16K	equ	5FFFH		; End of 16K RAM (57777B)
EndOfRAM	equ	EndOfRAM16K	; Set up for 16K RAM

; User stack pointer start location (see IOPKernelDefs).
UserStkStart	equ	5FCEH

;  All programs should issue this value to FDCState at the start.
DisableFDC	equ	80H		;  Disable floppy, set wait cycles in FDCState

;  Debugging:
Skip	equ	4		;  No of bytes to skip over a Breakpoint instruction

opDI	EQU	0F3H		; DI op code
opJMP	EQU	0C3H		; JMP op code
opJZ	EQU	0CAH		; JZ op code
opJNZ	EQU	0C2H		; JNZ op code
opLXIH	EQU	21H		; LXI H op code
opANI	EQU	0E6H		; ANI op code
opMVIA	EQU	3EH		;00111110B MVI A op code
opMVIM	EQU	36H		;00110110B MVI M op code
opLXID	EQU	11H		; LXI D op code
opLXIB	EQU	1		; LXI B op code
opSUI	EQU	0D6H		;11010110B SUI op code
opSBI	EQU	0DEH		;11011110B SBI op code
opCPI	EQU	0FEH		;11111110B CPI op code
opSHLD	EQU	22H		;00100010B SHLD op code
opLHLD	EQU	2AH		;00101010B LHLD op code
opCALL	EQU	0CDH		;11001101B CALL op code
opORI	EQU	0F6H		;11110110B ORI op code
opRET	EQU	0C9H		; RET op code
opNOP	EQU	0		; NOP op code

Siemens9750Correspondent	EQU	12
	END	SysDefs