|CPDebug.bermuda| |LoadIOPSymbols[DiskBoot];| |LoadIOPSymbols[RAMSysB2];| |LoadIOPSymbols[MemDebug];| |symbols for MesaDove.db| |LoadIOPSymbols[RAMDebug];| |symbols for MesaDove.db| BootIOP[]; SetDataType[word]; WriteIO[80,8000]; SetDataType[byte]; WriteIO[E018,5]; WriteIO[E01F,FF]; LoadIOPCodeOnly[RAMSysB2]; SetDataType[word]; IOP[6, 0]! 053C ¬ 4000; |prebootSwitches: without PiggyBack Board| |IOP[6, 0]! 053C ¬ 00; prebootSwitches: with PiggyBack Board| IOP[7, 0]! CS ¬ 800; |Get past burdock problems.| IOP[8, 0]! IP ¬ 0; |Get past burdock problems.| BreakIOP["DisplayInit+C"]; |DisplayInit+C| ContinueIOP[0]; IOP[3, 0]! DX ¬ FC00; |Execute display handler from prom| BreakIOP[IOPE@Restart]; |get into DiskInitial| ContinueIOP[0]; UnbreakIOP[IOPE@Restart]; BreakIOP[StartRam]; ContinueIOP[0]; SetDataType[byte]; IOP[10, 0]! cmosDisplayStartMe ¬ 90; |Don't start the cmos display handler| IOP[11, 0]! cmosDisplayStartMe+1 ¬ 90; |Put 4 Noop's starting from cmosDisplayStartMe.| IOP[12, 0]! cmosDisplayStartMe+2 ¬ 90; |This should wipe out PUSH CS| IOP[13, 0]! cmosDisplayStartMe+3 ¬ 90; | Call cmosDisplayInit| BreakIOP[DaybrkCP]; |DaybrkCP| ContinueIOP[0]; IOP[9, 0]! ZeroDownNotifyBits+26 ¬ 90; |ZeroDownNotifyBits+26| IOP[0A, 0]! ZeroDownNotifyBits+27 ¬ 90; |Don't let MesaUpDn start the CP| IOP[0B, 0]! ZeroDownNotifyBits+28 ¬ 90; IOP[0C, 0]! ZeroDownNotifyBits+29 ¬ 90; IOP[0D, 0]! ZeroDownNotifyBits+2A ¬ 90; BreakIOP[SystemLoop]; ContinueIOP[0]; UnbreakIOP[SystemLoop]; Boot[]; LoadNoSymbols[DaybreakInit, 0]; |run initialization code| Break[4]; Start[0, 0, 0]; UnBreak[4]; Load[DayBreakMesa, 0]; |Load[DayBreakMesaBank0, 0]; LoadMore[DayBreakMesaBank1, 1];| Break[ControlTrap]; Break[StackErr]; Break[XXXX]; |LoadGerm[Dove.germ];| Break[XFER]; BreakIOP["EndError+7"]; |EndError+7| ContinueIOP[0]; |Get past all initialization| UnbreakIOP["EndError+7"]; Start[BootTrap, BootTrap, 0]; |CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A0 _ 72E; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A1 _ 0; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A2 _ 6; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A3 _ 0; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A4 _ 0; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A5 _ AA00; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A6 _ 0828; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A7 _ 0; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A8 _ 0; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3A9 _ FFFF; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3AA _ FFFF; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3AB _ FFFF; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3AC _ A; CP[0C, 2] ! .mv 3AD _ E53;| UnBreak[XFER];