{ File name: CompressAssist.mc Description: Special M'Code for data compression. (originally for DASH project) Author: KXI Created: 12-Nov-85 9:12:36 Last Edited: RCH 21-Jul-86 16:19:51: Cmmented PushByte, PushByteToWordBoundary KXI 31-Jan-86 15:42:01: fix double word increment bug in @PB and @PBWB. KXI 30-Jan-86 19:03:36: use L2 instead of L3 in @PB and @PBWB. fix even odd confusion. KXI 30-Jan-86 14:55:59: add comments {each MCode definition describing by Mesa} KXI 29-Jan-86 15:25:26: fix page end operations in @NMAD. KXI 22-Jan-86 14:55:24: change page end operations in @NMAD. KXI 14-Jan-86 18:14:40: add comments, remove L0 ← L0.NextMatchAndDiff, RLMFRet[L0.NextMatchAndDiff] and L0 ← L0.CLR AEF 28-Dec-85 15:19:10: Change - to xor, fix CLR AEF 27-Dec-85 20:08:33: Fix last word of page problems AEF 27-Dec-85 12:30:31: Remove stack pushes AEF 27-Dec-85 11:43:40: Remove ref bit check, change names to abbreviations AEF 26-Dec-85 17:20:38: Change dispatches to branches in non-dup loop AEF 26-Dec-85 15:38:51: Change TOS to RH reg in CLR, change 99 to FF, use NxtInstc1 label KXI 26-Dec-85 10:12:44: bugs in NextMatchAndDiff about page end processings.. KXI 23-Dec-85 13:01:27: The definition of @NextMatchAndDiff was changed.. If state = **FF at the begginig then RETURN[(startVA + 100) AND FFFF00, (startVA + 100) AND FFFF00] KXI 20-Dec-85 14:32:27: remove PC ← PC + 1. change L1 value for Map. KXI 19-Dec-85 16:32:57: change assignment of ESC Alpha number for each byte codes.} {****************************************************************************** * NMAD: NextMatchAndDiff ESC + ['b][H] ******************************************************************************} { TOS = STK[0] = minMatchCount STK = STK[-1] = startVA.High STK[-2] = startVA.Low Assumption: A page which startVA points to is resident, in other words is not swappable. and map flags are alredy set as (r,d,wp) = (1,*,*) {readOK}.So This byte code does not need to check map flags.} @NMAD: at[ 4, 10, ESC3n], rhCurRefWordVA ← STK, pop, c1; rCurRefWordVA ← STK, c2; rTopOfCurrentPg.Low ← rCurRefWordVA and ~00FF{FF00}, c3; Map ← Q ← [rhCurRefWordVA, rCurRefWordVA], L1 ← L1.PushDec2, c1; rTopOfNextPg.Low ← rTopOfCurrentPg.Low + 0FF + 1, c2; rCurRefWordRA ← rhCurRefWordRA ← MD, c3; MAR ← rCurRefWordRA ← [rhCurRefWordRA, Q+0], c1; Noop, c2; rWordA ← MD, c3; MAR ← rCurRefWordRA ← [rhCurRefWordRA, rCurRefWordRA+1], c1; Noop, DISP2[CheckCr]{We are sure that bit 15 = 0.}, c2; rWordB ← MD, c3, at[0,4,CheckCr]; { -- not in duplicate mode.} NMAD.NotDupLoop: MAR ← rCurRefWordRA ← [rhCurRefWordRA, rCurRefWordRA+1], c1; NotDupLoop.1C2: []← rWordA xor rWordB, ZeroBr, L1 ← 9, BRANCH[$, NotDup.NextIsPgEnd0, 1],c2; rWordA ← MD{nextRefWord}, BRANCH[$, NMAD.Dup0], c3; MAR ← rCurRefWordRA ← [rhCurRefWordRA, rCurRefWordRA+1], c1; NotDupLoop.2C2: []← rWordB xor rWordA, ZeroBr, L1 ← 0D, BRANCH[$, NotDup.NextIsPgEnd1, 0D],c2; rWordB ← MD{nextRefWord}, BRANCH[NMAD.NotDupLoop, NMAD.Dup1], c3; { -- in duplicate mode.} { calculate and save dupStartVA value.} NMAD.Dup0: {here L1 = 2} rDupStartVA.lowByte ← rCurRefWordRA and 00FF, GOTO[.Dup.a], c1; NMAD.Dup1: {here L1 = 6} rDupStartVA.lowByte ← rCurRefWordRA and 00FF, GOTO[.Dup.a], c1; .Dup.a: rDupStartVA.lowByte{00,,**} ← rDupStartVA.lowByte - 2{adjust}, L1Disp,c2; STK{dupStartVA.Low} ← rTopOfCurrentPg.Low or rDupStartVA.lowByte{00,,**}, BRANCH[DupLoop.2C1, DupLoop.1C1, 0B],c3; NMAD.DupLoop: DupLoop.1C1: MAR ← rCurRefWordRA ← [rhCurRefWordRA, rCurRefWordRA+1], c1; []← rWordA xor rWordB, ZeroBr, BRANCH[$, Dup.NextIsPgEnd0, 1], c2; rWordA ← MD{nextRefWord}, BRANCH[NMAD.EndOfDup0, $], c3; DupLoop.2C1: MAR ← rCurRefWordRA ← [rhCurRefWordRA, rCurRefWordRA+1], c1; []← rWordB xor rWordA, ZeroBr, BRANCH[$, Dup.NextIsPgEnd1, 1], c2; rWordB ← MD{nextRefWord}, BRANCH[NMAD.EndOfDup1, NMAD.DupLoop], c3; {**** End of Dup Check ****} NMAD.EndOfDup0:{here it is sure that rCurRefWordRA # **00H} Q ← rDupStartVA.lowByte{00,,**}+TOS{minMatchCount}+1{adjust}, c1; []← rCurRefWordRA{curRefWord+1} - Q, PgCarryBr, c2; rTemp{00,,**} ← rCurRefWordRA and 00FF, BRANCH[NMAD.CancelDups0{<}, NMAD.OKDups0{>=}],c3; NMAD.CancelDups0: MAR ← rCurRefWordRA ← [rhCurRefWordRA, rCurRefWordRA+1], GOTO[NotDupLoop.2C2],c1; NMAD.OKDups0: {RETURN[dupStartVA, curRefWordVA], here dupStartVA is already in stack.} Dup..OKDup.a: rTemp ← rTemp{00,,**} - 1{adjust}, push, c1; .OKDups1.a: TOS ← STK{dupStartVA.High=curRefWordVA.High}, push, IBDisp, c2; STK{curRefWordVA.low} ← rTopOfCurrentPg.Low or rTemp{00,,**}, DISPNI[OpTable],c3; NMAD.EndOfDup1:{here it is sure that rCurRefWordRA # **00H} Q ← rDupStartVA.lowByte{00,,**}+TOS{minMatchCount}+1{adjust}, c1; []← rCurRefWordRA{curRefWord+1} - Q, PgCarryBr, c2; rTemp{00,,**} ← rCurRefWordRA and 00FF, BRANCH[NMAD.CancelDups1{<}, NMAD.OKDups1{>=}],c3; NMAD.CancelDups1: MAR ← rCurRefWordRA ← [rhCurRefWordRA, rCurRefWordRA+1], GOTO[NotDupLoop.1C2],c1; NMAD.OKDups1:{RETURN[dupStartVA, curRefWordVA], here dupStartVA is already in stack.} rTemp ← rTemp{00,,**} - 1{adjust}, push, GOTO[.OKDups1.a], c1; {**** Page End processing ****} {** from Initial Mode **} {NMAD.PgEnd: start = **FFH}{RETURN[(startVA + 100) AND FFFF00, (startVA + 100) AND FFFF00]} STK ← rTopOfNextPg.Low, ZeroBr, push, c3, at[2,4,CheckCr]; NotDup..NotDupPgEnd:{RETURN[(startVA + 100) AND FFFF00, (startVA + 100) AND FFFF00]} Dup..CancelDup.PgEnd: .PgEnd.C1: TOS ← STK{startVA.High}, BRANCH[$, .PgEnd.a.Cr], c1; IBDisp, push, c2; .PgEnd.C3: STK ← rTopOfNextPg.Low, DISPNI[OpTable], c3; .PgEnd.a.Cr: TOS ← TOS{startVA.High} + 1, c2; STK ← TOS{startVA.High+1}, GOTO[.PgEnd.C1], c3; {** from NotDup Mode **} NotDup.NextIsPgEnd0: {here we have to complete the last 2-words comparing..} STK ← Q ← rTopOfNextPg.Low, ZeroBr, push, BRANCH[NotDup..NotDupPgEnd, NotDup..DupPgEnd],c3; NotDup.NextIsPgEnd1: {here we have to complete the last 2-words comparing..} STK ← Q ← rTopOfNextPg.Low, ZeroBr, push, BRANCH[NotDup..NotDupPgEnd, NotDup..DupPgEnd],c3; NotDup..DupPgEnd: {RETURN[(startVA AND FFFF00) + 0FEH, (startVA + 100) AND FFFF00], here StartVA.High is already in stack.} Dup.NotDupPgEnd.DupOK: Q ← Q{rTopOfNextPg.Low} - 2, pop, CANCELBR[$, 1], c1; STK{dupStartVA.low} ← Q, c2; [] ← rTopOfNextPg.Low, ZeroBr, push, c3; TOS ← STK{startVA.High}, BRANCH[NotDup..DupPgEnd.NoCr, NotDup..DupPgEnd.Cr],c1; NotDup..DupPgEnd.Cr: Dup..DupPgEnd.Cr: TOS ← TOS{startVA.High} + 1, IBDisp, push, GOTO[.PgEnd.C3], c2; NotDup..DupPgEnd.NoCr: Dup..DupPgEnd.NoCr: IBDisp, push, GOTO[.PgEnd.C3], c2; {** from Dup Mode **} Dup.NextIsPgEnd0: {here we have to complete the last 2-words comparing..} [] ← rTopOfNextPg.Low, ZeroBr, push, BRANCH[Dup..NotDupPgEnd, Dup..DupPgEnd],c3; Dup.NextIsPgEnd1: {here we have to complete the last 2-words comparing..} [] ← rTopOfNextPg.Low, ZeroBr, push, BRANCH[Dup..NotDupPgEnd, Dup..DupPgEnd],c3; Dup..DupPgEnd: {RETURN[dupStartVA, (startVA + 100) AND FFFF00], here dupStartVA is already in stack.} TOS ← STK{startVA.High}, BRANCH[Dup..DupPgEnd.NoCr, Dup..DupPgEnd.Cr],c1; Dup..NotDupPgEnd:{here rCurRefWordRA = **00H.} [] ← rDupStartVA.lowByte{00,,**}+TOS{minMatchCount}+1{adjust}, PgCarryBr, CANCELBR[$, 1],c1; pop{adjust}, BRANCH[..OKDup{>=}, ..CancelDup{<}], c2; ..OKDup: {RETURN[dupStartVA, (startVA AND FFFF00) + 0FFH]} rTemp{00,,**} ← 0FF+1{this value will be decrement 1 at Dup..OKDup.a:}, GOTO[Dup..OKDup.a],c3; ..CancelDup: {RETURN[(startVA + 100) AND FFFF00, (startVA + 100) AND FFFF00]} STK ← rTopOfNextPg.Low, ZeroBr, push, GOTO[Dup..CancelDup.PgEnd],c3; {****************************************************************************** * PB: PushByte ESC + ['b][H] ******************************************************************************} { TOS = STK[0] = [00,,byte] STK = STK[-1] = odd STK[-2] = addr.high STK[-3] = addr.low} {@PB: at[5, 10, ESC3n], rEvenOdd ← STK{odd}, pop, ZeroBr, c1; L2 ← 0, BRANCH[PB.Odd, PB.Even], c2; PB.Odd: rByteMask ← ~0FF{FF00}, GOTO[PB.a],{odd => L2=0}, c3; PB.Even: rByteMask ← 0FF, GOTO[PB.a],{even => L2=1}, c3;} {PB.a: PB.PBWB:{L2=0 from @PBWB} rByte{byte,,00} ← TOS{00,,byte} LRot8, c1; rhTT ← STK{addr.high}, fZpop, c2; TT{addr.low} ← STK{addr.low}, c3; } {PB.Map: Map ← Q ← [rhTT,TT], L0 ← L0.PushByte, c1; L1 ← L1.Push2Dec2, c2; Rx ← rhRx ← MD, XWtOKDisp, c3; MAR ← [rhRx, Q+0], BRANCH[PB.WrNotOK, PB.WrOK,0D],c1, WLMFRet[L0.PushByte];} {PB.WrNotOK: CALL[WLMapFix],c2; {sub.WLMapFix return to "WLMFRet[L0.PushByte]"}} {PB.WrOK: Rx ← Q, L2Disp{odd => L2=0, even => L2=1}, c2; rData ← rByteMask and MD, DISP4[EvenOdd], c3;} {PB.Even1:} {PB.END: MAR ← [rhRx, Rx+0], c1, at[1,10, EvenOdd]; MDR ← rByte and rData, push, IBDisp, c2; TOS ← rEvenOdd xor 1, DISPNI[OpTable], c3;} {{PB.Odd1:} Q{addr.low+1} ← TT{addr.low} + 1, CarryBr, c1, at[0,10, EvenOdd]; STK{addr.low+1} ← Q, push, BRANCH[PB.NotCr, PB.Cr],c2; } {PB.NotCr: rByte{00,,byte} ← TOS{00,,byte}, GOTO[PB.END], c3;} {PB.Cr: Q ← STK{addr.high}, c3; Q{addr.high+1} ← Q + 1, c1; STK{addr.high+1} ← Q, GOTO[PB.NotCr], c2;} {****************************************************************************** * PBWB: PushByteToWordBoundary ESC + ['b][H] ******************************************************************************} { TOS = STK[0] = [00,,byte] STK = STK[-1] = odd STK[-2] = addr.high STK[-3] = addr.low} {@PBWB: at[6, 10, ESC3n], rEvenOdd ← STK, fZpop, L2 ← 0, ZeroBr, c1; rhTT ← STK{addr.high}, fZpop, BRANCH[PBWB.Odd, PBWB.Even], c2;} {PBWB.Odd: rByteMask ← ~0FF{FF00}, push, GOTO[PB.PBWB], c3;{here L2=0}} {PBWB.Even: TT{addr.low} ← STK{addr.low}, c3; Map ← Q ← [rhTT,TT], L0 ← L0.PushByteToWB, c1; rTemp{addr.low+1} ← TT{addr.low} + 1, L1 ← L1.Push2Dec2, c2; Rx ← rhRx ← MD, XWtOKDisp, c3; MAR ← [rhRx, Q+0], BRANCH[PBWB.WrNotOK, PBWB.WrOK,0D],c1, WLMFRet[L0.PushByteToWB];} {PBWB.WrNotOK: CALL[WLMapFix],c2; {sub.WLMapFix return to "WLMFRet[L0.PushByteToWB]"}} {PBWB.WrOK: MDR ← TOS{00,,byte}, c2; STK ← rTemp{addr.low+1}, push, ZeroBr, c3; Q ← STK{addr.high}, BRANCH[PBWB.NotCr,PBWB.Cr], c1;} {PBWB.NotCr: TOS{addr.high} ← Q, IBDisp, GOTO[PBWB.END], c2;} {PBWB.Cr: TOS{addr.high+1} ← Q + 1, IBDisp, GOTO[PBWB.END], c2;} {PBWB.END: STK ← TOS{addr.high+1}, TOS ← 0{FALSE}, DISPNI[OpTable], c3;} {****************************************************************************** * CLR: Clear ESC + ['b][H] ******************************************************************************} { TOS = STK[0] = destHi STK = STK[-1] = destLow Assumption: A page which dest points to is resident, in other words is not swappable. and map flags are alredy set as (r,d,wp) = (1,1,0) {writeOK}. So This byte code does not need to check map flags.} @CLR: at[7, 10, ESC3n], rDestVA ← TOS {destHi}, c1; rhDestVA ← rDestVA LRot0, c2; rDestVA ← STK{destLow}, pop, c3; Map ← Q ← [rhDestVA, rDestVA], c1; Noop, c2; rDestRA ← rhDestRA ← MD, c3; MAR ← rDestRA ← [rhDestRA, Q+0], GOTO[CLR.Loop.C2], c1; CLR.Loop: MAR ← rDestRA ← [rhDestRA, rDestRA+1], c1; CLR.Loop.C2: MDR ← 0, BRANCH[$, CLR.End, 1], c2; Noop, GOTO[CLR.Loop], c3; CLR.End: TOS ← STK{STK[-2]}, pop, GOTO[NxtInstc1], {in Refill} c3; {NxtInstc1: Noop, c1; IBDispOnly: IBDisp, c2; DISPNIonly: DISPNI[OpTable], c3;} { ****** M'Code definitions {describibg by Mesa} ****** } {-- MesaCompressAssistImpl.mesa -- Revised by CharlieLevy: 7-Nov-85 20:24:04 -- Owner: CharlieLevy -- Copyright (C) Xerox Corporation 1985. All rights reserved. DIRECTORY MesaCompressAssist, Environment, Inline; MesaCompressAssistImpl: PROGRAM EXPORTS MesaCompressAssist = BEGIN OPEN MesaCompressAssist; -- Pack Data Structure: -- Signals and Errors: ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- Public Operations ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- NextMatchAndDiff: PUBLIC PROC [start: LONG POINTER, matchCount:[2..7]] RETURNS [nextMatch, nextDiff: LONG POINTER] = BEGIN lptCur: LONG POINTER; bvInDup: BOOLEAN; wordCur: WORD; lptDupStart, lptNextPage: LONG POINTER; bvInDup ← FALSE; -- start out presuming in difference mode lptNextPage ← start + 256 - (LOOPHOLE[start, LONG CARDINAL] MOD 256); -- default to start of next page, client must check for reasonableness wordCur ← start↑; -- the first word in the difference string lptCur ← start + 1; DO IF wordCur # lptCur↑ THEN -- compare the current and new words BEGIN -- two words are unequal IF bvInDup THEN BEGIN -- bvInDup IF (lptCur - lptDupStart >= matchCount) THEN RETURN [lptDupStart, lptCur] -- enough of a match to return results ELSE bvInDup ← FALSE; -- cancel dup mode because two words are unequal END; -- bvInDup wordCur ← lptCur↑; -- set new wordCur in case we haven't returned END -- of two words are unequal ELSE BEGIN -- two words are equal IF bvInDup = FALSE THEN -- (if in dup mode and words are equal, do nothing) BEGIN -- we just made a transition to possible duping bvInDup ← TRUE; -- we are now in possible duping mode lptDupStart ← lptCur - 1; -- and here's where that word run starts END; -- transition to possible duping END; -- of two words are equal lptCur ← lptCur + 1; -- bump pointer for next time IF lptCur = lptNextPage THEN RETURN [IF bvInDup THEN lptDupStart ELSE lptNextPage, lptNextPage]; -- bouncing off end of page -- client will inspect to see if large enough match at page fault, if he chooses ENDLOOP; END; -- of NextMatchAndDiff ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- PushByte: PUBLIC PROC [bPtrOld: BPtr, byte: Environment.Byte] RETURNS [bPtrNew: BPtr]= BEGIN IF bPtrOld.odd THEN BEGIN bPtrOld.adrs↑.low ← byte; RETURN [[bPtrOld.adrs + 1, FALSE]]; END ELSE BEGIN bPtrOld.adrs↑.high ← byte; RETURN [[bPtrOld.adrs, TRUE]]; END; END; -- of PushByte ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- PushByteToWordBoundary: PUBLIC PROC [bPtrOld: BPtr, byte: Environment.Byte] RETURNS [bPtrNew: BPtr]= BEGIN IF NOT bPtrOld.odd THEN bPtrOld.adrs↑.high ← 0;-- needs a NOP bPtrOld.adrs↑.low ← byte; -- in either case RETURN [[bPtrOld.adrs + 1, FALSE]]; -- in either case END; -- of PushByteToWordBoundary ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Clear: PUBLIC PROC [start: LONG POINTER] = BEGIN -- this should be faster than using Inline.LongCOPY[] lptCur, lptNextPage: LONG POINTER; lptNextPage ← start + 256 - (LOOPHOLE[start, LONG CARDINAL] MOD 256); -- default to start of next page, client must check for reasonableness lptCur ← start; DO lptCur↑ ← 0; lptCur ← lptCur + 1; -- bump pointer for next time IF lptCur = lptNextPage THEN RETURN; -- bouncing off end of page ENDLOOP; END; -- of Clear ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- Private Procedures ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- Mainline Code ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- END. -- of CompressAssistImpl LOG 15-Oct-85 CharlieLevy created module 22-Oct-85 CL started using page faults rather than endPlusOne 25-Oct-85 CL added PushByte and PushByteToWordBoundary 28-Oct-85 CL made faster running and desk checked 5-Nov-85 Cl removed procs we decided not to use 7-Nov-85 changedname from CompressAssistImpl 7-Nov-85 changed return values at end of page from NIL to lptNextPage}