{ File Name: BumpBitAddress.mc optimization version
  Description: Shifts a bit address by an integer number of bits.
  Author: MYT
  Created: July 21, 1986
  Edited:  Sep. 18, 1986
  	   Oct. 07, 1986
  *** This is a optimization version for BumpBitAddress , it will save about 7 clicks operation from the original version.	

{ Copyright (C) 1986 by XEROX corporation. All rights reserved.}


at [0A,10,ESCAn]

 			POP Parameters from stack			
{	Get offset, bit number, word virtual address form stack to registers	 }
	offset ← TOS,L4 ← L4.BumpBitAddress,	        c1;{ L4 is used for micro caller }
	bitnum ← STK,pop,				c2;
	rwrdaddh ← STK,pop, 				c3;
	rwrdaddl ← STK,fXpop,fZpop,push,		c1;
	offset ← offset + bitnum,NegBr,GOTO[BBAMainEntry],	c2;

 			Processing both positive and negative offset cases			
BBASubEntry:	{ for microcaller - TrapzInit, TrapzSubs, ChainBlt: 8 cycles total}
	offset ← offset + bitnum, 			c*;
	bitnum ← offset and 0F,BRANCH [$,neg],		c*;{ generate result bit number }
	rtmpadd ← offset and ~0F,GOTO[either],		c*;{ abs(offset) <= bitnum }
neg:	rtmpadd ← offset or 0F,				c*;{ abs(offset) > bitnum }
either:	rtmpadd ← rtmpadd LRot12,XHDisp,		c*;{ generate result address value}
	rwrdaddl ← rwrdaddl + rtmpadd,CarryBr,BRANCH[testCpos,testCneg,2],      c*;

	{ check carry for positive or negative case }
	BRANCH[PushBackp2,$],				c*;
	rwrdaddh ← rwrdaddh + 1,L4Disp,GOTO[PushBackc3],	c*;
	L4Disp,GOTO[PushBackc3],			c*;

	BRANCH[$,PushBackn2],				c*;
	rwrdaddh ← rwrdaddh - 1,L4Disp,GOTO[PushBackc3],	c*;
	L4Disp,						c*;
	DISP4[BumpBitAddressRet],			c*;

 				Push Parameters back to stack			
{	Push results - bit number, word address back to stack 				 }

	STK ← rwrdaddl, push,				c1, at[L4.BumpBitAddress,10,BumpBitAddressRet];
	STK ← rwrdaddh,  				c2;
	TOS ← bitnum,GOTO [Bank1NxtInstc1],  		c3;