{ file: <CoPilot>DLion>CedarDefs.dfn Fiala 25-Jul-86 9:59:13: Removed uStickyReg def to Dandelion.dfn. Fiala 29-Jul-86 12:59:58: Added defs for ReadPCBus and WritePCBus. Fiala 31-Jul-86 17:33:25: Cosmetic edits. Fiala 4-Aug-86 17:14:35: Fix for value of WPCBus3. Fiala 8-Aug-86 16:42:36: Replace the four B0xxMBus declarations by B0MBus to allow common entry code. Fiala 11-Aug-86 12:14:07: Change "IBM" to "PC" in opcode names and remove unneeded def for ReadIBMBus U reg. Fiala 13-Aug-86 16:13:03 Added subr return defs for rewrite of MBus and PCBus opcodes. Fiala 5-Mar-87 13:40:33 Added def for B1EFCHaveLink. Trow 27-Oct-87 19:26:29 Change MSBank definitions, add Bx targets. Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. } {Temporary registers needed by more than one Cedar opcode} {uNcTrapOffset assignment must avoid conflicts with StashPC0 and XMDSReadx, both in fixedXfer.mc, also RyMapFix in CommonSubs. At present, none of these modify any U registers} RegDef[uNcTrapOffset, U, 50]; {rA = PC} RegDef[uNcQ, U, 53]; {rA = PC} {used to save Q during WrDbl} RegDef[uNcCleanFlag, U, 54]; {rA = PC} {Hold the following in reserve in case more R registers are needed later. Note that to permit <uNcSaveL L, G rhG>, the bottom bits of U reg. address must be B because fZ = B = ←RH. RegDef[uNcSaveRhL, U, 3A]; {rA = L} RegDef[uNcSaveL, U, 3B]; {rA = L} {bottom bits must be B} RegDef[uNcSaveG, U, 47]; {rA = G} RegDef[uNcSaveRhG, U, 4B]; {rA = G} {bottombits must be B} RegDef[uNcSavePC, U, 52]; {rA = PC} } {Note: 58, 59, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F are also available} {AssignRef temporaries} {nil flags} RegDef[uARefRhsNil, U, 1A]; {rA = T; 0 if nil, # 0 if non nil} RegDef[uARefLhsRefNil,U, 1B]; {rA = T; 0 if nil, # 0 if non nil} {header words} RegDef[uARefRhsW, U, 60]; {rA = Rx} RegDef[uARefLhsW, U, 55]; {the long pointer} RegDef[uARefLhsHigh, U, 1C]; RegDef[uARefLhsLow, U, 1E]; {pointer to header of rhs} RegDef[uARefRhpHigh, U, 1F]; RegDef[uARefRhpLow, U, 1D]; {rA = T} {pointer to header of lhs} RegDef[uARefLhpHigh, U, 56]; RegDef[uARefLhpLow, U, 57]; {ReclaimedRef and ReclaimableRef temporaries} RegDef[uHdrLow, U, 1A]; RegDef[uHdrHigh, U, 1B]; RegDef[uHdrSave, U, 1C]; {AllocateObject temporaries} RegDef[uNHPLow, U, 1A]; {rA = T} RegDef[uNHPHigh, U, 1B]; RegDef[uNextFLLow, U, 1E]; RegDef[uNextFLHigh, U, 1F]; RegDef[uRefHi, U, 57]; {AllocateObject and FreeObject temporaries} RegDef[uFLLow, U, 1C]; RegDef[uFLHigh, U, 1D]; {FreeObject temporaries} RegDef[uBSISave, U, 1A]; {Permanent register assignments. Must check that these are not used elsewhere, via Burdock} RegDef[uZctHigh, U, 0D9]; {**rA = EE} RegDef[uZctLow, U, 0DA]; {**} RegDef[uMicrocodeDisabled, U, 0DB]; {**} {0 = microcode enabled, -1 = disabled} RegDef[uWpHigh, U, 0DC]; {**} RegDef[uWpLow, U, 0DD]; {**} RegDef[uMarkingDecrements, U, 0DE]; {**} {40000b if true, zero if false, i.e. in the maybeOnStack bit position} RegDef[uFOSResidueMask, U, 0DF]; {**} {0E1, 0E2, 0E3, 0E5, 0E6 were also used in 5.2} {********************FLOATING POINT REGISTER DEFINITIONS********************} {Definitions shared by all floating point opcodes. Each argument is unpacked into four registers; uib saves the alpha byte of the Misc opcode for extra dispatching or for use as a trap parameter. uStickyBit holds "sticky bits" which are non-zero iff the result bits shifted into insignificance were non-zero; this is used in rounding.} RegDef[uSign1, U, 27]; {rA = TT} RegDef[uExp1, U, 1D]; {rA = T} RegDef[uHighHalf1, U, 17]; {rA = T} RegDef[uLowHalf1, U, 19]; {rA = T} RegDef[uSign2, U, 2A]; {rA = TT} RegDef[uExp2, U, 1E]; {rA = T} RegDef[uHighHalf2, U, 1B]; {rA = T} RegDef[uLowHalf2, U, 1C]; {rA = T} RegDef[uib, U, 63]; {rA = Rx} RegDef[uStickyBit, U, 25]; {rA = TT} {Register assignments for division only; must ensure no conflicts with CedarFpt and dandelion.dfn} {FDIV register definitions} RegDef[divisorHigh, R, 2]; {TT} RegDef[divisorLow, R, 6]; {Rx} RegDef[divCount, R, 3]; {L} {must be saved and restored} RegDef[divResult, R, 0]; {TOS} RegDef[uDivCount, U, 30]; {divCount = L} {RegDef[uDivResult, U, 42]; {divResult = G (no longer used)}} {********************CEDAR SUBROUTINES********************} {BankFixRets--all values must be even except L2.BZ6 and L2.CRefT1, which must be odd} Set[L2.CRefT1, 1]; Set[L2.BZ6, 3]; Set[L2.RdDblZCTTT1, 4]; Set[L2.ALC10, 6]; Set[L2.Free8, 8]; Set[L2.Free12, 0A]; Set[L2.RdOneA, 0C]; {BZRets} Set[L1.LBZ2, 0]; {used for both LongBlkZ and LocalBlkZ} Set[L1.Free9, 1]; {CheckForUnderflowRets} Set[L3.AR10, 0]; {Must be even for load in the mi after (false) branch condition} Set[L3.RR3, 1]; {NcRdOneRets} Set[L0.CRefT2, 0]; Set[L0.FOSLU, 1]; Set[L0.RAR1, 2]; Set[L0.AR7, 3]; Set[L0.CheckForUnderflow, 4]; Set[L0.CR1, 5]; Set[L0.CSRem2, 6]; Set[L0.ALC3, 7]; Set[L0.ALC9, 8]; Set[L0.Free2a, 9]; Set[L0.Free3, 0A]; Set[L0.Free6, 0B]; Set[L0.WMBus3, 0C]; {Must be even location}{***obsolete***} Set[L0.WPCBus3, 0E]; {Must be even location}{***obsolete***} {NcRdDblRets} Set[L0.Enable2, 0]; Set[L0.OnZ2, 1]; Set[L0.AR4, 2]; Set[L0.Enable3, 3]; Set[L0.ALC8, 4]; Set[L0.ALC11, 5]; Set[L0.Free11, 6]; {NcWrOneRets} Set[L0.AR12b, 1]; Set[L0.AR14, 2]; Set[L0.CR3, 3]; Set[L0.RAROnZ5, 5]; {Must be odd and even loc. also used} Set[L0.RR8, 7]; {Must be odd for CANCELBR in same mi as L0 load} Set[L0.RMBus3, 8];{***obsolete***} Set[L0.RPCBus3, 9];{***obsolete***} {NcWrDblRets} Set[L0.Disable2, 1]; Set[L0.ALC17, 1]; {Must be same location as L0.Disable2.} Set[L0.Free14, 1]; {Must be same location as L0.Disable2.} Set[L0.OnZ1, 2]; Set[L0.AR16, 3]; Set[L0.ALC13, 4]; Set[L0.ALC16, 5]; Set[L0.Free13, 6]; {NcRMapFixRets} Set[L2.NcRdDbl1, 0]; Set[L2.NcRdDbl3, 1]; Set[L2.NcRdOne1, 3]; {NcWMapFixRets} Set[L2.NcWrOne1, 0]; Set[L2.NcWrDbl1, 1]; Set[L2.NcWrDbl3, 3]; Set[L2.BZ1, 4]; {NcFOSLURets} Set[L3.RAR2, 0]; Set[L3.RR4, 1]; {OnZRets} Set[L3.AR11b, 0]; {Must be even for BRANCH, and odd value also used.} Set[L3.RR10, 2]; Set[L3.RAROnZ4, 3]; Set[L3.CR2, 4]; Set[L3.ALC12, 5]; {MBRestRegs} Set[L0.AckTO, 1]; Set[L0.MBFaultFix, 3]; {Must have value with 2 low bits = 3} Set[L0.MBIntExit, 4]; {Must be even; odd paired loc. also used} {********************FLOATING POINT SUBROUTINES********************} {Return points for Unpack subroutines, UnpackRets} Set[L0.mult1, 0]; Set[L0.div1, 3]; Set[L0.add1, 5]; Set[L0.comp1, 7]; Set[L0.round1, 8]; Set[L0.round4, 9]; Set[L0.round5, 0A]; Set[L0.FScale1, 0B]; {Return points for FM8 multiply subroutine, FptMultLoopRets} Set[L0.mult2, 1]; Set[L0.mult3, 2]; Set[L0.mult4, 3]; Set[L0.mult5, 4]; Set[L0.mult6, 5]; {Return points for DeNorm subroutine, DeNormRets} Set[L0.add2, 1]; Set[L0.rePack1, 2]; Set[L0.round2, 4]; {Set[L0.add1, 5]; same as above Unpack ret, but occupies space in the DeNormRets} Set[L0.round3, 6]; {Return points for Round and Fix subroutines, RoundRets} Set[L0.rePack2, 1]; {must be 1 mod 2} {Set[L0.round2, 4]; must be same as the above DeNorm ret, but occupy space in the round rets} {floating point trap args} Set[L1.TwoArgFPTrap, 0]; Set[L1.OneArgFPTrap, 1]; Set[L1.OnePt5ArgFPTrap, 2]; {divide loop return points} Set[L0.div2, 1]; Set[L0.div3, 2]; {following items must match assorted items in rest of emulator} Set[xtTrap, Or[Lshift[0,6],8]]; {defined in fixedXfer.mc} {I believe the 6 should be 5} Set[L2.EFCHaveLink, 0]; {defined in fixedXfer.mc} {StashRets} {these are in addition to those defined in fixedXfer.mc} Set[L2.NcCedarOpCodeTrap2, 0D]; {XMDSReadRets} {these are in addition to those defined in fixedXfer.mc} Set[L2.NcCedarOpCodeTrap3, 9]; {********************OTHER DEFINITIONS********************} {Cedar trap parameters} Set[NcUnImplementedTrap, 0]; Set[NcRCOverflowTrap, 1]; Set[NcDisabledTrap, 2]; Set[NcUnderflowOccured, 3]; Set[NcZctFullTrap, 4]; Set[NcCedarDisasterTrap, 5]; Set[RCFinalizeTrap, 6]; {Finalize the Ref (from ReclaimedRef)} Set[NormalFreeListEmpty, 6]; {Free list for AllocateObject is empty} {SD vector offsets} Set[sNcCedarTrapTable, 137'b]; {location in SD of pointer to Cedar trap table} {Zero Count Table (ZCT) offsets} Set[NcMarkingDecsOffset, 6]; {bit 15'd, i.e. low order bit} {Values for Bank which include MS[0..1] = 1 for 4MB storage.} Set[MSBank0, 0]; {db} Set[MSBank1, 0C]; {db} {db Set[MSBank2, 6]; {Not used} Set[MSBank3, 7]; {Not used} db} {Target addresses in bank 0 are all defined relative to NcBank0Base.} Set[NcBank0Base, 2200'b]; Set[B0AssignRef, Add[0, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0CRefType, Add[1, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0CreateRef, Add[2, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0Enable, Add[3, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0Disable, Add[4, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0ReclaimedRef,Add[5, NcBank0Base]]; {Set[B0ReclaimableRef, Add[6, NcBank0Base]];} {Not needed--same as B0CreateRef} Set[B0AllocateObject, Add[7, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0FreeObject, Add[8, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0LongBlkZ, Add[9, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0LocalBlkZ, Add[0A, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0CSum, Add[0B, NcBank0Base]]; Set[B0MBus, Add[0C, NcBank0Base]]; {Target addresses in bank 1 are all defined relative to NcBank1Base.} Set[NcBank1Base, 2100'b]; Set[B1CedarFault, Add[0, NcBank1Base]]; Set[B1TrapContinue, Add[1, NcBank1Base]]; Set[B1IntContinue, Add[2, NcBank1Base]]; Set[B1EFCHaveLink, Add[3, NcBank1Base]]; Set[B1MP799, Add[4, NcBank1Base]]; {db} {Target addresses in both banks are all defined relative to NcBankxBase.} Set[NcBankxBase, 2300'b]; Set[BxAssignRef, Add[0, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxCRefType, Add[1, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxCreateRef, Add[2, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxEnable, Add[3, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxDisable, Add[4, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxReclaimedRef,Add[5, NcBankxBase]]; {Set[BxReclaimableRef, Add[6, NcBankxBase]];} {Not needed--same as BxCreateRef} Set[BxAllocateObject, Add[7, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxFreeObject, Add[8, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxLongBlkZ, Add[9, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxLocalBlkZ, Add[0A, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxCSum, Add[0B, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxMBus, Add[0C, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxCedarFault, Add[0D, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxTrapContinue, Add[0E, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxIntContinue1, Add[0F, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxIntContinue2, Add[10, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxEFCHaveLink, Add[11, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxErrLoc, Add[12, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxReclaimableRef, Add[13, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxDISPNI, Add[14, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxDISPNI2, Add[15, NcBankxBase]]; Set[BxMP799, Add[16, NcBankxBase]]; {db} {COMMENTS ABOUT THE CEDAR ALLOCATOR/COLLECTOR DATA STRUCTURES The pointer to a normal object header is called an NHP and always points at an even address; the associated Ref points at NHP + 2; the object is an even number of words long. Normal object header format: Word -2: 0..0 inZCT 1..1 maybeOnStack 2..7 BlockSizeIndex (BSI) 8..8 f 0 => reclaim object if refCount = 0 1 => queue object for finalization if refCount = 0 9..14 refCount 15..15 rcOverflowed Word -1: 0..1 temporary for compatibility 2..15 type ZCT Layout: 0..1: write pointer (not explicitly referred to) 2..3: read pointer (not used by microcode) 4..5: lastNP (long ponter to ? not used by microcode) 6: markingDecrements (cached by EnableMicrocode) 7: residueMask (cached by EnableMicrocode) 400'b..577'b: bsiToFreeList (100'b FNHeaderP's (long pointers to normal free headers) 1000'b..1077'b: bsiToSize (100'b positive integers) 1400'b..2036'b: sizeToBSI (1076'b bytes of block size indices in the range 0..77'b) 2400'b..12377'b: FOSTable (4k-word array of residues described below). FOS residues are as follows: 0..777'b 22-bit VM 0..3777'b 24-bit VM 0..77777'b 28-bit VM fosEmpty = 100000'b fosCollision = 100000'b u collision bits. Note that sizes obtained from bsiToSize INCLUDE the two NHP overhead words, while the size used to index the sizeToBSI table DOES NOT INCLUDE the two overhead words. }