{ File name bbSubs.mc BJackson 22-Oct-87 4:12:52 Xbus ← 2 (not 1). BJackson 22-Oct-87 4:00:22 use "map.referenced" instead of "10". BJackson 22-Oct-87 3:29:43 use "map.rd" instead of "30". Trow 12-Oct-87 19:14:47 Reverse targets 1 and 2 of XwdDisp. Fiala 16-May-86 14:56:30 Changes for 4MB storage in DstMap and DstLRemap subroutines. **Noted some peculiarities in the code which may be bugs** Frandeen: August 20, 1981 2:18 PM: Change for new Assembler. Frandeen: March 16, 1981 3:52 PM: Change MoverhVtoStkandRestore to fix bug for crossing 64K boundaries. Frandeen: March 15, 1981 11:05 PM: Add entry points to RestoreRandRHRegs and rearrange for new Block.mc that includes Checksum. Charnley: February 26, 1981 2:39 PM: Make MoverhVToStkandRestore smaller for new stack size. Jim Frandeen: February 24, 1981 8:46 PM: Add entry points to RestoreRandRHRegs and rearrange for new Block.mc. Created by: Don Charnley January, 1980 Description: BitBlt op-code } { dT SUBROUTINE first cycle = c* , one cycle long This subroutine is used to aid in loading a link register. REGISTERS rL value to place in link register Lx link register to be loaded CALLING SEQUENCE To load a link register [] ← rL, YDisp ,c2; [] ← retnum, Lx ← 0, XDisp, DISP4[dT] ,c3; {rtn here} Noop ,c2, at[retnum,10,dTrets]; RETURNS THRU dTRets } dT: {0} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[0,10,dT]; {1} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[1,10,dT]; {2} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[2,10,dT]; {3} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[3,10,dT]; {4} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[4,10,dT]; {5} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[5,10,dT]; {6} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[6,10,dT]; {7} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[7,10,dT]; {8} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[8,10,dT]; {9} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[9,10,dT]; {0A} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[0A,10,dT]; {0B} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[0B,10,dT]; {0C} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[0C,10,dT]; {0D} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[0D,10,dT]; {0E} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[0E,10,dT]; {0F} RET[dTRets] ,c*, at[0F,10,dT]; { MoverhVToStkandRestore SUBROUTINE length = 3 clicks This subroutine is used to move the rhV registers into the stack. USES L0 caller MOVES Rbb1 to UDstBit Q to USrcBit EXITS TO RestoreRandRHRegs SUBROUTINE } MoverhVToStkandRestore: rhL ← UrhLsave, GOTO[RestoreBlockRegsC3], ,c*{c1}, at[3,8,MoverhVToStkandRestore]; { RestoreRandRHRegs SUBROUTINE length = 2 1/3 clicks This subroutine is used to restore the R registers and rh registers which were saved at the entry into BitBlt. USES L0 caller RESTORES L from ULsave G from UGsave PC from UPCsave rhMDS from UrhMDSsave rhPC from UrhPCsave rhG from UrhGsave rhL from UrhLsave RETURNS THRU RestoreCallers RestoreBlockRegs entries are used by Block.mc in order to end up on the right cycle. Block.mc saves all registers but does not use them all. } RestoreRandRHRegs: rhL ← UrhLsave ,c*{c1}, at[2,8, LSEPReturn]; RestoreBlockRegsC3: rhPC ← UrhPCsave ,c*{c2}; RestoreBlockRegsC2: rhMDS ← UrhMDSsave ,c*{c3}; RestoreBlockRegsC1: rhG ← UrhGsave ,c*{c1}; RestoreBlockRegsC3Initial: {This entry can be used from Block only if rhG has not yet been modified.} PC ← UPCsave ,c*{c2}; G ← UGsave, L0Disp ,c*{c3}; L ← ULsave, RET[RestoreCallers] ,c*{c1}; { DstVAMod SUBROUTINE first cycle = c3 , last cycle = c2 Timing: 4 clicks, + 1 if neg, + 1 if rh fix This subroutine is used to modify the destination virtual address. CALLING ARGUMENTS rhWho caller TempBpl increment for the destination address UDstVALo virtual destination page and word UDstBit virtual destination bit rhDstVA virtual destination rh always UPDATES UDstVALo virtual destination page and word UDstBit virtual destination bit rhDstVA virtual destination rh USES Q virtual page and word TempB bit rhRet to call VAModSub CALLS VAModSub RETURNS THRU DstVAModRtn } DstVAMod: Q ← UDstVALo ,c*{c1}; TempB ← UDstBit ,c*{c2}; rhRet ← VAaRet, CALL[VAMod] ,c*{c3}; {VAMod subroutine here {2 or 3 clicks} ,c*{c1}-c*{c3};} {return here if rh needs fix} VD ← UrhVD ,c*{c1}, at[Or[VAaRet,1],8,VAModRet]; VD ← VD + TempBpl ,c*{c2}; UrhVD ← VD ,c*{c3}; Noop ,c*{c1}; fixrhVD: [] ← rhRet, XDisp ,c*{c2}; rhVD ← VD LRot0, DISP3{RET}[VAModRet] ,c*{c3}; {return here if no rh fix or after rh fix} UDstVALo ← Q ,c*{c1}, at[VAaRet,8,VAModRet]; DstVAExit: [] ← rhWho, XDisp ,c*{c2}; UDstBit ← TempB, DISP2{RET}[DstVAModRet] ,c*{c3}; { SrcVAMod SUBROUTINE first cycle = c3 , last cycle = c2 Timing: 4 clicks, + 1 if neg, + 1 if rh fix This subroutine is used to modify the source virtual address. CALLING ARGUMENTS rhWho caller TempBpl increment for the source address USrcVALo virtual source page and word USrcBit virtual source bit rhSrcVA virtual source rh always UPDATES USrcVALo virtual source page and word USrcBit virtual source bit rhSrcVA virtual source rh USES Q virtual page and word TempB bit rhRet to call VAModSub and SrcRemap CALLS VAModSub RETURNS THRU SrcVAModRtn } SrcVAMod: Q ← USrcVALo ,c*{c1}; TempB ← USrcBit ,c*{c2}; rhRet ← VAbRet, CALL[VAMod] ,c*{c3}; {VAMod subroutine here {2 or 3 clicks} ,c*{c1}-c*{c3};} {return here if rh needs fix} VS ← UrhVS ,c*{c1}, at[Or[VAbRet,1],8,VAModRet]; VS ← VS + TempBpl ,c*{c2}; UrhVS ← VS ,c*{c3}; Noop ,c*{c1}; fixrhVS: [] ← rhRet, XDisp ,c*{c2}; rhVS ← VS LRot0, DISP3{RET}[VAModRet] ,c*{c3}; {return here if no rh fix or after fix} USrcVALo ← Q ,c*{c1}, at[VAbRet,8,VAModRet]; SrcVAExit: [] ← rhWho, XDisp ,c*{c2}; USrcBit ← TempB, DISP2{RET}[SrcVAModRet] ,c*{c3}; { VAMod SUBROUTINE first cycle = c3 , last cycle = c2 Timing: 2 clicks, + 1 if neg This subroutine is used to modify a virtual address. CALLING ARGUMENTS rhRet caller Q virtual page and word TempBpl increment for the address TempB bit always UPDATES Q virtual page and word TempB bit RETURNS TempBpl modifier for rh } VAMod: TempB ← TempB + TempBpl, NibCarryBr, GOTO[VAmod1] ,c*{c1}; VAmod1: TempBpl ← TempBpl and ~0F, NegBr, BRANCH[oldWord, nextWord] ,c*{c2}; oldWord: TempBpl ← TempBpl LRot12, BRANCH[oldWPos, oldWNeg] ,c*{c3}; nextWord: TempBpl ← TempBpl LRot12, BRANCH[nextWPos, nextWNeg] ,c*{c3}; oldWPos: Q ← Q + TempBpl, CarryBr, GOTO[bPP] ,c*{c1}; bPP: [] ← rhRet, XDisp, BRANCH[oldPSeg, newPSeg] ,c*{c2}; nextWPos: Q ← Q + TempBpl + 1, CarryBr, GOTO[bPP] ,c*{c1}; oldWNeg: TempBpl ← TempBpl LRot4 ,c*{c1}; TempBpl ← TempBpl or 0F ,c*{c2}; TempBpl ← TempBpl LRot12 ,c*{c3}; Q ← Q + TempBpl, CarryBr ,c*{c1}; bPN: [] ← rhRet, XDisp, BRANCH[newNSeg, oldNSeg] ,c*{c2}; nextWNeg: TempBpl ← TempBpl LRot4 ,c*{c1}; TempBpl ← TempBpl or 0F ,c*{c2}; TempBpl ← TempBpl LRot12 ,c*{c3}; Q ← Q + TempBpl + 1, CarryBr, GOTO[bPN] ,c*{c1}; oldPSeg: TempBpl ← 0, DISP3{RET}[VAModRet] ,c*{c3}; newPSeg: TempBpl ← 1, DISP3{RET}[VAModRet,1] {signal rh update} ,c*{c3}; oldNSeg: TempBpl ← 0, DISP3{RET}[VAModRet] ,c*{c3}; newNSeg: TempBpl ← {-1}TempBpl xor ~TempBpl, DISP3{RET}[VAModRet,1] {signal rh update} ,c*{c3}; { SrcLRemap SUBROUTINE first cycle = c1 , last cycle = c3 This subroutine is used to remap the source virtual address. CALLING ARGUMENTS rhRet caller USrcVALo virtual source page rhVS virtual source rh always UPDATES SrcA real source page and word rhSrcA real source rh USES UQSave saved value of Q UVSsave saved contents of VS RETURNS THRU SrcRemapReturn } SrcLRemap: UQSave ← Q ,c1; UXsave ← VS ,c2; VS ← USrcVALoSav, dirDisp ,c3; Q ← 0FF + 1, dirDISP[SrcInc] ,c1; VS ← VS + Q, CarryBr ,c2, at[dir.forward,dirM,SrcInc]; USrcVALoSav ← VS, BRANCH[nofixSRhP,fixSRhP] ,c3; fixSRhP: Q ← rhVS + 1, LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c1; rhVS ← Q LRot0 ,c2; Noop ,c3; nofixSRhP: Map ← [rhVS, VS], GOTO[mpS1] ,c1; mpS1: Q ← SrcA and 0FF ,c2; SrcA ← MD, rhSrcA ← MD, XRefBr ,c3; Noop, BRANCH[fixSMap, nofixSMap] ,c1; fixSMap: Noop ,c2; [] ← SrcA LRot0, XwdDisp ,c3; Map ← [rhVS, VS], DISP2[mapSFixes], c1; mapSFixes: {bj} MDR ← SrcA or map.referenced, GOTO[mfS1], c2, at[0,4,mapSFixes]; MDR ← SrcA or map.referenced, GOTO[mfS1], c2, at[1,4,mapSFixes]; MDR ← SrcA or map.referenced, GOTO[mfS1], c2, at[2,4,mapSFixes]; GOTO[mfS1], c2, at[3,4,mapSFixes]; mfS1: SrcA ← SrcA and ~0FF, c3; SrcA ← SrcA or Q ,c1; Noop ,c2; Noop ,c3; mfsR: Q ← UQSave ,c1; [] ← rhRet, XDisp ,c2; VS ← UXsave, RET[SrcRemapReturn] ,c3; {Src Remap additional instructions} VS ← VS - Q, CarryBr ,c2, at[dir.backwards,dirM,SrcInc]; BRANCH[fixSRhN,nofixSRhN] ,c3; fixSRhN: Q ← rhVS - 1, LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c1; rhVS ← Q LRot0 ,c2; GOTO[nofixSRhP] ,c3; nofixSRhN: Map ← [rhVS, VS], GOTO[mpS1] ,c1; nofixSMap: SrcA ← SrcA and ~0FF ,c2; SrcA ← SrcA or Q, GOTO[mfsR] ,c3; { DstLRemap SUBROUTINE first cycle = c1 , last cycle = c3 This subroutine is used to remap the destination virtual address. CALLING ARGUMENTS rhRet caller L2 direction {used in dirDisp} UDstVALo virtual destination page rhVD virtual destination rh always UPDATES DstA real destination page and word rhDstA real destination rh USES UQSave saved value of Q UVDsave saved contents of VD RETURNS THRU DstRemapReturn } DstLRemap: UQSave ← Q, c1; UXsave ← VD, c2; VD ← UDstVALoSav, dirDisp, c3; Q ← 0FF + 1, dirDISP[DstMod], c1; VD ← VD + Q, CarryBr, c2, at[dir.forward,dirM,DstMod]; UDstVALoSav ← VD, BRANCH[nofixDRhP,fixDRhP], c3; fixDRhP: Q ← rhVD + 1, LOOPHOLE[byteTiming], c1; rhVD ← Q LRot0, c2; Noop, c3; nofixDRhP: Map ← [rhVD, VD], GOTO[mpD1], c1; mpD1: Q ← DstA and 0FF, c2; DstA ← MD, rhDstA ← MD, XwdDisp, c3; Map ← [rhVD, VD], DISP2[fixDMap], c1; fixDMap: {bj} MDR ← DstA or map.rd, GOTO[mfD1], c2, at[0, 4, fixDMap]; {db} {WP fault shouldn't get here} GOTO[bbNormExit], c2, at[1, 4, fixDMap]; {Page fault shouldn't get here} GOTO[bbNormExit], c2, at[3, 4, fixDMap]; nofixDMap: {db} DstA ← DstA and ~0FF, c2, at[2, 4, fixDMap]; DstA ← DstA or Q, c3; Q ← UQSave, c1; [] ← rhRet, XDisp, c2; VD ← UXsave, RET[DstRemapReturn], c3; mfD1: Noop, c3; Noop, GOTO[nofixDMap], c1; {Dst Remap additional instructions} VD ← VD - Q, CarryBr, c2, at[dir.backwards,dirM,DstMod]; BRANCH[fixDRhN,nofixDRhN], c3; fixDRhN: Q ← rhVD - 1, LOOPHOLE[byteTiming], c1; rhVD ← Q LRot0, c2; GOTO[nofixDRhP], c3; nofixDRhN: Map ← [rhVD, VD], GOTO[mpD1], c1; { DstMap SUBROUTINE first cycle = c3 , last cycle = c3 Timing: 2 1/3 clicks, + 1 if fix map flags This subroutine is used to map the destination virtual address. CALLING ARGUMENTS rhRet caller UDstVALo virtual destination rhVD virtual destination rh always UPDATES DstA real destination page and word rhDstA real destination rh UDstVALoSav virtual destination uses as a temp Q real destination page and word RETURNS THRU DstMapRet } DstMap: VD ← UDstVALoSav, c3; DstMapSpec: Map ← [rhVD, VD], c1; UDstVALoSav ← VD, c2; DstA ← MD, rhDstA ← MD, XwdDisp, c3; {********Shouldn't "VD+0" here be "DstA+0"?************ 5/15/86 ERF} DMapRef: MAR ← Q ← [rhDstA, VD + 0], DISP2[upDMap], c1; upDMap: GOTO[upDMap1], c2, at[0, 4, upDMap]; {db} GOTO[upDMap1], c2, at[1, 4, upDMap]; GOTO[upDMap1], c2, at[3, 4, upDMap]; DMapOK: {db} [] ← rhRet, XDisp, c2, at[2, 4, upDMap]; DstA ← Q, DISP2{RET}[DstMapRet], c3; upDMap1: [] ← DstA LRot0, XwdDisp, c3; Map ← [rhVD, VD], DISP2[upDMapHere], c1; upDMapHere: {bj} MDR ← DstA or map.rd, GOTO[mapD], c2, at[0,4,upDMapHere]; {db} MDR ← DstA or map.rd, GOTO[mapD], c2, at[2,4,upDMapHere]; {db} Q ← qWriteProtect, GOTO[DFault], c2, at[1,4,upDMapHere]; Q ← qPageFault, GOTO[DFault], c2, at[3,4,upDMapHere]; mapD: Xbus ← 2{bj}, XDisp, GOTO[DMapRef], c3; { SrcMap SUBROUTINE first cycle = c3 , last cycle = c3 Timing: 2 1/3 clicks, + 1 if fix map flags This subroutine is used to map the source virtual address. CALLING ARGUMENTS rhRet caller USrcVALo virtual source rhVS virtual source rh always UPDATES SrcA real source page and word rhSrcA real source rh USrcVALoSav virtual destination uses as a temp Q real destination page and word RETURNS THRU SrcMapRet } SrcMap: VS ← USrcVALoSav ,c3; SrcMapSpec: Map ← [rhVS, VS] ,c1; USrcVALoSav ← VS ,c2; SrcA ← MD, rhSrcA ← MD, XRefBr ,c3; SMapRef: MAR ← Q ← [rhSrcA, VS + 0], BRANCH[upSMap, SMapOK] ,c1; SMapOK: [] ← rhRet, XDisp ,c2; SrcA ← Q, DISP3{RET}[SrcMapRet] ,c3; upSMap: Noop ,c2; [] ← SrcA LRot0, XwdDisp ,c3; Map ← [rhVS, VS], DISP2[upSMapHere] ,c1; {bj}upSMapHere: MDR ← SrcA or map.referenced, GOTO[mapS] ,c2, at[0,4,upSMapHere]; MDR ← SrcA or map.referenced, GOTO[mapS] ,c2, at[1,4,upSMapHere]; MDR ← SrcA or map.referenced, GOTO[mapS] ,c2, at[2,4,upSMapHere]; Q ← qPageFault, GOTO[SFault] ,c2, at[3,4,upSMapHere]; mapS: [] ← 0, ZeroBr, GOTO[SMapRef] ,c3; { SavebbRegs SUBROUTINE length = 2 2/3 clicks This subroutine is used to move the rh registers in U. Note that the caller MUST save L before calling. MOVES TOS STK G to UGsave rhG UrhGsave PC to UPCsave rhPC UrhPCsave L UrhLsave rhL UrhLsave rhMDS UrhMDSsave EXITS TO SavebbRegsRet } SavebbRegs: L ← rhL ,c*{c2}, at[0,10,SavebbRegs]; SaveBlockRegs:: UPCsave ← PC, push ,c*{c3}; STK ← TOS, pop ,c*{c1}; {Radr same as Ublock containing following Uregs} {the following Uregs are at "xB" to allow "← rh"} UGsave ← G ,c*{c2}; UrhLsave ← L, G ← rhG ,c*{c3}; UrhGsave ← G, PC ← rhPC ,c*{c1}; UrhPCsave ← PC, TOS ← rhMDS, pRet2, ,c*{c2}; UrhMDSsave ← TOS, RET[SavebbRegsRet], ,c*{c3}; {END}